I call the query:
CALL apoc.export.csv.all(
And a file isn't created.
The result is:
If I tried to save a file in another place, see the message:
Neo.ClientError.Procedure.ProcedureCallFailed: Failed to invoke procedure apo...
The JSON is loaded.
For each new tree, I create individual Labels and relations.
But each next tree is loaded slower than previous.
The first tree is loaded for 1 minute.
The second tree is loaded for 2 minutes.
If I create each ti...
Hi! I have tried to use apoc.merge.node.eager. But see the error:
Unknown procedure output: total (line 994, column 97 (offset: 34284))
" RETURN null"
IF I try to return something, see:
Unknown procedure output: a (line 994, column 96 (offset: 342...
I received a large file. These two queries work badly.
Now, these queries are needed to be optimized.
Separating queries is a good idea. But, if I split up them, I will go through this big file several times.
What is better to do: separate queries or...
I use the Jest framework to create unit tests. When I run them. there is the message at the end:
"Jest did not exit one second after the test run has completed.
This usually means that there are asynchronous operations that weren't stopped in your te...
What do you mean by saying individual tree?
Trees don't have relations with each other.
Is that all the json files have same architecture?
Are you creating different l...