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04-26-2021 09:52 PM
Hi, I'm kinda confuse about setting node properties. I've seen 2 ways of doing that on the internet and i don't know the difference.
LOAD CSV WITH HEADERS FROM 'file:///file.csv' AS row
CREATE (n:Customer {a: row.a, b: row.b, c: row.c})
LOAD CSV WITH HEADERS FROM 'file:///file.csv' AS row
CREATE (n:Customer {a: row.a})
ON CREATE SET n.b = row.b , n.c = row.c
what I need is a node with 3 properties a, b, and c. Thanks
04-27-2021 05:10 AM
either approach you list is valid.
Is there a specific concern?
04-27-2021 08:33 PM
hi @dana.canzano thanks for replying.
are both approach exactly the same for applying property? when i tried the first one (CREATE (n:Customer {a: row.a, b: row.b, c: row.c})) , i cant see b and c while visualizing in Neo4j Browser. meanwhile i could when using the latter approach
04-28-2021 03:55 AM
if you run
LOAD CSV WITH HEADERS FROM 'file:///file.csv' AS row
CREATE (n:Customer1 {a: row.a, b: row.b, c: row.c});
LOAD CSV WITH HEADERS FROM 'file:///file.csv' AS row
CREATE (n:Customer2 {a: row.a})
ON CREATE SET n.b = row.b , n.c = row.c
which is the same as you previously provided other than I'm changing the labels for the node from :Customer to :Customer1 for the 1s LOAD CSV and :Customer to :Customer2 for the 2nd LOAD CSV
and then if you run
match (n:Customer1) return n.a, n.b, n.c;
match (n:Customer2) return n.a, n.b, n.c;
do you get the same results/output
04-28-2021 06:23 AM
and if your issue is that in the browser the value displayed in the node circle in graph view is a value that is not what you want then see Browser operations - Neo4j Browser which allows you to define the caption dispalyed within the node itself
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