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What is worse read several times a big object (about 70000 rows) or optimize these difficult queries? node js

Node Clone

I received a large file. These two queries work badly.
Now, these queries are needed to be optimized.
Separating queries is a good idea. But, if I split up them, I will go through this big file several times.
What is better to do: separate queries or to make better them?
Might, somebody has ideas about how to optimize them)

CALL apoc.periodic.iterate('WITH apoc.convert.fromJsonList(data) as arr UNWIND arr as v RETURN v' ,' FOREACH ( i in CASE WHEN THEN [1] ELSE [] END | MERGE (c:Cat{, version: "{version}"}))
FOREACH ( i in CASE WHEN THEN [1] ELSE END | MERGE (c:Dog{, version: "${version}"}))

MATCH (c{, version:"${version}"})
UNWIND RANGE(0,CASE WHEN length(v.weightOfAllCat)>length(v.weightOfAllDog)THEN length(v.weightOfAllCat) ELSE 	 length(v.weightOfAllDog) END) as i
MERGE (p:Prod {ean:, version: "${version}"})
MERGE (a:Pro {ean:, version: "${version}"})

WITH v, c, p, a
CALL,  "MERGE (c)-[:PRI]->(p)  MERGE (c)-[:ALTER]->(a)",
"MERGE (c)-[:PRI_A]->(p) MERGE (c)-[:ALTER_A]->(a)",
{v:v, c:c, p:p, a:a}) YIELD value
RETURN value
{ batchSize: 5000, iterateList: true, parallel:true, params:{data:'${data}'}})

UNWIND split("{prod}", ",") as prod_id MATCH (p:Prod{id:prod_id, version: "{version}"})<-[a:ALTER]-(c:Cat{version: "{version}"}) WITH max(toInteger(apoc.text.replace(,'[A-Za-z+]', ""))) as max, p MATCH (c:Cat{version: "{version}"})-[:ALTER]->(p)
WHERE toInteger(apoc.text.replace(,'[A-Za-z+]', "")) =max
MATCH (c:Cat{version: "${version}"})-[d:ALTER]->(p)
MERGE (c)-[:PRIM]->(p)
MERGE (c)-[:ALTER_P]->(p)
RETURN collect(DISTINCT(p.prod_id)) as proc


First of all, you are running the apoc.iterate in parallel mode while also adding relationships. When creating a relationship, locks are made on both connected nodes, and you risk a deadlock situation (unless you a sure that no relationships are made to the same nodes in the entire set).

MATCH (c{, version:"${version}"})does not specify label, an index would help.

You are also matching and merging nodes with multiple properties, e.g. MERGE (p:Prod {ean:, version: "${version}"}) – are these indexed as a composite indexes?

Is this imported to an existing database? Otherwise preprocessing the content to CSV files and using neo4j-admin import is likely the fastest approach (depending on the size of the dataset).

View solution in original post


First of all, you are running the apoc.iterate in parallel mode while also adding relationships. When creating a relationship, locks are made on both connected nodes, and you risk a deadlock situation (unless you a sure that no relationships are made to the same nodes in the entire set).

MATCH (c{, version:"${version}"})does not specify label, an index would help.

You are also matching and merging nodes with multiple properties, e.g. MERGE (p:Prod {ean:, version: "${version}"}) – are these indexed as a composite indexes?

Is this imported to an existing database? Otherwise preprocessing the content to CSV files and using neo4j-admin import is likely the fastest approach (depending on the size of the dataset).