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12-28-2020 09:36 AM
I am new to Neo4j and experimenting with it. Please assist.
Blog I followed : Cypher: LOAD JSON from URL AS Data - Neo4j Graph Database Platform
File name : citeaa
"authors":[{"name":"Pranava K. Jha","id":2718958994}],
"title":"Further Results on Independence in Direct-Product Graphs.",
"fos":[{"name":"Graph","w":0.0},{"name":"Discrete mathematics","w":0.45872},{"name":"Combinatorics","w":0.4515},{"name":"Direct product","w":0.59104},{"name":"Mathematics","w":0.42784}],
"venue":{"raw":"Ars Combinatoria","id":73158690,"type":"J"}}
Below is my query and above is my JSON data. I don't know why I can't load data it just complains with all the tweak I tried.
devendra@neo4j> WITH "file:///citeaa" AS url
CALL apoc.load.json(url) YIELD value
UNWIND value.citations as q
MERGE (citation:citations {id:q.id}) ON CREATE
SET citation.id = q.id, citation.title = q.title, citation.year = q.year, citation.n_citation = q.n_citation, citation.page_start = q.page_start, citation.page_end = q.page_end, citation.doc_type = q.doc_type, citation.publisher = q.publisher, citation.volume = q.volume, citation.issue = q.issue, citation.doi = q.doi
MERGE (venue:venue {id:q.venue.id}) ON CREATE SET venue.id = q.venue.id, venue.raw = q.venue.raw, venue.type = q.venue.type
MERGE (venue)-[:FOR]->(citation)
FOREACH (a IN q.authors |
MERGE (author:authors {name:q.authors.name, id:q.authors.id}) ON CREATE
SET author.name = q.authors.name
MERGE (citation)<-[:AUTHORED_BY]-(authors)
MERGE (citation)-[:WROTE_BY]->(authors))
FOREACH (f IN q.fos |
MERGE (citation)<-[:FOS_DETAILS]-(fos:Fos {name:f.name})
MERGE (author:authors {name:a.name, id:a.id}) ON CREATE
SET fos.name = f.name, fos.w = f.w
Variable a
not defined (line 20, column 32 (offset: 961))
" MERGE (author:authors {name:a.name, id:a.id}) ON CREATE"
12-28-2020 09:41 AM
Delete this line in the second FOREACH:
MERGE (author:authors {name:a.name, id:a.id})
12-28-2020 09:47 AM
Thank you I realized my mistake I copy pasted same lines on second FOREACH. However now no error but I see nothing loaded in DB. below is my modified query.
devendra@neo4j> WITH "file:///citeaa" AS url
CALL apoc.load.json(url) YIELD value
UNWIND value.citations as q
MERGE (citation:citations {id:q.id}) ON CREATE
SET citation.id = q.id, citation.title = q.title, citation.year = q.year, citation.n_citation = q.n_citation, citation.page_start = q.page_start, citation.page_end = q.page_end, citation.doc_type = q.doc_type, citation.publisher = q.publisher, citation.volume = q.volume, citation.issue = q.issue, citation.doi = q.doi
MERGE (venue:venue {id:q.venue.id}) ON CREATE SET venue.id = q.venue.id, venue.raw = q.venue.raw, venue.type = q.venue.type
MERGE (venue)-[:FOR]->(citation)
FOREACH (a IN q.authors |
MERGE (author:authors {id:a.id}) ON CREATE
SET author.name = a.name, author.id = a.id
MERGE (citation)<-[:AUTHORED_BY]-(authors)
MERGE (citation)-[:WROTE_BY]->(authors))
FOREACH (f IN q.fos |
MERGE (fos:fos {name:f.name}) ON CREATE
SET fos.name = f.name, fos.w = f.w
MERGE (citation)<-[:FOS_DETAILS]-(fos)
0 rows available after 519 ms, consumed after another 0 ms
12-28-2020 10:00 AM
Check your json file and after UNWIND use RETURN q limit 6 to see the data. Also I do not see any file extension and I assume you have the json file in the 'import' folder.
12-28-2020 10:12 AM
Oh thanks. there was a typo I used citations instead of citation. Now I do see the data. However another roadblock.
Cannot merge the following node because of null property value for 'id': (venue:venue {id: null})
How to I avoid this? I believe may be some of the venue id is null possibly. I will try googling but if you can please help me out.
12-28-2020 10:15 AM
Thank you again . I appreicate your help today found the last one on neo4j developer
devendra@neo4j> WITH "file:///citeaa" AS url
CALL apoc.load.json(url) YIELD value
UNWIND value.citation as q with q where q.venue.id is not null
MERGE (citation:citations {id:q.id}) ON CREATE
SET citation.id = q.id, citation.title = q.title, citation.year = q.year, citation.n_citation = q.n_citation, citation.page_start = q.page_start, citation.page_end = q.page_end, citation.doc_type = q.doc_type, citation.publisher = q.publisher, citation.volume = q.volume, citation.issue = q.issue, citation.doi = q.doi
MERGE (venue:venue {id:q.venue.id}) ON CREATE SET venue.id = q.venue.id, venue.raw = q.venue.raw, venue.type = q.venue.type
MERGE (venue)-[:FOR]->(citation)
FOREACH (a IN q.authors |
MERGE (author:authors {id:a.id}) ON CREATE
SET author.name = a.name, author.id = a.id
MERGE (citation)<-[:AUTHORED_BY]-(authors)
MERGE (citation)-[:WROTE_BY]->(authors))
FOREACH (f IN q.fos |
MERGE (fos:fos {name:f.name}) ON CREATE
SET fos.name = f.name, fos.w = f.w
MERGE (citation)<-[:FOS_DETAILS]-(fos)
This query loaded data.
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