Here's my query and below that is returned data
MATCH (n:citations)-[:WROTE_BY]->(a:authors) with n,a,count( as c where IS NOT NULL RETURN,n.year order by;
| "Victor Mitrana" | 1993 |
| ...
Below is my content of cyper file.
WITH "file:///cite1.json" AS url
CALL apoc.load.json(url) YIELD value
UNWIND value.citation as q with q where is not null
MERGE (citation:citations {}) ON CREATE
SET =, citation.ti...
I am new to Neo4j and experimenting with it. Please assist.
Blog I followed : Cypher: LOAD JSON from URL AS Data - Neo4j Graph Database Platform
File name : citeaa
"authors":[{"name":"Pranava K. Jha","id":2718958994}],
Thank you so much that trick certainly worked. Now I can see author with longest career.
MATCH (p:citations)-[:WROTE_BY]->(a:authors)
WITH a, max(p.year) as max, min(p.year) as min
RETURN, max-min+1 as yearsActive
ORDER BY yearsActive
Here's the result running manually.
devendra@neo4j> WITH "file:///cite4.json" AS url
CALL apoc.load.json(url) YIELD value
UNWIND value.citation as q with q where is not null
MERGE (citation:citations {}) ON CREATE
SET = ...
While running manually it shows some relationship. How do I ensure that is is actually inserting processing or replacing data. Is there a way? sorry I am new to Neo4j