Hi, I'm kinda confuse about setting node properties. I've seen 2 ways of doing that on the internet and i don't know the difference.
LOAD CSV WITH HEADERS FROM 'file:///file.csv' AS row
CREATE (n:Customer {a: row.a, b: row.b, c: row.c})
hi, my name is Wilson and i'm working on a fintech company. Currently I'm researching on wether we need to create a graph database. Is it wise to create a really big graph about some usecases (ex: transaction relation, P2P relation etc)? the nodes wo...
hi @dana.canzano thanks for replying.
are both approach exactly the same for applying property? when i tried the first one (CREATE (n:Customer {a: row.a, b: row.b, c: row.c})) , i cant see b and c while visualizing in Neo4j Browser. meanwhile i could...
hi @alicia.frame1 thanks a lot for your explanation. I've researched and tried Neo4J desktop version and GDS a lot this week and it's really fun! Thanks for the confirmation regarding number of nodes, I will try to create a graph database then.
Many ...