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Forum Posts

Crash when apoc.import.file.enabled=true in Neo4j 5.x

Does anyone encounter crashes in Neo4j 5.x (1, 2, 3, 4) while defining at the configuration file the apoc.import.file.enabled=true? (Neo4j Desktop - APOC plugin installed successfully) Of course in Neo4j 4.x everything works properly. It's also worth...

damisg7 by Node Clone
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Neo4j Driver for .NET Releases

A new version of the Neo4j Driver for .NET, version 1.7.0-beta02, is now available. Neo4j.Driver.Signed 1.7.0-beta02 The official .NET driver for the Neo4j Graph Database over the Bolt protocol. ...

Neo4j Driver for Java Releases

A new version of the Neo4j Driver for Java is now available on Maven and Github:  Maven Repo ; Neo4j Java Driver (shaded package); GitHub Neo4j Java Driver releases. 

Neo4j Driver For Go Releases

This is the release announcement topic for our brand new official go driver. You can find full instructions (in addition to go get on how to use the official go driver at

Neo4j Driver for Python Release

A new version of the Neo4j Driver for Python is now available! Learn more about Neo4j Bolt driver for Python. and find the change logs here 

Neo4j Driver for JavaScript Releases

We are releasing new versions of the Neo4j Driver for JavaScript on an ongoing basis. You can find links for all these releases below. Head to the documentation page for any information related to the Neo4j Driver for JavaScript.

Resolved! Neo4j Version 5 Slower with Data Import

Hello, I'm writing this post to see if people out there have similar thoughts or comments. It seems like the processing time has increased in importing data in Neo4j version 5.3.x. With Neo4j version 4.4.x, it only a couple of minutes in creating gra...

carib by Graph Buddy
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Liquibase for Neo4j Releases

The Liquibase Neo4j plugin allows you to track, version, and execute database changes against Neo4j. You just need to drop the plugin package to your existing Liquibase installation and you're ready to rumble! Liquibase Neo4j versions 4.9.0 and 4.9.0...

Plan to including the Graph Attention Network algorithm in Neo4J GDS.

Hi...  Neo4J Graph Data Science v2.3 seems to introduce the Hash GNN. When does Neo4j will introduce the GAT (Graph Attention Algorithm ) in Neo4J Graph Data Science? Do you have a plan or not, if so why don't you develop the GAT? Thanks. 

MiYoung by Node Link
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Plan to including the Graph Attention Network algorithm in Neo4J GDS.

Hi...  Neo4J Graph Data Science v2.3 seems to introduce the Hash GNN. When does Neo4j will introduce the GAT (Graph Attention Algorithm ) in Neo4J Graph Data Science? Do you have a plan or not, if so why don't you develop the GAT? Thanks. 

MiYoung by Node Link
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AWS Marketplace - Neo4j Enterprise Edition - 5.3 Release ?

Hello, Just a quick question regarding Neo4j Enterprise Edition on the AWS Marketplace. I can see v5.1.1 is on the AWS Marketplace However, I see the latest Neo4j is v5.3 release https://ne...

heiba by Node
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Nodes 2022
NODES 2022, Neo4j Online Education Summit

All the sessions of the conference are now available online