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on 08-03-2021 06:33 AM
Hi there,
I'm working on a query that should return a path and also exclude some nodes.
This is the query:
MATCH (excluded:Client)
WHERE excluded.code IN ["TEST01"]
WITH collect(excluded) AS excludedC
MATCH path=(b:BaseHierarchy)-[]->(n:Client:Group)-[:PARENT_OF*]->(c:Client)
WHERE n.code = 'EMIRG'
WITH excludedC, path, b, collect(c) as clients, n, collect(path) as paths
WHERE NONE (c in clients where c in excludedC)
WITH b, nodes(path) as nodes, relationships(path) as relationships
apoc.coll.toSet(apoc.coll.flatten(collect(relationships))) as relationships, apoc.coll.toSet(apoc.coll.flatten(collect(nodes))) as nodes;
Here you can see an example graph:
My query should return only the circled nodes
But it is returning the whole graph because of the variable length operator I think?
I've tried a couple of different things like filtering the nodes list but it will still return the CP1 and I don't want it to be returned because it is under the excluded node (TEST01). Does anyone know how would I go about this? Any help is appreciated
Hi mrksph,
pattern-matching works on the idee "what is on the left side can't be on the right side".
MATCH (excl:Client) <-[:PARENT_OF]-(n:Client:Group), path=(b:BaseHierarchy)-[]->(n)-[:PARENT_OF*]->(incl:Client)
WHERE excl.code IN ["TEST01"] and n.code = 'EMIRG'
WITH b, nodes(path) as nodes, relationships(path) as relationships
apoc.coll.toSet(apoc.coll.flatten(collect(relationships))) as relationships,
apoc.coll.toSet(apoc.coll.flatten(collect(nodes))) as nodes;
Defining the "excl" and "incl" in the same matching and "excl" as not being a part of "incl" should insure that you have only the expected "incl".
However the 'path' may disturb this approch. I don't experience on this. Take a chance.
Thank you, @Benoit_d works like a charm!