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Hi All, I'm not an expert with Neo4j or any other graph DB, I'm a cloud architect working on a POC project on AWS and facing some issues. We are facing an issue in the neo4j application, the neo4j docker container was working well without any problem, I restarted the neo4j docker container and then we stuck in the following problem: When I try to login into the application from the browser using this: neo4j://, the website is not able to connect, instead, it redirects to bolt:// and connects successfully, but can't reach the database!! The website throws this error : Database 'neo4j' is unavailable. Run :sysinfo for more info. The command I used to start the container is : sudo docker run --name application -p 3001:7474 -p 3002:7687 -d -v /home/ubuntu/neo4j-application:/data -v /home/ubuntu/application/logs:/logs -v /home/ubuntu/application/import:/var/lib/neo4j/import -v /home/ubuntu/application/plugins:/plugins --env NEO4J_AUTH=neo4j/'password' --env NEO4JLABS_PLUGINS='["graph-data-science"]' neo4j:4.3.0 Please any advice to solve the problem?
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Hi, I'm trying to produce my first project in Neo4j and i've some questions with the start. I have the this CSV structure. Country A, Country B, Year, Sold Cars. So i've the relationship cars sold between the countries in the year; The country A sell cars to B and B to A. There is more than one sales record from country A to country B in year X. In your opinion, how is the best way to produce this graph and find the most prominent countries?
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Welcome! We're glad that you'd like to join in the Neo4j community discussions. First, you'll have to create an account. Here are the steps: Click the "Login in" button in the top bar Switch to the "Sign Up" tab on the wizard that pops up Use a social sign in option, or create an account using email. If you've elected to use social sign-in, you should be ready to go! If you've created an account using email, look for an account verification email from . Click the provided link to verify your account. Now that you're logged in, look for the "New Topic" button on the homepage. Cheers from all of us here!
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I need to make a top 5 of canceled contracts in a query, but I also need to bring the rest, because I need to plot the top 5 most canceled contracts and I need to know the rest in a single return. The top 5 i managed to do, I just can't take advantage of the same query to bring the rest. MATCH(dca:DashboardCancelamentoAno)<-[:NIVEL_HIERARQUIA_CANCELADOS_ANO]-(dcm:DashboardCancelamentoMes) MATCH(dcm)<-[:NIVEL_HIERARQUIA_CANCELADOS_MES]-(dbcd:DashboardCancelamentoDia) MATCH(dbcd)<-[:NIVEL_HIERARQUIA_CANCELADOS_DIA]-(dce:DashboardCancelamentoExecucao) WHERE dca.ano = 2021 AND dcm.mes = 8 AND dce.fornecedor IN ["BRADESCO","SulAmérica Saúde","CNU","AMIL","UNIMED-RIO"] return dce.fornecedor as Fornecedor, count(dce) as forc order by forc desc
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I'm stuck writing a Cypher query that would allow me to find all nodes which their code are NOT included in a given list. I've tried searching for pattern negation, node negation, exclude in path with no success. Let's assume I have a list of codes (even though this list one has 1 element): ["1V2ZG"] I'd like to build a Cypher query that would return every child of ARNOG node which is NOT in the above list. This is the starting graph: The graph response I want: I'd like the query to return only the "ARNOG" node if the code list contains BOTH of its children ("Y6JPG", "1V2ZG") OR return No results The query I'm using is returning all nodes which is not what I want: MATCH (excl:Client)<-[:PARENT_OF*]-(n:Client:Group), path=(b:BaseHierarchy)-[:INCLUDES]->(n)-[:PARENT_OF*]->(inc:Client) WHERE excl.code IN ['1V2ZG'] AND n.code = 'ARNOG' WITH b, nodes(path) as nodes, relationships(path) as relationships RETURN b, apoc.coll.toSet(apoc.coll.flatten(collect(relationships))) as relationships, apoc.coll.toSet(apoc.coll.flatten(collect(nodes))) as nodes;
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Hi All, We have installed the neo4j community version 4.2.3. Currently, We are facing security issue where when we are send a GET request on / context. we are getting the internal connection detail. [root@localhost package]# curl -XGET https://localhost:31474/ { "bolt_routing" : "neo4j://localhost:7687", "transaction" : "https://localhost:31474/db/{databaseName}/tx", "bolt_direct" : "bolt://localhost:7687", "neo4j_version" : "4.2.3", "neo4j_edition" : "community" }[root@localhost package]# is there any way to solve this issue we tried the it is working for all the context (e.g. /db etc) but not working for / context. After enabling the properties still without passing usrename and password we are able to get the response on / context Thanks Amritpal Singh
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