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Graph Fellow
since ‎09-06-2019

User Statistics

  • 189 Posts
  • 4 Solutions
  • 3 Kudos given
  • 33 Kudos received

User Activity

Hi, I would like to create a scene action that takes the highlighted nodes and finds first order neighbors and dismisses the original nodes and the neighbors. The first part of the scene action is straight forward in getting the nodes of interest, wh...
Hi, I am interesting in importing this ontology as well as some of the domain specific ontologies. I am a bit lost in how to use Neosemeantics to handle the import. Is there some guidance available/assistance for the...
Hi, I have a database that I am now having trouble connecting to.  Within Desktop Browser after starting it does not connect and I need to use the connect server button. Doing so connects but I notice it no longer uses the standard port 7687 but rath...
Installed the latest python version and upgraded graphdatascience to version 1.4. I can no longer make a connection to the database as previously down. from graphdatascience import GraphDataScience gds = GraphDataScience("bolt://localhost:7687", auth...
Hi,Running this query:   Match (n:company)<-[:Assigned_to]-(a:patent)-[r:Cites]->(d:patent)-[:Assigned_to]->(n) where exists {(a)-[:Cites*2..4]->(d)} set r.inherited =true  Which is known to be heavy.  After several hours of running, I got this error...