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since ‎10-27-2021

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  • 9 Posts
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I am trying to make a search field, where i want the searchresults while typing. Therefore it needs to be VERY fast (at least somewhat as fast as typing, which is under .3 seconds pr. character)     MATCH (n)<-[:Mark]-(m) WHERE CONTAINS "Vill...
When importing a CYPHER with nodes and relationships from another graph into desktop neo4j. This takes forever.  Did I export the CYPHER wrongly, and if so, how is the fastest way to export CYPHER and import CYPHER again in another database. Please ...
I have used CALL apoc.export.cypher.all(null,{format: "plain", useOptimizations: {type: "UNWIND_BATCH", unwindBatchSize: 20},stream:TRUE }) YIELD file, batches, source, format, nodes, relationships, properties, time, rows, batchSize RETURN *    ...
I am trying to connect to the Aura-DB and recieves this error: The URI-scheme is unsupported. I was using bolt before, but with the neo4j+s it is not connecting. What should be done to connect to the Aura-DB