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Discussions about Graph Academy courses. Live classes meet on Discord channel #graphacademy
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Discussions about Graph Academy courses. Live classes meet on Discord channel #graphacademy
CALL apoc.load.xml("file:///xxxx/xx.xml") YIELD value UNWIND value._children AS GraphicElements WITH GraphicElements,GraphicElements._children as EmbeddedSymbols with GraphicElements, EmbeddedSymbols, [x in EmbeddedSymbols where x._type = 'EmbeddedS...
at this toturial: https://graphacademy.neo4j.com/courses/gds-product-introduction/2-graph-management/1-graph-catalog/ `CALL gds.graph.project('my-graph-projection', ['Actor','Movie'], 'ACTED_IN') should be: CALL gds.graph.project('my-graph-projection...
Hi! There is a value(56847, TOTAL DB hits) obtained by adding a 'PROFILE' to the query that came out of the solution and executing it, but even if i enter this value, it is not an answer. Could you confirm answer? https://graphacademy.neo4j.com/c...
When I try to initiate and connect with a new driver and run "npm run test 01" I get test fails. I checkout the git checkout 01-connect-to-neo4j and add my uri, user, password and run npm run test 01 and it passes. So I copied the entire file ...
Hi,So I'm following the instructions for "Importing CSV files with the Neo4j Data Importer" of the course "Importing CSV Data into Neo4j". Although the import is successful and I get the number of nodes and relations correctly, I get an error when cl...
I am in the section using the Neo4j Data Importer (https://graphacademy.neo4j.com/courses/importing-data/2-using-data-importer/2-c-importing-CSV/)and looks like the check database function is not working correctly. Even on an empty database its throw...
On the writing data page, #2 says: "The Cypher statement is already written for you. Call the session.executeRead() method, passing a callback function to represent the unit of work." From the rest of the code & the solution in the repository, I'm pr...
Sandbox did not load for me in Cypher fundamentals in Neo4j academy. There were 5 lessons where I should use the Sandbox but it forever loads and prints: Configuring Sandbox, please wait...
I'm unable to proceed the course when I reached the page of 'Challenge Retrieving Nodes'. It is showing 'Configuring Sandbox, please wait' on the right side panel.
I am stumped here - Trying to do a simple match on Node labels. I copied DIRECTLY from the cypher manual https://neo4j.com/docs/cypher-manual/current/clauses/match/#match-with-labels the code MATCH (n:Movie|Person)RETURN n.name AS name, n.title ...
how to use apoc.periodic.iterate inside foreach in neo4j
Hi Neo4j team, I have completed the Neo4j Certified Professional certification: https://www.classmarker.com/online-test/start/results/?quiz=mx46047d6140f6e5 I have access to it from 'My Achievements', but still I didn't receive the e-mail with the li...
Hi All - I am new to graph academy. I am going through the Cypher fundamentals course. I am unable to start the sandbox. When I click on the Sandbox icon, I get the message "Configuring Sandbox, please wait..." and it does not come back at all. I tri...
The system is not accepting the correct answer - 18.
Hello In the 'Cypher Indexes and Constraints' course, quiz number 2 of 'Identifying What Constraints and Indexes to Create' contains the word 'eata'. Is this 'eata' a typo? Create all constraints and indexes after you load the eata into the graph. ...
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