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since ‎08-24-2018

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  • 53 Posts
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User Activity how to access neo4j apoc uuid as a string? neo4j, neo4j-apoc asked by MichaelE on 08:06PM - 02 May 22 UTC
I am upgrading Nestjs from 7 to 8. I noticed that there are some breaking changes that affect Neo4j but I can't find any documentation. Can someone point me to some documentation for Neo4j installation for Nestjs v8? I saw a wrapper by @adamcowley bu...
I am using Neo4j Desktop 1.4.5 on a Mac OS with Chrome laptop with the latest version of Neo4j Charts installed..When I try and open Neo4j Charts Help I just get a blank white screen. First I get a flash of a screen then a blank white screen. This pr...
MERGE (k:Person {name: 'Keanu Reeves'}) ON CREATE SET k.created = timestamp() CREATE (k)-[REL]-(m: Movies {name:'M'}) ON MATCH SET k.lastSeen = timestamp() CREATE (k)-[REL]-(m: Movies {name:'M'}) RETURN k The above query gives a syntax error on the '...
I have this same problem as this SO question ( but I am using neo4j 3.5.I am getting this: Neo4jError: You cannot run more transactions...