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Beta Opportunity for Neo4j Workspace

Introducing Neo4j Workspace We’re inviting you to check out Neo4j Workspace. Workspace combines our most powerful graph tools (Data Importer, Bloom, and Browser) all in one place to help you get up and running with graph databases faster. For experie...

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TrevorS by Community Team
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About the Neo4j Graph Platform Category

The Neo4j Graph Platform includes the core database and all the technologies surrounding the database, making it useful and accessible for a lot of different users. When asking a question, please select a descriptive label that best matches your quer...

yolande by Community Team
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Where do I find algo.memrec?

This page talks about using algo.memrec to calculate memory requirements, but it doesn't seem to exist on our installation of 3.5.7-enterprise: Neo.ClientError.Procedure.ProcedureNotFound: There is no procedure with the name `algo.memrec` registered ...

Filtering Cypher Results

I hope I am not being a bother, I have data in Neo4j and have filtered it as shown on the attached screenshot, I trying to structure the query so that I can identify cases were more than one c.names were at the same location ( during the same ...


Resolved! Neo4j-admin import very slow withou --multiline-fields

When I'm importing data through neo4j-admin, it takes less than 20s when using --multine-fields flag. But when I take that flag out, it get stucked, and after several minutes has not done anything. When I checked the status, it seems to be stucked on...

laoikeda by Node Link
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Graph Generators similar to NetworkX

I am trying to create some test data including a sample social network. In NetworkX, there are several generators to create different types of graph structures. Are there any similar algorithms for neo4j? For example: G= nx.dorogovtsev_goltsev_mend...

Is there a merge option for apoc.create.vRelationship

To prevent duplicate virtual relationships from being created; is there an option for something similar to apoc.merge.vRelationship I am creating multiple relationships and RETURNing it. The YEILD of the COLLECTion is at the lowest grain. One relatio...

Need help for query

match(n:user{USR_ID:'15200'})--(r)--(m:user) with n,r,m call, create(a:ids{id:n.USR_ID})-[:linked]-(m),create(a:ids{id:n.USR_ID})-[:not_linked]-(m), '') yield a return 1 there is syntax error can any one help

Graph Algorithms

Is it possible to apply graph algorithms on a network which has more than one node type and links in the network?

Filtering relations on attributes

Hello, I am at the absolute beginning of learning Cypher and need some help for the first time. I have in my DB airports as nodes and flights as relations. Now I only want to see the flights that happen on only one day. Unfortunately I don't get any ...

stefan by Node
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