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Courses & Certifications
GraphAcademy、Neo4j基礎コースへようこそ。 このコースは、Neo4jのエキスパートへの道を開くために設計されています。 このコースでは、Neo4jを支える基本的な原理を学びます。 グラフ理論の歴史を1736年のプロイセンから学び、グラフの種類を説明し、GraphAcademyでの学習を通して、サンプルデータセットに触れていきます。 前提条件 本講座の受講にあたって、プログラミングの経験は必要ありません。 受講時間 1時間 学習内容 グラフ理論の基礎とグラフを構成する要素 グラフの構造 一般的なグラフの使用例 Neo4jグラフデータベースの構成要素 Neo4jがどのようにインデックスフリー隣接性を実装するか。 ムービーグラフのデータモデルとデータ
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コース概要 このコースでは、Neo4jの強力なクエリ言語であるCypherの使い方のエッセンスを、できるだけ短時間で習得することができます。 このコースは、ビデオ、コンテンツ、内容の理解を確認するための質問、そしてハンズオンでの実践とチャレンジで構成されています。 前提条件 本講座の受講には、プログラミングの経験は必要ありません。 受講期間 60分 学習内容 === 学習内容 グラフからデータを読み取る グラフにデータを書き込む
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课程简介 欢迎来到 GraphAcademy 的 《Neo4j 基础知识》课程,本课程旨在帮助你成为 Neo4j 专家。在本课程中,你将了解支撑 Neo4j 的一些基本原则。 我们将带你踏上从 1736 年普鲁士开始的图论简史之旅,讨论你可能在各处看到各种各样的图,并浏览一个示例数据集,我们将在你的整个 GraphAcademy 学习旅程中使用该数据集。 先决条件 无需具备任何编程经验即可参加本课程。 时长 1 小时 你将会学到 基本的图论和图的组成元素 图的结构 常见的图用例 Neo4j 图数据库的组成元素 Neo4j 如何实现免索引邻接 电影图数据的数据模型和具体数据
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Learn how to interact with Neo4j from .NET using the Neo4j .NET Driver. In this course, we walk through the steps to integrate Neo4j into your .NET project. We will follow the steps to create an instance of the Neo4j .NET Driver, learn about sessions and transactions, and use that knowledge to build a REST API with ASP.NET Core that will work with a pre-built Single Page Application (SPA). The course automatically creates a new  recommendations  sandbox within Neo4j Sandbox that you will use throughout the course. Prerequisites By taking this course, we assume that you have a working knowledge of C#, Nuget and the .NET ecosystem. We also assume that you have at least a basic knowledge of Neo4j. If you haven’t already done so, we recommend that you also take the Neo4j Fundamentals course in on order to gain a basic understanding of Neo4j and the Cypher Fundamentals to understand how to query Neo4j using Cypher. What you will learn The lifecycle of the Neo4j Driver and how it relates to your application How to install and instantiate the Neo4j .NET Driver into your .NET project How read and write transactions work with Neo4j Best practices on how to use Neo4j within your .NET project Access the course here 
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Welcome to the Neo4j Fundamentals course. This course has been designed to set you on your way to becoming a Neo4j expert. In this course you will learn about the underlying principles that underpin Neo4j. We will take you on a journey from 1736 Prussia for a brief history of graph theory, discuss the types of graphs you may see in the wild, and walk through an example dataset that we will revisit throughout your journey with GraphAcademy. Prerequisites You need not have any programming experience to take this course. What you will learn Basic graph theory and the elements that make a graph Graph structures Common graph use cases Elements of a Neo4j graph database How Neo4j implements index-free-adjacency The Movie graph’s data model and data Start the course here 
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This course teaches you the essentials of using Cypher, Neo4j’s powerful query language, in as little time as possible. This course contains videos, content, questions to check your understanding of the content, and hands-on practices and challenges. What you will learn Reading data from the graph Writing data to the graph Start the course here   
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This course teaches you everything that you need to know to create performant graph models in Neo4j. What you will learn Here are the modules of this course that will teach you the basics of graph data modeling for Neo4j: What is a graph data model? Modeling nodes and creating nodes for an instance model. Modeling relationships and creating relationships for an instance model. Testing the graph data model. Why refactor a graph data model and how labels help. Eliminating duplicate data in the graph. Using specific relationship types. Adding intermediate nodes.
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This course introduces you to the fundamentals of using the Neo4j Graph Data Science (GDS), including an introduction of how Neo4j GDS works, creating and maintaining graph projections. The course automatically creates a new  movie recommendations  sandbox within Neo4j Sandbox that you will use throughout the course. Prerequisites This course is intended for analysts and data scientists who have basic knowledge of: Data science fundamentals Graph database fundamentals What you will learn Basics for how Neo4j GDS works to enable analytics How to install GDS and the different licensing options Graph projection patterns
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In this course, we cover the high level concepts that a Data Scientist needs to know to conduct analytics with the Neo4j Graph Data Science library (GDS). We cover the range of graph algorithms and machine learning operations available in GDS with examples of how to use them on real data. The course automatically creates a new  movie recommendations  sandbox within Neo4j Sandbox that you will use throughout the course. Prerequisites This course is intended for analysts and data scientists who have basic knowledge of: Data science fundamentals Graph database fundamentals This course provides code examples from the Neo4j Graph Data Science library (GDS). If you haven’t already done so, we recommend you take the Introduction to Neo4j Graph Data Science course to find out how these procedures work. What you will learn Graph algorithm execution patterns Different categories of graph algorithms and common use cases for each How to run graph native machine learning pipelines in GDS
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Build on from the knowledge gained in the Cypher Fundamentals course with more complex patterns and the more advanced features of Cypher. In this course we will take a deeper look into more advanced uses of Cypher for querying. This course uses the Recommendations dataset which contains Person, Movie, Genre, and User nodes. Prerequisites To take this course we recommend that you have taken these beginner courses in GraphAcademy: Neo4j Fundamentals Cypher Fundamentals Graph Data Modeling Fundamentals What you will learn Filtering queries Controlling results returned Working with Cypher data Graph traversal Pipelining queries Subqueries Using parameters
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Learn how to interact with Neo4j from your Go application using the Neo4j Go Driver In this course, we walk through the steps to integrate Neo4j into your Go projects. We will follow the steps to create an instance of the Neo4j Go Driver, learn how to use sessions and transactions, and use that knowledge to replace hardcoded API responses with data from a Neo4j Sandbox instance. The project also serves a pre-built Single Page Application (SPA) that calls the API. As you work through the course, you will replace the hardcoded API responses with data from Neo4j. The course automatically creates a new  recommendations  sandbox within Neo4j Sandbox that you will use throughout the course. What you will learn The lifecycle of the Neo4j Driver and how it relates to your application How to install and instantiate the Neo4j Go Driver to your Go project How read and write transactions work with Neo4j Best practices on how to use Neo4j within your Go project.
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Learn how to interact with Neo4j from Python using the Neo4j Python Driver In this course, we walk through the steps to integrate Neo4j into your Python projects. We will follow the steps to create an instance of the Neo4j Python Driver, learn about sessions and transactions, and use that knowledge to build a REST API with Flask. The project also serves a pre-built Single Page Application (SPA) that calls the API. As you work through the course, you will replace the hardcoded API responses with data from Neo4j. The course automatically creates a new  recommendations  sandbox within Neo4j Sandbox that you will use throughout the course.   What you will learn The lifecycle of the Neo4j Driver and how it relates to your application How to install and instantiate the Neo4j Python Driver to your Python project How read and write transactions work with Neo4j Best practices on how to use Neo4j within your Python project. Take the course here   
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Welcome to this Importing CSV Data into Neo4j course. This course has been designed to complete your learning as a beginner to Neo4j. In this course you will learn how to take CSV data from another source and use it to create a graph. Prerequisites To take this course we recommend that you have taken these beginner courses in GraphAcademy: Neo4j Fundamentals Cypher Fundamentals Graph Data Modeling Fundamentals What you will learn Preparing for importing data Using the Neo4j Data Importer Post-processing for imported data Using Cypher to import data The original content is posted here 
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Learn how to interact with Neo4j from Java using the Neo4j Java Driver. In this course, we walk through the steps to integrate Neo4j into your Java project. We will follow the steps to create an instance of the Neo4j Java Driver, learn about sessions and transactions, and use that knowledge to build a REST API with SparkJava that will work with a pre-built Single Page Application (SPA). The course automatically creates a new  recommendations  sandbox within Neo4j Sandbox that you will use throughout the course. What you will learn The lifecycle of the Neo4j Driver and how it relates to your application How to install and instantiate the Neo4j Java Driver into your Java project How read and write transactions work with Neo4j Best practices on how to use Neo4j within your Java project Start the course 
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Learn how to interact with Neo4j from Node.js using the Neo4j JavaScript Driver. In this course, we walk through the steps to integrate Neo4j into your Node.js projects. We will follow the steps to create an instance of the Neo4j JavaScript Driver, learn how to use sessions and transactions, and use that knowledge to replace hardcoded API responses with data from a Neo4j Sandbox instance. The project also serves a pre-built Single Page Application (SPA) that calls the API. As you work through the course, you will replace the hardcoded API responses with data from Neo4j. The course automatically creates a new  recommendations  sandbox within Neo4j Sandbox that you will use throughout the course. What you will learn The lifecycle of the Neo4j Driver and how it relates to your application How to install and instantiate the Neo4j JavaScript Driver to your Node.js project How read and write transactions work with Neo4j Best practices on how to use Neo4j within your Node.js project. Take the course 
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  The Neo4j Graph Data Science Library enables data scientists to execute graph algorithms that operate on the nodes and relationships in a graph.   Now is the perfect time to show your employer, customers and colleagues that you are an expert in the Neo4j Graph Data Science Library. Take the Neo4j Graph Data Science Certification exam right now, and you’ll be done in 60 minutes or less. Frequently Asked Questions How much does it cost to take the exam? No cost – it’s completely free! What areas are tested in the exam? The Neo4j Graph Data Science Certification exam tests you in the following areas: General use of the Neo4j Graph Data Science Library. Graph Data Science workflow used during analysis. Using specific graph algorithms. How long is the exam? The exam includes 40 questions in 60 minutes. What score do I need in order to pass? You must score 80% or above in order to be certified. Can I retake the exam? Yes, if you fail to achieve an 80% score, you can retake the certification exam later after learning a bit more about the Graph Data Science Library. Note that you can retake the exam after a 24-hour period. Will I get a certificate document? Yes, you will receive an email with a link to your certificate to print or save that indicates your achievement. Where can I learn the required skills? Any of the following are great resources for learning the skills you need for the Neo4j Graph Data Science Certification: These free online training courses teach you how to use Cypher and Neo4j: Neo4j Fundamentals Cypher Fundamentals Intermediate Cypher Queries These free online training courses teach you how to use the algorithms and workflow of the Neo4j Graph Data Science Library: Introduction to Neo4j Graph Data Science Neo4j Graph Data Science Fundamentals Here are other resources you can use to prepare for the certification exam: Neo4j Graph Data Science Library Documentation Neo4j Graph Data Science Developer Pages The Neo4j Cypher Manual Are there other types of free Neo4j certifications available? Neo4j Certified Professional Exam tests you on Neo4j 4.x features, Cypher, and graph data modeling. If you have questions around the Neo4j Certification Program, please send us an email to The original content of this article is posted here
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The demand for professionals with Neo4j skills is growing tremendously. Now, you can become one of the first to prove your experience. Tomorrow’s jobs require NoSQL and graph database skills – so invest now to advance your career. Get Your Certification Now is the perfect time to show your employer, customers, and colleagues that you are a Neo4j expert. With the Neo4j Certified Professional exam, you certify your existing experience and skills. Take the Neo4j Certified Professional exam right now, and you’ll be done in less than an hour. Access to Advanced, Hands-on Training When you pass, you will also receive access to up to eight advanced Neo4j training sessions (virtual and recorded), available only to Neo4j Certified Professionals. Frequently Asked Questions How much does it cost to take the exam? No cost – it’s completely free! What areas are tested in the exam? The Neo4j Certified Professional exam tests you in using Neo4j 4.x in the following areas: Neo4j property graph model Neo4j components used for development Cypher queries Creating nodes and relationships Importing data How long is the exam? The exam includes 80 questions in 60 minutes. What score do I need in order to pass? You must score 80% or above in order to be certified. Can I retake the exam? Yes, if you fail to achieve an 80% score, you can retake the certification exam later after learning a bit more about Neo4j. Note that you can retake the exam after a 24-hour period. Will I get a certificate document? Yes, you will receive an email with a link to your certificate to print or save that indicates your achievement. Where can I learn the required skills? You can take these free online training courses: Overview of Neo4j 4.x Querying with Cypher in Neo4j 4.x Creating Nodes and Relationships in Neo4j 4.x Using Indexes and Query Best Practices in Neo4j 4.x Importing Data with Neo4j 4.x Graph Data Modeling for Neo4j Here are other resources to learn more: Neo4j Documentation Neo4j developer pages Free Neo4j e-books: Graph Databases and Learning Neo4j Classroom training sessions The Neo4j Cypher Manual Neo4j Webinars Are there other types of free Neo4j certifications available? Neo4j 4.x Certified Exam tests you on Neo4j 4.x features exclusively and focuses on Neo4j in production (RBAC and Fabric). Neo4j Graph Data Science Certification Exam tests you using the graph algorithms of the Neo4j Graph Data Science Library. If you have questions around the Neo4j Certification Program or the exam, please send us an email to This original content is posted here: 
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