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Beta Opportunity for Neo4j Workspace

Introducing Neo4j Workspace We’re inviting you to check out Neo4j Workspace. Workspace combines our most powerful graph tools (Data Importer, Bloom, and Browser) all in one place to help you get up and running with graph databases faster. For experie...

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TrevorS by Community Team
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About the Neo4j Graph Platform Category

The Neo4j Graph Platform includes the core database and all the technologies surrounding the database, making it useful and accessible for a lot of different users. When asking a question, please select a descriptive label that best matches your quer...

yolande by Community Team
  • 1 replies
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Resolved! Exclude some labels from nodes list of a path

Hello I am using cypher below to find name of nodes from A to B, and attach the id of path to them. MATCH p = (n1:A)-[*]->(n2:B) WHERE not(exists((n2)-[]->(:B))) UNWIND nodes(p) AS n3 RETURN,, reduce(x = '0', y IN nodes(p) | x + '_' +...

billxu by Node
  • 4 replies
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Golang driver version

When I do go get, I end up with the following in by go.mod file. v1.8.3 I would expect to get version v5 of the driver. I can't figure anyway to get the latest driver in my pro...

Query taking a very long time to create relationships

I am running following query. LOAD CSV WITH HEADERS FROM 'file:///records.csv' AS freqmatch f:sFreq) where f.slfreq=freq.frmatch (d:Date) where (fr)-[r:STATISTICS_ON]->(d)I created index with followng two queries--- CREATE ...

vnagpure by Node Link
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how to import dump into existing remote DBMS

Hi there, I am using Neo4j Desktop. I have got a remote database named "Remote DBMS" as shown in the photo. I want to import dump into existing remote DBMS. You can see the dump file is named "dbms-neo4j-Dec-13-2022-10-12-01.dump" in the screenshot. ...

jcct100 by Node Clone
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How to create relationship using FOREACH

I have Person and Course nodes. How I can create the relationships from one Person to many Courses using FOREACH? I tried the following as the example but it returns two new empty nodes,  two  new nodes with Courses and one new relationship between e...

IgorY by Node
  • 8 replies
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White screen on Neo4j Charts

Hello, I am using Neo4j Desktop version 4.2.3 for macOS and I am trying to work with the Charts app, installed from Gallary Apps. However, whenever I add a report, it gives me a white screen and I cannot do anything afterwards. Same issue with the "H...

Resolved! Make this query faster

I am trying to make a search field, where i want the searchresults while typing. Therefore it needs to be VERY fast (at least somewhat as fast as typing, which is under .3 seconds pr. character)     MATCH (n)<-[:Mark]-(m) WHERE CONTAINS "Vill...

ODBC Connector in Windows for Power BI

Hi everyone, I am a Civil engineering research student and recently started exploring Neo4j. I'm looking to connect the graph in Neo4j to Power BI using Neo4j BI connector (ODBC Windows) but I'm unable to connect to created graph data from the ODBC C...
