I installed Neo4j Desktop right now and I try to install APOC, but following message appears when I open the Plugin tab.
The list of installable plugins is not available because the application is offline.
I have done Proxy setting but it haven't worked well.
Is there solution that Neo4j Desktop connect with Internet and let us use APOC?
Thanks in advance.
Someone please tell me how to load my graph into Bloom on Neo4j Desktop. I am tired of looking at some other graph such as a movie graph or a retail graph. I have generated my own graph using Cypher and the browser on a Neo4j Desktop. The desktop allows me to get to the Neo4j Browser. Why is it so difficult to get my graph into Bloom?
I've been using a database for the last 4 months, in browser, desktop and via graphql however the server was rebooted today and now I can't reconnect.
It is v4.3.3
The processes all appear to complete after running sudo service neo4j start :
Ports are open:
Desktop unable to connect via bolt port 7687:
Running the following command returned values showing the correct number of nodes and indexes I have in the database:
neo4j-admin check-consistency --verbose --database=neo4j
Would anyone have any ideas at all? Many thanks!
I've noticed an "oddity" when installing (and updating) Neo4j Community Edition (local installation, Win10). The installer asks for the Admin account to make updates. However, in my case, the admin account is not the same as the daily account and the installation seems to fail. If I log into the admin account and run the installation (making it available to all users) it works just fine with both accounts. However updates still have that issue (e.g., Desktop 1.4.7 update). I should note the "Run as Administrator" doesn't seem to make any difference.
Any ideas?
Hi there,
I'm working on a query that should return a path and also exclude some nodes.
This is the query:
MATCH (excluded:Client)
WHERE excluded.code IN ["TEST01"]
WITH collect(excluded) AS excludedC
MATCH path=(b:BaseHierarchy)-[]->(n:Client:Group)-[:PARENT_OF*]->(c:Client)
WHERE n.code = 'EMIRG'
WITH excludedC, path, b, collect(c) as clients, n, collect(path) as paths
WHERE NONE (c in clients where c in excludedC)
WITH b, nodes(path) as nodes, relationships(path) as relationships
apoc.coll.toSet(apoc.coll.flatten(collect(relationships))) as relationships, apoc.coll.toSet(apoc.coll.flatten(collect(nodes))) as nodes;
Here you can see an example graph:
My query should return only the circled nodes
But it is returning the whole graph because of the variable length operator I think?
I've tried a couple of different things like filtering the nodes list but it will still return the CP1 and I don't want it to be returned because it is under the excluded node (TEST01). Does anyone know how would I go about this? Any help is appreciated
I am trying to run these queries in cypher shell. I want to embed a graph with gds and want to save the results with apoc. I want to combine them to one query, can you help?
CALL gds.alpha.node2vec.stream('graph3', {embeddingDimension: 128});
CALL apoc.export.json.query("Result of the above query","name of the result file.json");
Thanks in advance,