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Node Clone
since ‎08-28-2018

User Statistics

  • 16 Posts
  • 0 Solutions
  • 8 Kudos given
  • 3 Kudos received

User Activity

I am matching a variable length pattern and would like to find the node that is closest in that pattern, so I add a LIMIT 1. If Neo4J searches BFS then I am guaranteed to get the closest result, but I cannot find this in the documentation.The query f...
Does it matter if you put your WHERE predicates next to your MATCH clauses? The other day a colleague asked me if this is a reasonable Cypher query MATCH(p:Person {id:$person_id}) MATCH(doc:Document) MATCH(p)-[:READ]->(doc) WHERE IN $resource_...
Our database has a string store of 44G and a property store of 14G. We are now trying to reduce the size of the database by removing some unused, text heavy properties, but given this description of how Neo4j treats deleting nodes I have a hard time...
Say you want to search for something like "safety program" but also want to account for "safety programmes" and stemming isn't an option as the indexed documents are in many different languages. The way to do this in Lucene would be with a SpanNearQu...
Under Members -> Query Performance there are two columns called Compile (avg) and Execute (avg). What are the units for these two? I am assuming ms, but without a specified unit it is hard to tell.