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06-19-2020 04:28 PM
Hi All,
Sincere apologies if this doesn't make sense
I created the below trigger
CALL apoc.trigger.add('increase_followings_and_followers',
'UNWIND $createdRelationships AS rel
WITH rel, STARTNODE(rel) as follower, ENDNODE(rel) AS followed WITH rel, follower, followed
SET follower.followings = 1, followed.followers= 2',
and this is the basic query I am writing
match(p:Post{id:1}) create(c:Comment{id:354}) merge(c)-[:HAS_E]->(p)
I have two scenarios
CASE 1: The Phase in trigger = ' after'
I see new :comment node getting created and attached to :Post node but the query doesn't stop. it keeps on looping
CASE 2: Phase in trigger = ' before '
I don't see new :Comment node not relationship to :Post but query doesn't stop. it keeps on looping
I am running version 4.0.6 and apoc
Can someone please let me know what I am missing here.
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