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Beta Opportunity for Neo4j Workspace

Introducing Neo4j Workspace We’re inviting you to check out Neo4j Workspace. Workspace combines our most powerful graph tools (Data Importer, Bloom, and Browser) all in one place to help you get up and running with graph databases faster. For experie...

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TrevorS by Community Team
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About the Neo4j Graph Platform Category

The Neo4j Graph Platform includes the core database and all the technologies surrounding the database, making it useful and accessible for a lot of different users. When asking a question, please select a descriptive label that best matches your quer...

yolande by Community Team
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Resolved! Exception in thread "GraphAware Starter" after upgrade

Hi! I am getting this exception when starting up after upgrading from 3.1.1 to 3.3.9. I am using these plugins: Exception in thread "GraphAware Starter" Property[0,used=false,prev=-1,next=-1, (bloc...


Browser Connection Problem (or Peculiarity)

Hello, I wanted to try the Neo4j 1.2.1 on a different computer. It is i7 4th generation with 32 GB of RAM, 2.9 GHZ. The interface through Neo4j browser seems responsive and animated as it should be. However, there is a very serious problem with co...

Resolved! A fast way to load 2000 objects

neo4j 3.5.8, desktop 1.2.2-dev.5, browser 3.2.20 question 1: I have more than 2000 statements in the form: MERGE ( n :label1:label2 { name:'xxx' , ns:'yy' , uid:'407be989017e' }) RETURN n; MERGE ( n :label1:label3 { name:'zzz' , ns:'yy' , uid:'407be9...

Unable to load RELATIONSHIP with id

Neo4j 3.4.5, 3.4.9 We have a plugin that perform tasks like "cascade" deletion, where it deletes outgoing relationship endNodes that have no other parents. It also fetches subgraphs using a similar "downstream" pattern. In one cypher query, I call bo...

Jiropole by Graph Voyager
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Import data to show employee overlap

I am having trouble figuring out how to import this data to get a graph that shows connections between people that have worked together at the different companies. Essentially, this would show how familiar each programmer is with every other programm...


Indexes required to make this query fast

Hello Suppose I have the following query: MATCH(b:A) WITH b.field1 as field1, MAX(b.field2) as field2 WHERE b.field1 = field1 MATCH (b) WHERE b.field1 = field1 AND b.field2 = field2 RETURN b This query works fine and returns the data I want but the ...

Cypher Question and Resource

Hello, I have a couple of questions: Is the function "EXISTS' is still valid as :help EXISTS says it is not found? Are there any books on the Cypher language covering in particular details of the language and in particular the reading from CSV (mor...

Importing My data on Neo4J

I am using the following codes to import data from a CSV file into the Neo4J graph database however, I am getting error stating "Cannot merge node value for starttenure". I had some blank values but I had addressed that and still I am getting the sam...

Loading csv file from amazon S3 in neo4j graphdb

I am seeking some suggestion about loading csv files from s3 bucket to neo4j graphdb. In S3 bucket the files are in csv.gz format. I need to import them into my neo4j graph db which is in ec2 instance. Is there any direct way to load csv.gz into neo4...

Json file with 80 strings

I will use amazon servers How could I tune config database? Could the query be an improvement? I will receive a JSON file for about 80k string CALL apoc.periodic.iterate(' CALL apoc.load.json("${fileName}" ) YIELD value as v RETURN v',' UNWIND (...

pavloN by Node Clone
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