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Beta Opportunity for Neo4j Workspace

Introducing Neo4j Workspace We’re inviting you to check out Neo4j Workspace. Workspace combines our most powerful graph tools (Data Importer, Bloom, and Browser) all in one place to help you get up and running with graph databases faster. For experie...

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TrevorS by Community Team
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About the Neo4j Graph Platform Category

The Neo4j Graph Platform includes the core database and all the technologies surrounding the database, making it useful and accessible for a lot of different users. When asking a question, please select a descriptive label that best matches your quer...

yolande by Community Team
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SSL in Casual Cluster

Hi There Have set up stand alone server with self signed certificate while it works perfectly i'm able to access in Port 7473. While i followed the same steps for casual cluster of 3 nodes , i'm able to start the 3 nodes while they are failing to Ele...

fme_mrc by Node Clone
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Query challenge

Consider the following nodes with relationship [top_of]: (n1)-[top_of]->(n2)-[top_of]->(n3) (n4)-[top_of]->(n2)-[top_of]->(n5) input will be a list of nodes like [n1,n3,n5]. In output, a node x from list will be removed if there is a path from anoth...

Issue with undefined nodes

Hi, I have imported a csv file into a neo4j database. I am now using bloom to visualise the graph but im not able to expand nodes due to "Undefined node". I have included the cypher I used to import the data below as well as a screenshot of the Grap...

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skirwan by Node Link
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Resolved! Query not returning any results

Hi, I have :Person, :Question, and :Answer nodes. A person can either answer a question or skip it. If they answer the question, I'm adding a relationship (:ANSWERED) between the :Person node and the :Answer node. If they decide to skip it, I'm addin...

Resolved! Neo4j - WHERE negation on path not working

MATCH (n:Owner),(v:Vehicles) WHERE NOT (n)-[:OWNS]->(v) RETURN DISTINCT, ORDER BY and MATCH (n:Owner),(v:Vehicles) WHERE (n)-[:OWNS]->(v) RETURN DISTINCT, ORDER BY is giving me the same result...What a...

Resolved! What is neo4j users used for?

Sorry for this stupid question. But I couldn't get it exactly when we need it to use. I see that we can have users through But I don't see anywhere about login, logout process for this. When I start the graph (using graph db user and p...

ri8ika by Graph Voyager
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Neo4j SSL certificate auto renew

Hello guys, I have a working neo4j database running on AWS EC2, followed this link, SSL works perfectly except the fact that when certbot automatically renew the certificate Neo4j still use the old certificate. So in order to solve this issue, I have...

kutomer by Node Link
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Case Statement For Null relationship

I'm trying to perform an operation that will check to see if a relationship exists on a node and if not create one. If a relationship does exist, I want to delete the relationship and then create a new one. What I have so far is: Match (w:Well {id: "...

Getting to a certain label

So I have an identification of node, let say a user id. From this user id, I want to get the subgraph of he is connected to other entities such as other users, or other institution such as bank or company. Let say I want to take the eight-degree sepa...