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08-22-2018 07:44 PM
The following can be used to extract user and role defintions from an existing database and the resultant output can be played
back on another Neo4j database.
<!-- //export roles -->
return '//export Roles' as output
union all
call dbms.security.listRoles() yield role return 'call dbms.security.createRole(\'' + role + '\');' as output
union all
<!-- //export users -->
return '//export Users' as output
union all
call dbms.security.listUsers() yield username return 'call dbms.security.createUser(\'' + username + '\',\'newpassword\');' as output
union all
<!-- // export user to role maps -->
return '//export Roles to User map' as output
union all
call dbms.security.listRoles() yield role,users with role,users unwind users as user return 'call dbms.security.addRoleToUser(\'' + role + '\',' + user + '\');' as output
The resultant output will default all users passwords to 'newpassword' and the user will be required to change their password on initial
log on.
Sample output is as follows:
<!-- //export Roles -->
call dbms.security.createRole('reader');
call dbms.security.createRole('architect');
call dbms.security.createRole('admin');
call dbms.security.createRole('publisher');
<!-- //export Users -->
call dbms.security.createUser('neo4j_dba','newpassword');
call dbms.security.createUser('neo4j','newpassword');
<!-- //export Roles to User map -->
call dbms.security.addRoleToUser('admin',neo4j');
call dbms.security.addRoleToUser('admin',neo4j_dba');
The approach used above is similar to related knowledgebase document "Using Cypher to generate Cypher statements to recreate
indexes and constraints"
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