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Beta Opportunity for Neo4j Workspace

Introducing Neo4j Workspace We’re inviting you to check out Neo4j Workspace. Workspace combines our most powerful graph tools (Data Importer, Bloom, and Browser) all in one place to help you get up and running with graph databases faster. For experie...

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TrevorS by Community Team
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About the Neo4j Graph Platform Category

The Neo4j Graph Platform includes the core database and all the technologies surrounding the database, making it useful and accessible for a lot of different users. When asking a question, please select a descriptive label that best matches your quer...

yolande by Community Team
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The error of the Connected Components algorithm

I have some problems when using the Connected Components algorithm: Enter the example in the official website -> cypherCALL'User', 'FRIEND', {}) YIELD nodeId, setId RETURN algo.asNode(nodeId).id AS user, setId.Display ERROR:Neo...

Problem with transforming JSON in Graph DB

Hello everyone, I am currently working on a graph-db project and have a problem. I can't build a graph in neo4j from a "Meetup"-JSON. I try the following command: WITH "

Need Help with returning the right nodes

Hi! Here is a very basic 4 node representation: create (origin:Drug {id:'A'})-[:CONTAINS]->(cmp475:Compound {id: '475'})<-[:CONTAINS {weight: 2}]-(candidate:Drug {id: 'B'}), (candidate2:Drug {id: 'C'})-[:CONTAINS {weight: 2}]->(cmp475), (candidat...

CSV Import

I am planning to load train schedule and stations into Neo4j from CSV. Source Data TrainNo TrainName SEQ StationCode Arrival Departure Distance 1 TN_1 1 S1 8 9 0 1 TN_1 2 S2 ...

Resolved! Using conditional value on create statement

How to use conditional value something like? CREATE (n: Nodename { myprop: somevalue IS NULL THEN 'abc' ELSE somevalue }) The preceding code throws me an error: Invalid input 'T': expected whitespace, comment, "=~", IN, STARTS, ENDS, CONTAINS, IS...

ri8ika by Graph Voyager
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POST URL, username, and password to Browser

I am looking to be able to POST the URL, username and password to the Browser to get it to seamlessly authenticate. I should add that what I'm looking to achieve is to pass a JWT in the password which will be validated by a custom auth provider. Howe...

HA configuration

What is the use of HA configuration if its deprecated . How does is differ from casual cluster configuration. Thanks in advance.

fme_mrc by Node Clone
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Using case statement

Let's say we have Post node on which test property exists with the value match. So, // when searching for 'match' MATCH(n:Post) WHERE n.test = 'match' RETURN n.test AS Match Result: Match ----------------------------- 'match' 'match' 'match' // whe...

ri8ika by Graph Voyager
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Resolved! Guide on data modeling

I'm little bit confused when should we create relationship properties. For eg., in the following example, what should I go with, first or second? Also, can you please explain why to choose one over another? (p:Post {title: 'some title'})-[:CREATED_BY...

ri8ika by Graph Voyager
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Count wrong on OPTIONAL MATCH

Given that MATCH (product:Artefact)-[:ASSIGNED_SKU]->(assigned_sku:Sku) RETURN count(product) as count returns 141 Why does MATCH (product:Artefact)-[:ASSIGNED_SKU]->(assigned_sku:Sku) OPTIONAL MATCH (assigned_sku)-[IN_HIERARCHICAL_CATEGORY]->(assign...

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