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ODBC Connector in Windows for Power BI

Hi everyone,

I am a Civil engineering research student and recently started exploring Neo4j. I'm looking to connect the graph in Neo4j to Power BI using Neo4j BI connector (ODBC Windows) but I'm unable to connect to created graph data from the ODBC Connector, throws an error as "no such host" (Please find attached screenshot). I am using username and password which are used to connect to graph database in Neo4j browser.

Can anyone let me know what I'm missing or any solution for this problem.



Where's your database installed? I think you need to replace the host value with a real address. If it's on the same machine, you can put localhost if it's somewhere else, it's going to be an IP Address or URL of wherever is hosted.

Hi Mike,

I didn't realize I have replied to my own post instead of your reply!

Hi Mike,
Thanks for the reply!

I am using free database instance provided by Neo4j, and I tried to use the address provided in Neo4j browser which is in the format " " but I'm getting an error as below, (Port used is 7687)

[Simba][Neo4j] (22) An error has been thrown from the Neo4j client: 'EOF' "

Also, I tried to test with localhost by creating a local DBMS with Neo4j desktop application but still I'm getting an error as below,

[Simba][Neo4j] (22) An error has been thrown from the Neo4j client: 'Neo4jError: Neo.ClientError.Security.Unauthorized (The client is unauthorized due to authentication failure.)' "

As this looks like some error with username and password, I want to confirm that I have used the name and password of the DBMS created in desktop application. (Name and password given while creating DBMS)

please let me know if I am missing anything in both these methods that might help to resolve errors!


Had the same problem, but I fixed it by selecting "Use SSL" in the ODBC data source admin when configuring the Simple Neo4j driver. I was also using the free database instance.