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08-31-2019 11:27 AM
I will use amazon servers
How could I tune config database?
Could the query be an improvement?
I will receive a JSON file for about 80k string
CALL apoc.periodic.iterate('
CALL apoc.load.json("${fileName}" ) YIELD value as v RETURN v','
UNWIND (CASE v.animals.bigP WHEN [] then [null] else v.animals.bigP end) as p
MERGE (bigP:Animals {name: p})
WITH v, bigP, v.animals.smallA as smallA
UNWIND (CASE smallA WHEN [] then [null] else smallA end) as a
MERGE (smallA:Animals {name: a})
WITH v, smallA, bigP
CALL apoc.do.when(v.agentOnly=false,
"MERGE (childB:ChildBad{name:name})
MERGE (childB)-[:BIG_P]->(bigP)
MERGE (childB)-[:SMALL_A]->(smallA),
"MERGE (childG:ChildGood{name:name})
MERGE (childG)-[:BIG_P]->(bigP)
MERGE (childG)-[:SMALL_A]->(smallA)",
{v:v, bigP:bigP, smallA:smallA}) YIELD value RETURN value',
{ batchSize: 10000, iterateList: true, parallel:true });
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