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08-22-2018 07:44 PM
The following document describes how to utilize the Zendesk API
to load data from Zendesk into Neo4j, specifically data about users who have choosen to subscribe/follow Knowledge
Base section(s). This document attempts to solve the issue described by the following questions from Zendesk
Question & Answers]. Although the Zendesk UI allows users to subscribe/follow a Knowledge Section it does not provide an equivalent
UI for a Zendesk Administrator to see what users are subscribed to each section.
The Cypher below, will create supporting indexes and then iterate overr every section, request all the user_ids with said section,
create the relationship between the user_id and section and then populate the user_id with more identifying details.
create index on :Section(id);
create index on :User(id);
create index on :Organization(id);
<!-- // get all sections -->
CALL apoc.load.jsonParams("https://your_domain.zendesk.com/api/v2/help_center/sections.json",{Authorization:"Basic base64Encoded_username:password"},null)
yield value as sectionvalue
with sectionvalue
unwind sectionvalue.sections as section_item
Merge (n:Section {id:section_item.id,name:section_item.name, created_at:section_item.created_at, updated_at:section_item.updated_at,url:section_item.html_url})
with section_item.id as secid
// foreach section then find the subscribers
CALL apoc.load.jsonParams("https://your_domain.zendesk.com/api/v2/help_center/sections/"+secid+"/subscriptions.json?per_page=200",{Authorization:"Basic base64Encoded_username:password"},null)
yield value as subscribervalue
with subscribervalue, secid
unwind subscribervalue.subscriptions as subscription_item
// create the relationship from the User to the Secction through the :Follows relationship
match (s:Section {id:secid}) with s,subscription_item
merge (n:User {id: subscription_item.user_id})
merge (n)-[:Follows {subscribed_on: subscription_item.created_at}]->(s)
with subscription_item.user_id as s_userid
CALL apoc.load.jsonParams("https://your_domain.zendesk.com/api/v2/users/"+s_userid+".json",{Authorization:"Basic base64Encoded_username:password"},null)
yield value as userRecord
with userRecord, s_userid
unwind userRecord.user as uid
match (n:User {id:s_userid})
match (n:User) where exists(n.organization_id)
with n,n.organization_id as organization_id
CALL apoc.load.jsonParams("https://your_domain.zendesk.com/api/v2/organizations/"+organization_id+".json",{Authorization:"Basic base64Encoded_username:password"},null)
yield value as orgRecord
unwind orgRecord.organization as orgid
with n,orgid
merge (o:Organization {id: orgid.id, name: orgid.name, created_at: orgid.created_at})
merge (n)-[:IS_MEMBER_OF_ORG]->(o);
and to load 140 nodes (81 Users, 7 Sections, 52 Organizations) and associated relationships took 54 seconds.
In the above Cypher code, you will need to replace all occurances of
`your_domain` with the actual domain your Zendesk is hosted under
`base64Encoded_username:password` with the base64 encoding (https://www.base64encode.org/) of a Zendesk
Admin user and password who has Admin rights in Zendesk
Additionally, to use basic authentication, you must enable
password access in the Zendesk Support
admin interface at Admin > Channels > API.
Finally, per the Zendesk API, if you expect to have more
than 100 results per API call you will need to consider Pagination.
By default, most list endpoints return a maximum of 100 records per page. You can change the number
of records on a per-request basis by passing a per_page parameter in the request URL parameters.
Example: per_page=50. However, you can't exceed 100 records per page on most endpoints.
When the response exceeds the per-page maximum, you can paginate through the records by
incrementing the page parameter.
Example: page=3. List results include next_page and previous_page URLs in the response
body for easier navigation:
Copying the above Cypher into a shell script file, for example build_zd.cql, will then allow for it to be run through
cypher-shell by running
cat build_zd.cql | bin/cypher-shell
And the resultant graph model is thus defined as
The entire graph thus appears as
To which we will see there are 4 Sections (i.e. green nodes/circles) which have no subscribers (i.e the 4 green nodes
in the upper left corner).
Three other sections have subscribers, though the Section on the right has the most subscribers (i.e blue nodes/circles)
Additionally some subscribers/users have choosen to follow multiple sections.
Each Node is defined with the following properties
*Section:* name
*Organization:* name
Usefull Cypher statements to query the graph
match (n:Section)
return n.name,
size ( (n)<-[:Follows]-() ) as subscribers
order by subscribers desc;
match (s:Section)<-[r:Follows]-(u:User)-[:IS_MEMBER_OF_ORG]->(o:Organization)
return s.name,
r.subscribed_on as DateWhenSubscribed
order by s.name,
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