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Beta Opportunity for Neo4j Workspace

Introducing Neo4j Workspace We’re inviting you to check out Neo4j Workspace. Workspace combines our most powerful graph tools (Data Importer, Bloom, and Browser) all in one place to help you get up and running with graph databases faster. For experie...

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TrevorS by Community Team
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About the Neo4j Graph Platform Category

The Neo4j Graph Platform includes the core database and all the technologies surrounding the database, making it useful and accessible for a lot of different users. When asking a question, please select a descriptive label that best matches your quer...

yolande by Community Team
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Help with Cypher query

I'm new to cypher and playing around with the movie data set. I'm trying to return movies, roles and actors all in sorted order. This is what I've got so far: MATCH (movie:Movie)<-[r1:ACTED_IN|DIRECTED|PRODUCED]-(person:Person) unwind r1.roles as rol...

About db hits of Neo4j

Hi all, I am quite confused about DB hits of Neo4j. I have 2 following queries: Query 1: profile match (com:Company)<-[:IS_CUSTOMER]-(cust:Customer) with cust return sum(cust.sysid) Query 2: profile match (com:Company)<-[:IS_CUSTOMER]-(cust:Custome...

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Duplicate & empty rows returned in shortestPath query

Hello, I have a question regarding 'shortestPath', I am getting duplicate nodes & null/empty nodes in the result. CREATE (a:mnode { v: "2413fb3709b05939f04cf2e92f7d0897fc2596f9ad0b8a9ea855c7bfebaae892"}), (b:mnode { v: "f012767e628bb3cd86d65923ea029...

tinqnit by Node Link
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CSV Import Multiple Values

Hi everyone, I have a trouble here when doing LOAD CSV . My csv file format : Garage.csv VehicleID is created based on Vehicle.csv The idea here to create (v:Vehicle)-[:REPAIRED_IN]->(g:Garage) garageID, garageName, vehicleID 1, XZ Garage, [20,21,22]...

Unable to parse header

when I imported the data from csv file, an unexpected error appears: Unable to parse header my file 'field.csv' is as below: fieldId:ID,name,:LABLE 6eadfc21876985995da55ed263cc7357,physics,field ... I don't know what mistake I made?

[cluster] enable intra cluster encryption

Hello everyone ! I’m setting up a neo4j causal cluster. For intracluster encryption, is it possible to enable client_auth ? All certificates are in the trusted dir. When I put client_auth=require. The nodes can’t get to sync... Any idea ? Thanks !

Loading a cypher file

Hello everyone. I am looking for information on how I can load several files - each of which contains cypher statements. I have looked for this information on help as well as online here - but either it doesn't exist, or I am missing it somehow. C...

rmasrani by Node Clone
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Resolved! Graph database lost after upgrading Neo4j Desktop

Hello there, I was experimenting with Neo4j earlier this year and had a graph database setup locally with some example data. I upgraded Neo4j Desktop to v1.2.3 today when prompted by the app as I hadn't used it for a while. However, after upgrading t...

Resolved! Do I need foreign keys?

Hello, I'm new to neo4j and I'm setting up my first schema. I have what I'm sure is a dumb question but I'm going to ask it anyway. Do I need foreign keys? To give an example... I'm setting up a simple graph consisting of customer nodes and custome...

Modeling a CRM integration

I'm creating a model of an email marketing domain, and that seems to be pretty solid (thanks to the great O'Reilly book!)... but now I have been asked to integrate a CRM system's content... so my question is how to model the entity "Person" between t...

fjblau by Node
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