I have the following cypher query which works as expected when run from neo4j browser. Some of the data are returned as null when run from graphql query. Cypher query includes custom apoc functions, which are not shown in the code below.
profile c...
I have built the following query that calculates the european air quality index for some entities. The calculation process take a long time to return the results. Is there any way to speed up the calculation, apoc parallel could do this? Any suggesti...
I am trying to calulate distances between each node.
call n10s.inference.nodesLabelled('Entity', {catNameProp: "label", catLabel: "Resource", subCatRel: "SCO" }) YIELD node
WITH node,point({latitude: avg(...
Is it possible to call a custom function in another custom function? This is an example of what i whould like to implement but i am getting errors .
CALL apoc.custom.declareFunction(
'AQI(pollutant::STRING, value::NUMBER) :: STRING',
i am trying to build an iot project using neo4j just for training. I have a few iot devices that measure the concentration of air pollution gases and store these values on neo4j. I have build a cypher query and i received the following results as i w...
I made an improvement at line 8. I replaced the filtering by label with id. it is much faster than the previous one but it is not enough yet. It takes almost 16 seconds to return the results. I have placed as attachment the profile results. Is there ...
with your code i can realize how cypher can handle data manipulation and aggregation, it is really helpfull. I prefer each name to have only the first 3 elements with the shortest distance.
i tried this one is it a proper way?
Thank you very much for your answer it worked after using the distance function on line 7 as you can see at the following cypher code.
call n10s.inference.nodesLabelled('Entity', {catNameProp: "label", catLabel: "Resource", subCatRel: "SCO" }) YIELD ...
After a lot of searching and experimenting i found that the problem that caused this was the installed version of APOC. I installed the latest one and everything works. Thank you again glilienfield for your help.
Thank you very much glilienfield for your response.
I have tried the custom.airQualityStatus with diffirent numbers and i am getting errors as you can see on the attachment.
But if i placed one or more zeros (0) infront of the value the results a...