We are trying to reach out to developers who might be interested in responding to an upcoming CTPP UI/API Request for Proposal.
Here is more information about this project:
The project will have three parts: database backend, API/Web Service and front-end Web Application. We are open to different vendors for different part and open to any approach which makes sense. If we are using different vendors, the database backend vendor would need to support the vendor for the API/Web Service development.
The project aims to overhaul the existing data access solution to the CTPP data products. AASHTO is the sponsor of the project and Manhan Group, LLC is the project manager. Colby and Derek cced in this email are the Principal and COO of Manhan Group.
The existing data access application is linked here: http://data5.ctpp.transportation.org. The backend database is currently stored in MS SQL server. We might be able to share the existing data schema with permission from the sponsor and the current vendor: Beyond 20/20 later. The existing data is also available for download in batch through a ftp site: ftp://data5.ctpp.transportation.org/ .
The new database would store both the existing CTPP data sets and the upcoming ones. Since some of CTPP users still want the online web map applications, it might be a good idea to store the census geography corresponding to CTPP geography summary level in the database as well. In addition, the design of the database might need to facilitate the longitudinal comparison between different CTPP datasets. AASHTO will provide equivalent tables which identify comparable variables across different data sets. Finally, the database might need to store information related to the utilization of tables or user information once the API and data portal are developed.
As to the API, we would prefer the vendor to use the current technology: REST and GraphQL. But we are open to other API technology as well if the vendor can convince us. Besides allowing users to query and filter the data, the API would also allow users to access feature service layer information.
The front-end web application will provide a data portal for non-technical users to query, filter and view the data.
Right now, we are at the stage of outreaching to potential vendors. Once we have finalized the RFP, we will send you an official invitation to response to the RFP. In the meantime, feel free to contact us for any additional information, questions or share your ideas about this project.
Ya (ya@manhangroup.com)
Hi all,
I am trying to create a custom function for converting a Linestring to a list of [longitude, latitude] coordinates, but I am having trouble with the type definition for the input and output parameters (input and result). What am I doing wrong?
This is my function definition:
// Convert linestring custom function
CALL apoc.custom.asFunction(
'WITH apoc.text.regexGroups($input, "[-+]?\d+(?:,\d+)?(?:\.\d+)?") AS linestring
RETURN [x IN range(0,size(linestring)-1) WHERE x % 2 = 0 | [toFloat(linestring[x][0]), toFloat(linestring[x+1][0])]] AS result',
When I run this, I get the following error:
Wrong argument type: Can't coerce `List{List{String("input"), String("STRING")}}` to Boolean
The Cypher statement in the function definition works fine, e.g. with the following input:
"LINESTRING (35.1110624 31.6963094, 35.1111111 31.696312, 35.1111562 31.6963293, 35.1111823 31.6963494, 35.1112027 31.6963768, 35.1112147 31.6964182)"
I just need to get the description of the input/output parameters right.
Thanks in advance!
Hello there
This statement doesn't work, but according to everything in Neo4j doc, it should.
RETURN apoc.date.parse('2020-11-14T18:22:06.327Z','s','yyyy-MM-ddThh:mm:ss.SSSZ')
yyyy-MM-ddThh:mm:ss.SSSZ Is a standard format
This is my MSR industry Knowledge Map. It's getting a bit crowded. It would help if I could export a higher resolution image than 1920x1080. This is from a screen capture with Desktop Browser running (after a LOT of dragging nodes around.) Does Browser export image files?
Any Bloom tutorials that show how to display all the nodes and relationships and output an image. Having a tough time finding a Bloom tutorial on this.
Hello there
The file's function "Move to other project" doesn't work at all, it delete the entry that's it.
The file isn't moved.
Here is my computer description attached
sysInfo.txt (4.9 KB)
I am using the latest version of grand stack API (with new neo4j-graphql library) as backend only. Front end is next js using firebase auth.
The goal is to use neo4j as the database, firebase for user management/authentication.
I’m hitting a roadblock figuring out how to pass parameters from custom logic into the cypher code on a mutation resolver.
Ultimately what I want to do is have a user node that corresponds to the jwt parameters from firebase.
Right now the firebase jwt is passed into the context. The resolver grabs it from context and uses jsonwebtoken to verify it. Here is where I’m stuck. Once verified I can’t figure out how to pass the parameters to cypher.
What is the proper way/syntax to pass variables into cypher that are generated inside the mutation?
And is this the best way to do it or should I instead take care of verifying the jwt inside Apollo