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Beta Opportunity for Neo4j Workspace

Introducing Neo4j Workspace We’re inviting you to check out Neo4j Workspace. Workspace combines our most powerful graph tools (Data Importer, Bloom, and Browser) all in one place to help you get up and running with graph databases faster. For experie...

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TrevorS by Community Team
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About the Neo4j Graph Platform Category

The Neo4j Graph Platform includes the core database and all the technologies surrounding the database, making it useful and accessible for a lot of different users. When asking a question, please select a descriptive label that best matches your quer...

yolande by Community Team
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Resolved! Can't import csv to neo4j

Hi, I run query to save relationship but it shows (no changes, no records). the location_id and weather_id are both not null. Location and Weather nodes are fine. What did i do wrong here? Thank you for your help!          

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maidh by Node
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Position of node

Hi there, lets assume that there is a tree structure   create (n1:Item {MId:"1000",expanded:true}) create (n11:Item {MId:"1100",expanded:false}) create (n12:Item {MId:"1200",expanded:true}) create (n111:Item {MId:"1110",expanded:false}) create (n112:...

APOC call custom function in another function

Is it possible to call a custom function in another custom function? This is an example of what i whould like to implement but i am getting errors .     CALL apoc.custom.declareFunction( 'AQI(pollutant::STRING, value::NUMBER) :: STRING', ' RE...

dlyberis by Node Link
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Resolved! cypher lookup tables????

i am trying to build an iot project using neo4j just for training. I have a few iot devices that measure the concentration of air pollution gases and store these values on neo4j. I have build a cypher query and i received the following results as i w...

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dlyberis by Node Link
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MERGE to create new Relation from csv

I have two CSV files. 1. all_entities.csv: The list of all node entities and their attributes, e.g., name, type 2. relations.csv: Three columns that have EntityA, relation, EntityB   I created nodes using     LOAD CSV WITH HEADERS from "file:///all_...

wumirose by Node Clone
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Resolved! Importing nested XML Elements

Hi, the example works fine. But how to impoert nested XML Elements, e.g. if the

Michel by Node Clone
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Resolved! Custom node classification model

Hi, We're new to Neo4j and currently looking at using it for classifying nodes. Out of the box I see there are a few models as part of the GDS library (namely Logistic Regression and Random Forest) and we were wondering if there's any way to build ou...

dragos by Node
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Node Classification using gdsl

I am currently looking into using gdsl for a node classification task in which context i have three questions. 1. Is it possible to use relationships instead of properties to train a model ? 2. Is it only possible to use numbers to train a model or c...

chris23 by Node Clone
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Neo4j With NLP

Hi Connections , how to bring these below text raw data with meaningful insights by using NLP with neo4j and build mean Hi team, I am unable to connect to unix server via putty.Banco AztecaHost Name: ecIssues-AWS00-Issues4-Issues0AWS-AWSAWS4.compute-...