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Beta Opportunity for Neo4j Workspace

Introducing Neo4j Workspace We’re inviting you to check out Neo4j Workspace. Workspace combines our most powerful graph tools (Data Importer, Bloom, and Browser) all in one place to help you get up and running with graph databases faster. For experie...

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TrevorS by Community Team
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About the Neo4j Graph Platform Category

The Neo4j Graph Platform includes the core database and all the technologies surrounding the database, making it useful and accessible for a lot of different users. When asking a question, please select a descriptive label that best matches your quer...

yolande by Community Team
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Resolved! How to set weights for infered edges?

I would like to add edges between nodes of distance 2 apart, and set a weight property according to how many such paths of length 2 exists. I think a query like this is close, but isn't quite right: Match path=((u1:User)-[:KNOWS]->(:User)-[:KNOWS]->(...

Rogie by Node Link
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Create and play neo4j guide

Hi, I want to create a simple guide and play it on my neo4j browser, the guide is an html file on my desktop, I noticed my server as the http 11002 address, how do navigate to my file from the browser? do I need to perform extra steps? thank you in a...

Delete extra relationships

Dear Community, I ran a cypher query that created 19 relationships, but I only need of relationship. So it created 19 SOLD_BY relationships. How do I get neo4J to delete all but of relationship of SOLD_BY? Thank you in advance

tideon by Graph Buddy
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Create if possible

So, I have this (simplified) query that creates a board with a relationship to a group. MATCH (g:Group) CREATE (g)-[:ChildBoard]->(b:Board); Now, if there already is a board with this relationship, I want to remove that relationship and create a ne...

Creating a "table"

Following the Northwind example, whereas the data is imported, I would need to know how to create a "table" AND I know this is NOT a term used in Neo4j. MODEL of SUPPLIER table: MODEL of SUPPLIER table: https://i.img...


Create node and editing features

Hi, I am attempting to "Create Node" from the Bloom context menu, but this is not possible if there is/are constraints in place - for example I get the message "Creating a node with this label is not possible because of existence constraints. This pr...

Try to structure and automate a query

I have a table that has columns for person name, their location, day, month and year as well as longitude and latitude of the location which I have imported into Neo4j. I am trying to structure a query that that would identify people that where withi...

Return all nodes/paths with a where clause

Hi, I am struggling with a specific cypher query. My Structure: Procedure ---> name ---> status ---> ProcedureVersions ---------> version ---------> ProcedureNodes --------------> nodeName --------------> Widget ---------------------> name ------...

Resolved! Visit neo4j invoked from console from a remote machine

Hello, I have unpacked the linux tar distribtion of neo4j. I have sucessfully invoked it via ./bin/neo4j console I now have two ports that I can visit neo4j on, but they are both on localhost. and localhost is just a text-based linux box. Attempting ...

metaperl by Node Link
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Mix TraversalDescription with VirtualGraph

Hello, I am implementing custom procedures for Neo4j. Using Neo4j Java API, I am trying to create a traversal description in a Virtual Graph created during procedure execution. My use case is to assign properties to VirtualNodes that depend on a trav...