I'm trying to add dynamic label on an NodeEntity, the storage was fine but when I want to access to the node I got an AmbiguousBaseClassException:
java.lang.RuntimeException: org.springframework.dao.InvalidDataAccessApiUsageException: Multiple c...
Venez nous rejoindre au prochain meetup Neo4j de Lyon où nous parlerons, entre autres graphes, du connecteur Neo4j pour le Web Crawler Norconex.
Le 14 Mars prochain, envisagez une autre façon d'importer des données dans votre graphe !
Next Meetup in Lyon, the 2019, March 14th
#10 Web Crawling & Graphs avec Norconex et Neo4j
jeu. 14 mars 2019 à 18:30: Bonjour à tous !Ce dixième Meetup Neo4j a deux objectifs :- Vous présenter ce qu'est Neo4j, cel...
I'm proud to announce that the Neo4j Committer v1.0.0 for Norconex crawlers is out!
Browse the Web to gather data and build a graph in the same process...
To use it you need to:
Download the Norconex Http Collector
Download the Neo4j Committer
Have you tried something like that first:
match (start:Schema_Structure{name:'SS1'})
match (end:Schema_Structure{name:'SS3'})
match path=(start)-[*]->(end)
return nodes(path)
In your result2, you have as many result lines as languages for the same movie.
You can check this by RETURN language, m, so three movies for English and another movie three times, one row (same movie) fo each language.
For helping, UNWIND clause is used to pass from a list to many records (many result lines), opposed to COLLECT() function used to pass from records to a list (single result line).
MATCH (m:Movie)
WITH COLLECT(m) AS movies // => here a list is ret...