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Migration to Neo4j 4.0 cause errors with Full Text Search + NOT EXISTS checks

Node Link

I recently migrated from 3.5.x to 4.0.x and am experiencing one issue that I'm trying to understand how to proceed. I created a simplified query below to exemplify the issue that occurs with fulltext search and NOT EXISTS(property) queries:

CALL db.index.fulltext.queryNodes('MessageIndex', 'Test') YIELD node as m, score 
MATCH (u:User {id: "XXXXXX"})-[:likes]-(m)-[:from]-(o:Organization) 
WHERE EXISTS(m.messageType) AND (NOT EXISTS (m.expiryTime) OR m.expiryTime > 1594407732 ) 
RETURN DISTINCT m as message

NullCheckReferenceProperty(0,SlottedCachedPropertyWithPropertyToken(m,PropertyKeyName(expiryTime),0,false,55,2,NODE_TYPE,true)) (of class org.neo4j.cypher.internal.physicalplanning.ast.NullCheckReferenceProperty)

Version: Neo4j 4.0.6 Enterprise Server
Driver: Scala



CALL db.index.fulltext.queryNodes('MessageIndex', 'Test') YIELD node as m, score 
MATCH (u:User {id: "XXXXXX"})-[:likes]-(m)-[:from]-(o:Organization) 
WHERE EXISTS(m.messageType) AND (m.expiryTime IS NULL OR m.expiryTime > 1594407732 ) 
RETURN DISTINCT m as message

View solution in original post


Hello @kearnsw and welcome to the Neo4j community

Did you get this error in the Neo4j Browser?

Is the request worked on 3.5?


Node Link

Hi Cobra,

Thanks! This is through both the Scala/Java Driver and the Neo4j Desktop app. Yes, the queries ran on 3.5.

Can you try?

CALL db.index.fulltext.queryNodes('MessageIndex', 'Test') YIELD node as m, score 
MATCH (u:User {id: "XXXXXX"})-[:likes]-(m)-[:from]-(o:Organization)
RETURN DISTINCT m as message

Yes, I tried that. It works which is how I isolated the NOT EXIST( clause as the issue. However, this is still the recommended syntax for checking if a property does not exist according to the 4.0.x documentation.

Does this work?

CALL db.index.fulltext.queryNodes('MessageIndex', 'Test') YIELD node as m, score 
MATCH (u:User {id: "XXXXXX"})-[:likes]-(m)-[:from]-(o:Organization) 
WHERE EXISTS(m.messageType) 
RETURN DISTINCT m as message

Yes, and so does:

CALL db.index.fulltext.queryNodes('MessageIndex', 'Test') YIELD node as m, score 
MATCH (u:User {id: "XXXXXX"})-[:likes]-(m)-[:from]-(o:Organization) 
WHERE EXISTS(m.messageType) AND m.expiryTime > 1594407732
RETURN DISTINCT m as message

I’ve reproduced the same in other queries that only by removing the NOT EXISTS ( clause does the issue resolve.


CALL db.index.fulltext.queryNodes('MessageIndex', 'Test') YIELD node as m, score 
MATCH (u:User {id: "XXXXXX"})-[:likes]-(m)-[:from]-(o:Organization) 
WHERE EXISTS(m.messageType) AND (m.expiryTime IS NULL OR m.expiryTime > 1594407732 ) 
RETURN DISTINCT m as message

Node Link

That worked, thank you! Is there a functional difference between IS NULL and NOT EXISTS( I'm just wondering why the docs recommend the latter.

To my knowledge, there is no difference, it is just a different syntax. I'm still surprised your syntax didn't work

Same issue and same solution in 4.2.3 Enterprise:
NOT EXITS(node.prop) causes Exception NullCheckReferenceProperty
node.prop IS NULL works...