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Beta Opportunity for Neo4j Workspace

Introducing Neo4j Workspace We’re inviting you to check out Neo4j Workspace. Workspace combines our most powerful graph tools (Data Importer, Bloom, and Browser) all in one place to help you get up and running with graph databases faster. For experie...

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TrevorS by Community Team
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About the Neo4j Graph Platform Category

The Neo4j Graph Platform includes the core database and all the technologies surrounding the database, making it useful and accessible for a lot of different users. When asking a question, please select a descriptive label that best matches your quer...

yolande by Community Team
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Casual Cluster Leader not electing

i have scenario where i have setup 3 node casual cluster let's call them a,b,c. Now i'm adding 3 more nodes d,e,f with initial discovery type a,b,c. Now when i remove a,b,c nodes together. d,e,f nodes are unable to elect a leader. fyi, Initial discov...

fme_mrc by Node Clone
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Resolved! List declared before UNWINDing a second list becomes null after executing a MATCH returning no results from the unwound list

I have the following scenario in a neo4j db: There are tasks which can be assigned to different users based on some criteria. There's an optional criterion (some tasks have a filter for user's location, some don't). I need to find all tasks for a use...

Match all node between two dates

I want to match all the nodes between two date. At the moment every node in my db has this form "id": *********, "application": *****, "message": ******, "timestamp": ******* where timestamp has a form like this "timestamp": "2019\09\04 11:0...

lx2pwnd by Node Clone
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How to do merge nodes multiple times?

Hi all, Assume you have following situation: merge (c:Container {name:"Container"})-[:CONTAINS]->(i11:Item {name:"11"})<-[:BELONGS_TO]-(ba:Bag {name: "A"}) with c, ba merge (c)-[:CONTAINS]->(i12:Item {name:"12"})<-[:BELONGS_TO]-(ba) with c, ba merge ...

Resolved! Neo4j DB 3.5 - Docker error

Hi Team, I was able to run successful neo4j using docker. By below commands (month before) sudo docker run -d --publish=7474:7474 --publish=7473:7473 --publish=7687:7687 --volume=/mnt/nvme1n1/neo4j-db/logs:/logs --volume=/mnt/nvme1n1/neo4j-db/da...

Behavior analysis

Does anybody know of papers or articles on behavior analysis that make use of Knowledge graphs , any material would be greatly appreciated

werner by Node Clone
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CDR analysis

Hello, I'm doing some analysis on Call Detail Records (CDR). My dataset is similiar to this: Here are the fields from my dataset : source (operator) called_number calling_number calling_...

dimespi by Node
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Resolved! Trouble with payload in apoc.load.jsonParams

Hey guys, Pretty new here and having problems making an API call in the neo4j browser: with '' as url call apoc.load.jsonParams(url,{Authorization:"Bearer xxxx"}, '{ "sql": "SELECT * FROM table" }') YIELD value as df retur...

Neo4J Connectivity Issue

Team, Recently i have tried to configure the neo4j Graph DB on the AWS EC2 instance and accessing using the UI. But when we connecting am getting the below error. Hostname : ELB : http://internal-neo4j-dev-i-elb-650...

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