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Beta Opportunity for Neo4j Workspace

Introducing Neo4j Workspace We’re inviting you to check out Neo4j Workspace. Workspace combines our most powerful graph tools (Data Importer, Bloom, and Browser) all in one place to help you get up and running with graph databases faster. For experie...

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TrevorS by Community Team
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About the Neo4j Graph Platform Category

The Neo4j Graph Platform includes the core database and all the technologies surrounding the database, making it useful and accessible for a lot of different users. When asking a question, please select a descriptive label that best matches your quer...

yolande by Community Team
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LOAD CSV from a shared folder?

Hi all! I have a cluster of servers and I have an ETL process that imports multiple files. The issue I am having is that the leader of the cluster is changing and LOAD CSV is looking for the import files on c:\neo4j\import. And I don't want to copy ...

Cypher query getting stuck

With below cypher query am trying to first get User node using IdObject which has a uniqueness constraint and updating a property named NameFull match(u:User{IdObject:{user_id_object}}) set u.NameFull={user_name} But query never completes have to...


Resolved! Enterprise Licensing for lower environments

It is a common practice to have a few lower environments like DEV and TEST in addition to the Production Environment. How does the licensing work for lower environments? If we buy the license for Production Cluster on AWS, does it include license for...

Resolved! Is there a way to set a parameter equal to query results?

Hey all, Wondering if you can create params equal to query results. For example, takethe creation of stringList: :param stringList => ["string1", "string2", "string3"] Is there a way to create stringList equal to the result from: match(ex:example) ...

tj_a by Node Link
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Resolved! How to load csv with windows scheduler?

Hello, I am newbie with neo4j. I can load csv with cypher-shell.bat in powershell or load csv with neo4j web UI successful. I want to load csv that can be run with windows scheduler. Can I run load csv with .bat and windows scheduler or does someone ...

Resolved! Returning Result from Custom Procedure

I'm trying to learn to write my own procedures and I'm stuck on what to return and how to stream it. For example: @Procedure(name = "myProcedure.loadData", mode = Mode.WRITE) @Description("Call myProcedure.loadData(theData, theParam)") public Stream<...

Choosing an OS for my Neo4J installation

I'm reading operations manual for Neo4J and preparing a document on deploying Neo4J for my business needs. How do I go about choosing the right OS for my Neo4J installation. I intend to install the Enterprise edition of Neo4J and use the clustering f...

Optional call

Assume that I want to UNION the results of two cypher queries and ORDER BY them by some property. One solution is to use a method similar to the one mentioned in here. In the method if we replace the MATCHes with OPTIONAL MATCH we probably can handle...

Two related list merge with unwind or foreach

Hi, I have three kinds of labeled nodes. User, Post, and Chat. I'm trying to merge some posts belong to a chat. Here's my raw data from REST. { "chatId": "some chat id", "posts": [ { "title": "some title", "author": { "id"...

coolyrat by Node Clone
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