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Beta Opportunity for Neo4j Workspace

Introducing Neo4j Workspace We’re inviting you to check out Neo4j Workspace. Workspace combines our most powerful graph tools (Data Importer, Bloom, and Browser) all in one place to help you get up and running with graph databases faster. For experie...

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TrevorS by Community Team
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About the Neo4j Graph Platform Category

The Neo4j Graph Platform includes the core database and all the technologies surrounding the database, making it useful and accessible for a lot of different users. When asking a question, please select a descriptive label that best matches your quer...

yolande by Community Team
  • 1 replies
  • 1 kudos

Load Json on the fly

I'm trying to load JSON files with NiFi. With apoc.load.json this works fine. But it would be interesting to load json on the fly without the need to save it first. Use Case: I read the data from a relational database, convert it into Json and import...


Neo4j parser : for vis.js representation

Good day, I am aware of Neovis but this tool is too limited on the visualization front, I want to know if a parser exists of some kind that can output neo4j data in way that is can be converted to vis.js json format (I have coded this part already) J...

werner by Node Clone
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Causal cluster - Neo4j not running but it is?

Hi Everyone! I'm having this little issue with a cluster I'm trying to create with 3 instances. The cluster seems to be created correctly in the logs, the neo4j processes are running but none of the members accept http or bolt connections. This is th...

cesar by Node Link
  • 7 replies
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How to make multi level path traversal faster

I want to find all the paths from the leaf node(E) to the root node(A). Not for any specific node so no id or filed filter here. The data model is as shown in the screenshot. I used a basic Cypher query to find the paths: MATCH path=(:A)-[:USE*]->(:E...

Raj725 by Node Clone
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Resolved! High CPU usage, AWS AMI Causal Cluster

I have been using the AWS community neo4j AMI for a while now and we just finally decided it was time to move across to running with a proper cluster, we applied for the startup program and got accepted. I proceeded to launch the causal cluster AMI o...

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darryn by Node Clone
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Resolved! Memory Requirement?

Hi, May I know the RAM requirement for processing most of the traversal queries and run graph algorithms for 5 million nodes (9 labels) with 14million relationships (14 types), I have loaded the data from elastic, and data keep coming in like 10k per...


Resolved! Load CSV with empty cells

Hello everyone, I am trying to load simple data from CSV to Noe4j, but it keeps giving me this error "Neo.ClientError.Statement.SemanticError: Cannot merge node using null property value for Name" I don't have null values in my file !!. Even if I wil...


Resolved! LOAD CSV & Google Sheets

I came across this article by @rvanbruggen about using LOAD CSV. As stated in the blog, it in order for this to work, the spreadsheet needs to be accessible by anyone on the internet because Neo4j doesn't know how to handle the authentication. My que...

Setup custom style

As I have read here there was an option to configure your own style: I can still take a look at my style but I cannot define it at the beginning. Is it even possible to specify that e.g. all company nodes are red, all employee nodes with a certain p...

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Neo4J presigned urls IAM role for access on EC2

Hi there I have Neo4J running on an EC2 instance and this was launched from an AWS marketplace image. I have set up a AWS batch job that accesses some data and then ideally I want to upload the csv the batch writes to an S3 and then neo4j. I create a...

Relationship one to many

Hello I am having the following Table Name Role Project name1 Owner Project1 name1 Owner Project2 name1 Owner Project3 I currently have the query: MATCH (p:Person {name: "name1"})-->(n:Project) MERGE(p)-[:HAS_ROLE]->(n) RETURN p,n This leads to a out...