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Beta Opportunity for Neo4j Workspace

Introducing Neo4j Workspace We’re inviting you to check out Neo4j Workspace. Workspace combines our most powerful graph tools (Data Importer, Bloom, and Browser) all in one place to help you get up and running with graph databases faster. For experie...

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TrevorS by Community Team
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About the Neo4j Graph Platform Category

The Neo4j Graph Platform includes the core database and all the technologies surrounding the database, making it useful and accessible for a lot of different users. When asking a question, please select a descriptive label that best matches your quer...

yolande by Community Team
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Allow partial path results to return

Hi, Say I have : MATCH p = (:Organization)-[*0..1]->(:Group)-[*0..1]->(:User) RETURN p I would like to show all paths of the form Organization->Group->User, but if some suffix of the path is missing, for example Organization->Group or only Organizat...

roymaor1 by Node Link
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Nodes with lots of data

Hello, this is a best-practice / performance question: I have a lot of nodes, where each node has a large amount of data in it. An architecture solution I thought about is keeping the nodes "thin". I'll explain, each node will hold the minimum needed...


Hi, I am using neo4j-community-4.0.4 with apoc- plugin. When I am trying to register a custom procedure CALL apoc.custom.asProcedure('answer','RETURN 42 as answer') the system is throwing following error: Failed to invoke procedure apoc.c...

Nginx or Apache?

I am in doubt on whether to install a LAMP (Apache) or LEMP (Nginx) stack on my Virtual Private Server. It is my goal to have Bloom as a web application available to users that visit my (Wordpress) website. Any advice on this?

shanna by Node Clone
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When to share/reuse nodes and when not?

Hi, To be specific let's talk about the following simple example. We want to use Neo4j to model a survey system. Each survey consists of a set of questions and each question has only 2 answers i.e.: Yes and No. My idea is to model each question and e...

Probably a simple MATCH statement

Learning CYPHER, so this is probably a beginner level question... My Person node can have an arc to an A node, which has a name. It can also have an arc to a B node, which likewise has a name. How do I find Persons who have at least one A arc and at ...

jeg by Node
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Using neo4j graph visualize

I want to create a simple website to visualize my data. I'm interested in graph from neo4j but don't know how to embedded it to my website. How I can do it? Thank you.

anh_dt by Node
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Connect to remote Neo4j

I just installed a latest version of Neo4j community version through apt and neo4j repository on ubuntu server : deb stable 4.1 My neo4j version is neo4j 4.1.2 There is a problem, when I'm changing configuration to the blow f...

maziar by Node Link
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Local Clustering Coefficient with Neo4j

Below is the example in Neo4j algorithm book. What are other choices for the relationship orientation? What does undirected mean? My relationships are directed. I changed the orientation to directed but it says it is not an option. Thanks in advance....

Cypher query to measure connectedness across labels

In order to set some team targets I want a simple metric (comprehensible to stakeholders unfamiliar with graph tech) that measures the connectedness of my graph. My first sweep has the following query MATCH (a) WITH count(a) AS allrecords MATCH (b) W...