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Installation Problem: No Internet Connection

Hello Everyone,

I am Jiaqi from U.S. I met a problem when I installed Neo4j 1.1.14 on my Mac laptop. I successfully downloaded and installed it; however, when I opened it, it showed me that no internet connection for the Neo4j Desktop. It said "Poor network connection/Proxied network environment detected".

I have already checked my laptop internet connection. No thing wrong with my internet. Have anyone met the same problem? And how to solve it?

Thank you so much!!


so you don't have any proxies configured or such?

Can you try the following.
Click "Work Offline" to close the dialog.

Use Cmd+k to open the command bar and type log then share the Neo4j Desktop log, so that we can check for issues.

Thank you for replying my question!
I got a log.log file, but how can I share the file to you? Is there anyway I can directly attach the file in this reply?

I am Ronildo.

I have the same problem, after installing Neo4j Desktop, it opens but blank with the following message:
No Internet connection
Poor network connection / Proxied network environment detected. Please check your connectivity.

Neo4j Desktop requires an active Internet connection to download updates, new versions of Neo4j, and Neo4j plugins.

Being that I am with normal internet, and I do not have proxy,
can you help me.

[2019-04-14 22:37:37:0829] [info] Starting Neo4j Desktop 1.1.20 @ Windows_NT 10.0.17134
[2019-04-14 22:37:38:0153] [info] GraphQL server is running @ localhost:4000
[2019-04-14 22:37:38:0155] [info] Initializing persistence
[2019-04-14 22:37:38:0264] [info] Configuring crash reporting
[2019-04-14 22:37:38:0267] [info] Reading settings
[2019-04-14 22:37:38:0267] [info] PowerShell compatibility check
[2019-04-14 22:37:44:0163] [info] PowerShell version: 5. Required version: 5.
[2019-04-14 22:37:44:0964] [info] PowerShell language mode: FullLanguage
[2019-04-14 22:37:45:0747] [info] PowerShell execution policy: Unrestricted
[2019-04-14 22:37:45:0749] [info] Reading bundled resources C:\Program Files\Neo4j Desktop\resources
[2019-04-14 22:37:45:0766] [info] Distribution folder for java should exist
[2019-04-14 22:37:49:0638] [info] Will copy
[2019-04-14 22:37:49:0686] [info] Distribution folder for neo4j should exist
[2019-04-14 22:37:49:0717] [info] Will copy [ '' ]
[2019-04-14 22:37:49:0830] [info] Distribution folder for graphApps should exist
[2019-04-14 22:37:49:0842] [info] Will copy
[2019-04-14 22:37:49:0852] [info] Configuring proxy: NO_PROXY
[2019-04-14 22:38:02:0968] [error] Error: Max tries exceeded
at run (C:\Program Files\Neo4j Desktop\resources\app.asar\dist\
at run (C:\Program Files\Neo4j Desktop\resources\app.asar\dist\
at process._tickCallback (internal/process/next_tick.js:68:7)

[2019-04-14 22:38:02:0969] [info] Stopping any running databases
[2019-04-14 22:38:02:0989] [info] Checking store_lock file for database-254ad8f0-b04c-410b-8a86-22fd5a409d3b
[2019-04-14 22:38:02:0990] [info] Checking store_lock file for database-7f323e80-8245-4450-882c-11e7b89ab73d
[2019-04-14 22:38:02:0991] [info] Checking store_lock file for database-d064c9aa-d463-447c-aa15-eb47812e31ee
[2019-04-14 22:38:02:0992] [info] Registering listener for protocolManager/arguments/changed
[2019-04-14 22:38:02:0992] [info] Opening main window
[2019-04-14 22:38:03:0156] [info] Registering IPC listeners
[2019-04-14 22:38:05:0018] [info] Action[@@router/LOCATION_CHANGE] { payload:
{ action: 'PUSH',
isFirstRendering: false,
{ hash: '',
pathname: '/project/project-f936636a-1d7c-44f7-a92a-e53db2191f9d',
search: '' } },
type: '@@router/LOCATION_CHANGE' }
[2019-04-14 22:38:05:0186] [info] Checking online status...
[2019-04-14 22:38:05:0201] [info] Function
[2019-04-14 22:38:05:0201] [info] Function
[2019-04-14 22:38:05:0227] [info] Action[UPDATE_NOT_AVAILABLE] { type: 'UPDATE_NOT_AVAILABLE' }
[2019-04-14 22:38:05:0263] [info] Migrations passed: 0
[2019-04-14 22:38:05:0285] [info] Action[APPLICATION_SHOULD_ACCEPT_AGREEMENT] { shouldAccept: false,
[2019-04-14 22:38:05:0294] [info] Function
[2019-04-14 22:38:05:0314] [info] Function
[2019-04-14 22:38:05:0374] [info] Action[SHOW_DATA_PATH_CONTAINER] { dataPathError: '',
isVisibleDataPathContainer: false,
[2019-04-14 22:38:05:0432] [info] Action[APPLICATION_SHOULD_PROVIDE_LICENSE] { shouldProvideLicense: false,
[2019-04-14 22:38:05:0433] [info] Action[SHOW_LICENSE_CONTAINER] { isVisibleLicenseContainer: false,
[2019-04-14 22:38:05:0441] [info] Function
[2019-04-14 22:38:05:0441] [info] Action[APPLICATION_INIT_START] { type: 'APPLICATION_INIT_START' }
[2019-04-14 22:38:05:0442] [info] Action[APPLICATION_INIT_STEP_START] { step: 'NETWORK_PREPARE', type: 'APPLICATION_INIT_STEP_START' }
[2019-04-14 22:38:05:0459] [info] Action[APPLICATION_INIT_STEP_COMPLETE] { step: 'NETWORK_PREPARE',
[2019-04-14 22:38:05:0488] [info] Action[USER_SIGNED_IN] { type: 'USER_SIGNED_IN',
{ email: '',
name: 'Jhonathan de Souza Soares',
userClassification: null } }
[2019-04-14 22:38:05:0489] [info] Java download check
[2019-04-14 22:38:05:0507] [info] Check if java is extracted
[2019-04-14 22:38:05:0518] [info] Action[APPLICATION_INIT_STEP_UPDATE] { payload: { name: 'Java 8 found' },
[2019-04-14 22:38:05:0527] [info] Action[APPLICATION_INIT_STEP_COMPLETE] { step: 'JAVA_PREPARE', type: 'APPLICATION_INIT_STEP_COMPLETE' }
[2019-04-14 22:38:05:0528] [info] Action[APPLICATION_INIT_STEP_START] { step: 'NEO4J_PREPARE', type: 'APPLICATION_INIT_STEP_START' }
[2019-04-14 22:38:05:0528] [info] Function
[2019-04-14 22:38:05:0529] [info] Action[NEO4J_VERSIONS_LOADED] { type: 'NEO4J_VERSIONS_LOADED',
[ { releaseNotes: '', version: '3.5.2' },
{ releaseNotes: '', version: '3.4.12' },
{ releaseNotes: '', version: '3.3.9' } ] }
[2019-04-14 22:38:05:0541] [info] Action[NEO4J_VERSIONS_LOADED] { type: 'NEO4J_VERSIONS_LOADED',
[ { version: '3.3.1' },
{ version: '3.3.2' },
{ version: '3.5.2' } ] }
[2019-04-14 22:38:05:0549] [info] Action[APPLICATION_INIT_STEP_UPDATE] { payload: { name: 'Neo4j 3.3.1 found' },
step: 'NEO4J_PREPARE',
[2019-04-14 22:38:05:0549] [info] Action[APPLICATION_INIT_STEP_COMPLETE] { step: 'NEO4J_PREPARE',
[2019-04-14 22:38:05:0551] [info] Action[APPLICATION_INIT_STEP_START] { step: 'APPLICATION_PREPARE',
[2019-04-14 22:38:05:0551] [info] Action[APPLICATION_INIT_STEP_UPDATE] { payload: { name: 'Restoring application state' },
[2019-04-14 22:38:05:0561] [info] Action[APPLICATION_FOLLOWING_RUN] { type: 'APPLICATION_FOLLOWING_RUN' }
[2019-04-14 22:38:05:0579] [info] Action[PROJECTS_LOAD_ALL] { projects:
{ 'project-f936636a-1d7c-44f7-a92a-e53db2191f9d':
{ createdAt: '2018-02-06T11:32:14.456Z',
graphApps: ,
name: 'My Project' } },
[2019-04-14 22:38:05:0622] [info] Action[DATABASES_LOAD_ALL] { databases:
[ { doc: [Object],
id: 'database-254ad8f0-b04c-410b-8a86-22fd5a409d3b' },
{ doc: [Object],
id: 'database-7f323e80-8245-4450-882c-11e7b89ab73d' },
{ doc: [Object],
id: 'database-d064c9aa-d463-447c-aa15-eb47812e31ee' } ],
[2019-04-14 22:38:05:0637] [info] Action[PLUGINS_LOAD_ALL] { plugins:
{ 'database-d064c9aa-d463-447c-aa15-eb47812e31ee/apoc':
{ databaseId: 'database-d064c9aa-d463-447c-aa15-eb47812e31ee',
id: 'apoc',
version: '' } },
[2019-04-14 22:38:05:0687] [info] Action[DISTRIBUTIONS_LOAD_ALL] { distributions:
[ { edition: 'enterprise', version: '3.3.1' },
{ edition: 'enterprise', version: '3.3.2' },
{ edition: 'enterprise', version: '3.5.2' } ],
[2019-04-14 22:38:05:0706] [info] Action[APPLICATION_SETTINGS_LOADED] { settings:
{ allowSendReports: true,
allowSendStats: true,
allowStoreCredentials: true,
alternativeNeo4JStarter: false,
defaultProtocol: true,
defaultProtocolRemember: true,
enableOfflineMode: false,
proxyHost: '',
proxyPacFileUrl: '',
proxyPort: 0,
proxyRemotePacFileUrl: '',
proxyType: 'NO_PROXY',
proxyUsername: '',
warnBeforeQuitting: true },
[2019-04-14 22:38:05:0727] [info] Action[LICENSES_LOAD_ALL] { licenses:
{ 'bf0655f3-8de7-4ede-94b6-4b4ef182488d': { license: '' } },
[2019-04-14 22:38:05:0739] [info] Function
[2019-04-14 22:38:05:0753] [info] Action[KARHU_ENTRY_GRAPH_LOAD] { payload: {}, type: 'KARHU_ENTRY_GRAPH_LOAD' }
[2019-04-14 22:38:05:0754] [info] Action[APPLICATION_INIT_STEP_UPDATE] { payload: { name: 'Checking databases status' },
[2019-04-14 22:38:05:0770] [info] Retrieving status for database[database-254ad8f0-b04c-410b-8a86-22fd5a409d3b]
[2019-04-14 22:38:05:0779] [info] Retrieving status for database[database-7f323e80-8245-4450-882c-11e7b89ab73d]
[2019-04-14 22:38:05:0788] [info] Retrieving status for database[database-d064c9aa-d463-447c-aa15-eb47812e31ee]
[2019-04-14 22:38:05:0809] [info] Action[DATABASES_UPDATE_STATUSES] { statuses:
{ 'database-254ad8f0-b04c-410b-8a86-22fd5a409d3b': false,
'database-7f323e80-8245-4450-882c-11e7b89ab73d': false,
'database-d064c9aa-d463-447c-aa15-eb47812e31ee': false },
[2019-04-14 22:38:06:0161] [info] Action[APPLICATION_SET_VERSION] { type: 'APPLICATION_SET_VERSION', version: '1.1.20' }
[2019-04-14 22:38:06:0170] [info] Action[APPLICATION_INIT_STEP_UPDATE] { payload: { name: 'Application prepared' },
[2019-04-14 22:38:06:0171] [info] Action[APPLICATION_INIT_STEP_COMPLETE] { step: 'APPLICATION_PREPARE',
[2019-04-14 22:38:06:0171] [info] Action[APPLICATION_INIT_STEP_START] { step: 'GRAPH_APPS_PREPARE',
[2019-04-14 22:38:06:0183] [info] Action[APPLICATION_INIT_STEP_COMPLETE] { step: 'GRAPH_APPS_PREPARE',
[2019-04-14 22:38:06:0184] [info] Action[APPLICATION_INIT_SUCCESS] { type: 'APPLICATION_INIT_SUCCESS' }
[2019-04-14 22:38:06:0195] [warn] Failed to parse manifest file for Graph-App[neo4j-bloom]. Error: Graph-App[neo4j-bloom] does not contain manifest.json
at t.getManifest (C:\Program Files\Neo4j Desktop\resources\app.asar\dist\

[2019-04-14 22:38:06:0210] [info] Graph Apps: Removing installed but not configured
[2019-04-14 22:38:06:0222] [warn] Failed to parse manifest file for Graph-App[neo4j-bloom]. Error: Graph-App[neo4j-bloom] does not contain manifest.json
at t.getManifest (C:\Program Files\Neo4j Desktop\resources\app.asar\dist\

[2019-04-14 22:38:06:0250] [info] Action[GRAPH_APPS_PREPARED] { graphApps:
[ { apiVersion: '^1.2.0',
appId: 'neo4j-browser',
appName: 'Neo4j Browser',
'Neo4j Browser is the general purpose user interface for working with Neo4j. Query, visualize, administrate and monitor the database.',
graphAppType: 'LOCAL',
graphAppUrl: '',
icons: [Array],
id: 'neo4j-browser-id',
licenseConfiguration: [Object],
links: [Object],
localConfiguration: [Object],
permissions: [Object] },
{ apiVersion: '^1.2.0',
appId: 'neo4j-bloom',
appName: 'Neo4j Bloom',
'Neo4j Bloom is a business productivity application for interactive exploration of graph data.',
graphAppType: 'LOCAL',
graphAppUrl: '',
icons: [Array],
id: 'neo4j-bloom-id',
licenseConfiguration: [Object],
links: [Object],
localConfiguration: [Object],
permissions: [Object] } ],
[2019-04-14 22:38:06:0277] [info] Action[GRAPH_APP_PERMISSIONS_UPDATED] { id: 'neo4j-browser-id',
{ allowExecuteJava: true,
allowExecuteNode: true,
declaredPermissions: ,
graphAccess: 'ALL' },
[2019-04-14 22:38:06:0296] [info] Action[GRAPH_APP_PERMISSIONS_UPDATED] { id: 'neo4j-bloom-id',
{ allowExecuteJava: true,
allowExecuteNode: true,
declaredPermissions: ,
graphAccess: 'ALL' },
[2019-04-14 22:38:06:0349] [info] Function
[2019-04-14 22:38:06:0698] [info] Function
[2019-04-14 22:38:06:0699] [info] Action[NEO4J_VERSIONS_LOADED] { type: 'NEO4J_VERSIONS_LOADED',
[ { releaseNotes: '', version: '3.5.4' },
{ releaseNotes: '', version: '3.5.3' },
{ releaseNotes: '', version: '3.5.2' },
{ releaseNotes: '', version: '3.5.1' },
{ releaseNotes: '', version: '3.5.0' },
{ releaseNotes: '', version: '3.5.0-rc01' },
{ releaseNotes: '', version: '3.5.0-beta03' },
{ releaseNotes: '', version: '3.5.0-beta02' },
{ releaseNotes: '', version: '3.5.0-beta01' },
{ releaseNotes: '', version: '3.5.0-alpha09' },
{ releaseNotes: '', version: '3.5.0-alpha08' },
{ releaseNotes: '', version: '3.5.0-alpha07' },
{ releaseNotes: '', version: '3.5.0-alpha06' },
{ releaseNotes: '', version: '3.5.0-alpha05' },
{ releaseNotes: '', version: '3.5.0-alpha04' },
{ releaseNotes: '', version: '3.5.0-alpha02' },
{ releaseNotes: '', version: '3.5.0-alpha01' },
{ releaseNotes: '', version: '3.4.12' },
{ releaseNotes: '', version: '3.4.11' },
{ releaseNotes: '', version: '3.4.10' },
{ releaseNotes: '', version: '3.4.9' },
{ releaseNotes: '', version: '3.4.8' },
{ releaseNotes: '', version: '3.4.7' },
{ releaseNotes: '', version: '3.4.6' },
{ releaseNotes: '', version: '3.4.5' },
{ releaseNotes: '', version: '3.4.4' },
{ releaseNotes: '', version: '3.4.1' },
{ releaseNotes: '', version: '3.4.0' },
{ releaseNotes: '', version: '3.4.0-rc02' },
{ releaseNotes: '', version: '3.4.0-rc01' },
{ releaseNotes: '', version: '3.4.0-beta02' },
{ releaseNotes: '', version: '3.4.0-beta01' },
{ releaseNotes: '', version: '3.4.0-alpha10' },
{ releaseNotes: '', version: '3.4.0-alpha09' },
{ releaseNotes: '', version: '3.4.0-alpha08' },
{ releaseNotes: '', version: '3.4.0-alpha07' },
{ releaseNotes: '', version: '3.4.0-alpha06' },
{ releaseNotes: '', version: '3.4.0-alpha05' },
{ releaseNotes: '', version: '3.4.0-alpha04' },
{ releaseNotes: '', version: '3.4.0-alpha03' },
{ releaseNotes: '', version: '3.4.0-alpha02' },
{ releaseNotes: '', version: '3.4.0-alpha01' },
{ releaseNotes: '', version: '3.3.9' },
{ releaseNotes: '', version: '3.3.7' },
{ releaseNotes: '', version: '3.3.6' },
{ releaseNotes: '', version: '3.3.5' },
{ releaseNotes: '', version: '3.3.4' },
{ releaseNotes: '', version: '3.3.3' },
{ releaseNotes: '', version: '3.3.2' },
{ releaseNotes: '', version: '3.3.1' },
{ releaseNotes: '', version: '3.3.0' },
{ releaseNotes: '', version: '3.3.0-rc1' },
{ releaseNotes: '', version: '3.3.0-beta02' },
{ releaseNotes: '', version: '3.3.0-beta01' },
{ releaseNotes: '', version: '3.3.0-alpha07' },
{ releaseNotes: '', version: '3.3.0-alpha06' },
{ releaseNotes: '', version: '3.3.0-alpha05' },
{ releaseNotes: '', version: '3.3.0-alpha04' },
{ releaseNotes: '', version: '3.3.0-alpha03' },
{ releaseNotes: '', version: '3.3.0-alpha02' },
{ releaseNotes: '', version: '3.3.0-alpha01' },
{ releaseNotes: '', version: '3.2.14' },
{ releaseNotes: '', version: '3.2.13' },
{ releaseNotes: '', version: '3.2.12' },
{ releaseNotes: '', version: '3.2.11' },
{ releaseNotes: '', version: '3.2.10' },
{ releaseNotes: '', version: '3.2.9' },
{ releaseNotes: '', version: '3.2.8' },
{ releaseNotes: '', version: '3.2.7' },
{ releaseNotes: '', version: '3.2.6' },
{ releaseNotes: '', version: '3.2.5' },
{ releaseNotes: '', version: '3.2.3' },
{ releaseNotes: '', version: '3.2.2' },
{ releaseNotes: '', version: '3.2.1' },
{ releaseNotes: '', version: '3.2.0' },
{ releaseNotes: '', version: '3.2.0-rc3' },
{ releaseNotes: '', version: '3.2.0-rc2' },
{ releaseNotes: '', version: '3.2.0-rc1' },
{ releaseNotes: '', version: '3.2.0-alpha08' },
{ releaseNotes: '', version: '3.2.0-alpha07' },
{ releaseNotes: '', version: '3.2.0-alpha06' },
{ releaseNotes: '', version: '3.2.0-alpha05' },
{ releaseNotes: '', version: '3.2.0-alpha04' },
{ releaseNotes: '', version: '3.2.0-alpha03' },
{ releaseNotes: '', version: '3.2.0-alpha02' },
{ releaseNotes: '', version: '3.2.0-alpha01' },
{ releaseNotes: '', version: '3.1.9' },
{ releaseNotes: '', version: '3.1.8' },
{ releaseNotes: '', version: '3.1.7' },
{ releaseNotes: '', version: '3.1.6' },
{ releaseNotes: '', version: '3.1.5' },
{ releaseNotes: '', version: '3.1.4' },
{ releaseNotes: '', version: '3.1.3' },
{ releaseNotes: '', version: '3.1.2' },
{ releaseNotes: '', version: '3.1.1' },
{ releaseNotes: '', version: '3.1.0' },
{ releaseNotes: '', version: '3.1.0-RC1' },
{ releaseNotes: '', version: '3.1.0-M13-beta3' },
{ releaseNotes: '', version: '3.1.0-M12-beta2' } ] }
[2019-04-14 22:38:14:0746] [info] Action[NEO4J_RELEASE_NOTES_LOADED]
[2019-04-14 22:38:16:0432] [error] Error: Max tries exceeded
at run (C:\Program Files\Neo4j Desktop\resources\app.asar\dist\
at run (C:\Program Files\Neo4j Desktop\resources\app.asar\dist\
at process._tickCallback (internal/process/next_tick.js:68:7)

[2019-04-14 22:38:18:0319] [error] Error: Max tries exceeded
at run (C:\Program Files\Neo4j Desktop\resources\app.asar\dist\
at run (C:\Program Files\Neo4j Desktop\resources\app.asar\dist\
at process._tickCallback (internal/process/next_tick.js:68:7)

[2019-04-14 22:38:18:0328] [info] Online status: Application is offline

Can you put it on dropbox/google drive/pastebin or such.

Hmm there is nothing unusual in your log.
If you go to settings you should be able to disable offline mode.

Solved! Thank you so much!

How did you solve it?

I just disabled the offline mode as you suggested.

Same problem here. Just download Neo4J desktop for macbook and the "no internet connection" message shows up.

Log is showing this message:

[2019-04-01 20:27:47:0311] [error] Error: Max tries exceeded
at run (/Applications/Neo4j
at run (/Applications/Neo4j
at process._tickCallback (internal/process/next_tick.js:68:7)

Can you try again with the latest version (1.1.20), there were some bugfixes around this issue.


After I update neo4j desktop to the latest version (1.1.20), now just open a blank screen. Anyone knows if there`s any connection restriction to neo4j desktop users outside US?

I had had the issue back in 1.1.17 but was able to connect by clicking in Settings (gear icon) and disabling "Enable offline mode". Now that I updated to 1.1.20 I can't connect again and my fix doesn't seem to work any longer. I need to install APOC to perform a few tasks, guess I'll need to do it manually...

Just found out I can download older versions from the site as well, 1.1.17 is working just fine online for me, so here's the link:

I didn't find a way to get 1.1.20 to detect my internet connection yet though...

yes,1.1.17does work well.

I am not even getting the option to work offline, just seeing a blank page.
Any ideas?

Node Clone

Initially, when I installed Neo4j Destop v1.1.20 on both Windows as well as Linux machines i also received the same message which @ronildocontatos got.

I tried to disabled offline mode as @michael.hunger suggested but it didn't work. It was still checking for Internet Connection.

Anyways, i chose to 'work offline' and it allowed me to create Graph and play around with the application. However, when i closed the application and opened it again a Blank White screen was coming, and it is still the same.

Please suggest any resolution.

Hi there! I got the same issue after the recent update i.e. 1.1.20 on windows 10. I'm unable to go online. My network is working fine and everything in Neo4j environment is working great but due to the mentioned issue I cannot try py2neo and test my examples

I also cannot get 1.1.20 to work. Just opens a blank screen and says 'application offline' ... with no configuration settings available. Firewall is set to allow neo4j.

is there anything in the desktop logs or javascript console (via menu developer -> developer tools)

desktop logs can be found here:

on Linux: ~/.config/Neo4j Desktop/log.log
on OS X: ~/Library/Logs/Neo4j Desktop/log.log
on Windows before 1.0.19: %USERPROFILE%\AppData\Roaming\Neo4j Desktop\log.log
on Windows after 1.0.19: %USERPROFILE%\.Neo4jDesktop\log.log

Hello a Michael -

Yesterday I was in Berlin at a modeling class with Stefan. We looked at this and he collected some data .. I will email you it.

He said something about it looks like if it detects no internet connection it doesn’t pop up the box.

I have to find the log in my computer now.


Hello Michael,
I emailed you the logs, did you get them?
[I was just in the Berlin data modeling workshop and Stefan tried to debug this.].
When we did this we had no Internet access. There is an idea we talked about that this is due to the software thinking it needs a network to run?
Then we tried with Internet access - with the same results (I had turned off the firewall.)

Thanks for looking into this,

Here are the logs again:

rammas-MBP-2:MacOS ramma-imac$ ./Neo4j\ Desktop
[14:29:46.0659] [info] Starting Neo4j Desktop 1.1.20 @ Darwin 17.3.0
[14:29:46.0942] [info] GraphQL server is running @ localhost:4000
[14:29:46.0943] [info] Initializing persistence
[14:29:47.0033] [info] Configuring crash reporting
[14:29:47.0034] [info] Reading settings
[14:29:47.0037] [info] Reading bundled resources /Applications/Neo4j
[14:29:47.0040] [info] Distribution folder for java should exist
[14:29:48.0455] [info] Will copy
[14:29:48.0464] [info] Distribution folder for neo4j should exist
[14:29:50.0964] [info] Will copy
[14:29:50.0974] [info] Distribution folder for graphApps should exist
[14:29:50.0986] [warn] Failed to read installed 'neo4j-bloom', will replace with bundled distribution Error: Graph-App[neo4j-bloom] does not contain package.json
at c (/Applications/Neo4j

[14:29:50.0988] [warn] Failed to read installed 'neo4j-browser', will replace with bundled distribution Error: Graph-App[neo4j-browser] does not contain package.json
at c (/Applications/Neo4j

[14:29:50.0989] [info] Will copy [ 'neo4j-bloom-1.0.6.tar.gz', 'neo4j-browser-3.2.18.tar.gz' ]
[14:29:51.0036] [info] Configuring proxy: NO_PROXY
[14:29:51.0067] [info] Stopping any running databases
[14:29:51.0073] [info] Registering listener for protocolManager/arguments/changed
[14:29:51.0074] [info] Opening main window
[14:29:51.0267] [info] Registering IPC listeners
[14:29:52.0614] [info] Action[@@router/LOCATION_CHANGE] { payload:
{ action: 'POP',
isFirstRendering: false,
location: { hash: '', pathname: '/', search: '' } },
type: '@@router/LOCATION_CHANGE' }
[14:29:52.0792] [info] Function
[14:29:52.0792] [info] Function
[14:29:52.0800] [info] Action[UPDATE_NOT_AVAILABLE] { type: 'UPDATE_NOT_AVAILABLE' }
[14:29:52.0823] [info] Migrations passed: 0
[14:29:52.0840] [info] Action[APPLICATION_SHOULD_ACCEPT_AGREEMENT] { shouldAccept: false,
[14:29:52.0843] [info] Function
[14:29:52.0844] [info] Action[SHOW_DATA_PATH_CONTAINER] { dataPathError: '',
isVisibleDataPathContainer: false,
[14:29:52.0964] [info] Action[APPLICATION_SHOULD_PROVIDE_LICENSE] { shouldProvideLicense: true,
[14:29:52.0965] [info] Action[SHOW_LICENSE_CONTAINER] { isVisibleLicenseContainer: true,
[14:42:37.0961] [info] App is quitting
[14:42:38.0030] [info] App quit with 0 code
rammas-MBP-2:MacOS ramma-imac$

Please check your email at for the logs. It looks like the lines I copy/pasted into this email from the log have truncated many of the lines.

Node Clone

I am getting the same error for the version 1.1.20 on windows 7 and 8.1 both .
I tried to disable the offline mode as suggested but it's not working.
My internet has no proxy and has a good connection speed.!

I was able to disable the offline mode two times and able to install apoc but it's automatically enabled in few seconds. Neo4j Desktop's logs folder is empty

Same problem here - Neo4j Desktop in Windows 10 does not go to online mode

[2019-04-14 22:37:37:0829] [info] Starting Neo4j Desktop 1.1.20 @ Windows_NT 10.0.17134
[2019-04-14 22:37:38:0153] [info] GraphQL server is running @ localhost:4000
[2019-04-14 22:37:38:0155] [info] Initializing persistence
[2019-04-14 22:37:38:0264] [info] Configuring crash reporting
[2019-04-14 22:37:38:0267] [info] Reading settings
[2019-04-14 22:37:38:0267] [info] PowerShell compatibility check
[2019-04-14 22:37:44:0163] [info] PowerShell version: 5. Required version: 5.
[2019-04-14 22:37:44:0964] [info] PowerShell language mode: FullLanguage
[2019-04-14 22:37:45:0747] [info] PowerShell execution policy: Unrestricted
[2019-04-14 22:37:45:0749] [info] Reading bundled resources C:\Program Files\Neo4j Desktop\resources
[2019-04-14 22:37:45:0766] [info] Distribution folder for java should exist
[2019-04-14 22:37:49:0638] [info] Will copy
[2019-04-14 22:37:49:0686] [info] Distribution folder for neo4j should exist
[2019-04-14 22:37:49:0717] [info] Will copy [ '' ]
[2019-04-14 22:37:49:0830] [info] Distribution folder for graphApps should exist
[2019-04-14 22:37:49:0842] [info] Will copy
[2019-04-14 22:37:49:0852] [info] Configuring proxy: NO_PROXY
[2019-04-14 22:38:02:0968] [error] Error: Max tries exceeded
at run (C:\Program Files\Neo4j Desktop\resources\app.asar\dist\
at run (C:\Program Files\Neo4j Desktop\resources\app.asar\dist\
at process._tickCallback (internal/process/next_tick.js:68:7)

[2019-04-14 22:38:02:0969] [info] Stopping any running databases
[2019-04-14 22:38:02:0989] [info] Checking store_lock file for database-254ad8f0-b04c-410b-8a86-22fd5a409d3b
[2019-04-14 22:38:02:0990] [info] Checking store_lock file for database-7f323e80-8245-4450-882c-11e7b89ab73d
[2019-04-14 22:38:02:0991] [info] Checking store_lock file for database-d064c9aa-d463-447c-aa15-eb47812e31ee
[2019-04-14 22:38:02:0992] [info] Registering listener for protocolManager/arguments/changed
[2019-04-14 22:38:02:0992] [info] Opening main window
[2019-04-14 22:38:03:0156] [info] Registering IPC listeners
[2019-04-14 22:38:05:0018] [info] Action[@@router/LOCATION_CHANGE] { payload:
{ action: 'PUSH',
isFirstRendering: false,
{ hash: '',
pathname: '/project/project-f936636a-1d7c-44f7-a92a-e53db2191f9d',
search: '' } },
type: '@@router/LOCATION_CHANGE' }
[2019-04-14 22:38:05:0186] [info] Checking online status...
[2019-04-14 22:38:05:0201] [info] Function
[2019-04-14 22:38:05:0201] [info] Function
[2019-04-14 22:38:05:0227] [info] Action[UPDATE_NOT_AVAILABLE] { type: 'UPDATE_NOT_AVAILABLE' }
[2019-04-14 22:38:05:0263] [info] Migrations passed: 0
[2019-04-14 22:38:05:0285] [info] Action[APPLICATION_SHOULD_ACCEPT_AGREEMENT] { shouldAccept: false,
[2019-04-14 22:38:05:0294] [info] Function
[2019-04-14 22:38:05:0314] [info] Function
[2019-04-14 22:38:05:0374] [info] Action[SHOW_DATA_PATH_CONTAINER] { dataPathError: '',
isVisibleDataPathContainer: false,
[2019-04-14 22:38:05:0432] [info] Action[APPLICATION_SHOULD_PROVIDE_LICENSE] { shouldProvideLicense: false,
[2019-04-14 22:38:05:0433] [info] Action[SHOW_LICENSE_CONTAINER] { isVisibleLicenseContainer: false,
[2019-04-14 22:38:05:0441] [info] Function
[2019-04-14 22:38:05:0441] [info] Action[APPLICATION_INIT_START] { type: 'APPLICATION_INIT_START' }
[2019-04-14 22:38:05:0442] [info] Action[APPLICATION_INIT_STEP_START] { step: 'NETWORK_PREPARE', type: 'APPLICATION_INIT_STEP_START' }
[2019-04-14 22:38:05:0459] [info] Action[APPLICATION_INIT_STEP_COMPLETE] { step: 'NETWORK_PREPARE',
[2019-04-14 22:38:05:0488] [info] Action[USER_SIGNED_IN] { type: 'USER_SIGNED_IN',
{ email: '',
name: 'Jhonathan de Souza Soares',
userClassification: null } }
[2019-04-14 22:38:05:0489] [info] Java download check
[2019-04-14 22:38:05:0507] [info] Check if java is extracted
[2019-04-14 22:38:05:0518] [info] Action[APPLICATION_INIT_STEP_UPDATE] { payload: { name: 'Java 8 found' },
[2019-04-14 22:38:05:0527] [info] Action[APPLICATION_INIT_STEP_COMPLETE] { step: 'JAVA_PREPARE', type: 'APPLICATION_INIT_STEP_COMPLETE' }
[2019-04-14 22:38:05:0528] [info] Action[APPLICATION_INIT_STEP_START] { step: 'NEO4J_PREPARE', type: 'APPLICATION_INIT_STEP_START' }
[2019-04-14 22:38:05:0528] [info] Function
[2019-04-14 22:38:05:0529] [info] Action[NEO4J_VERSIONS_LOADED] { type: 'NEO4J_VERSIONS_LOADED',
[ { releaseNotes: '', version: '3.5.2' },
{ releaseNotes: '', version: '3.4.12' },
{ releaseNotes: '', version: '3.3.9' } ] }
[2019-04-14 22:38:05:0541] [info] Action[NEO4J_VERSIONS_LOADED] { type: 'NEO4J_VERSIONS_LOADED',
[ { version: '3.3.1' },
{ version: '3.3.2' },
{ version: '3.5.2' } ] }
[2019-04-14 22:38:05:0549] [info] Action[APPLICATION_INIT_STEP_UPDATE] { payload: { name: 'Neo4j 3.3.1 found' },
step: 'NEO4J_PREPARE',
[2019-04-14 22:38:05:0549] [info] Action[APPLICATION_INIT_STEP_COMPLETE] { step: 'NEO4J_PREPARE',
[2019-04-14 22:38:05:0551] [info] Action[APPLICATION_INIT_STEP_START] { step: 'APPLICATION_PREPARE',
[2019-04-14 22:38:05:0551] [info] Action[APPLICATION_INIT_STEP_UPDATE] { payload: { name: 'Restoring application state' },
[2019-04-14 22:38:05:0561] [info] Action[APPLICATION_FOLLOWING_RUN] { type: 'APPLICATION_FOLLOWING_RUN' }
[2019-04-14 22:38:05:0579] [info] Action[PROJECTS_LOAD_ALL] { projects:
{ 'project-f936636a-1d7c-44f7-a92a-e53db2191f9d':
{ createdAt: '2018-02-06T11:32:14.456Z',
graphApps: ,
name: 'My Project' } },
[2019-04-14 22:38:05:0622] [info] Action[DATABASES_LOAD_ALL] { databases:
[ { doc: [Object],
id: 'database-254ad8f0-b04c-410b-8a86-22fd5a409d3b' },
{ doc: [Object],
id: 'database-7f323e80-8245-4450-882c-11e7b89ab73d' },
{ doc: [Object],
id: 'database-d064c9aa-d463-447c-aa15-eb47812e31ee' } ],
[2019-04-14 22:38:05:0637] [info] Action[PLUGINS_LOAD_ALL] { plugins:
{ 'database-d064c9aa-d463-447c-aa15-eb47812e31ee/apoc':
{ databaseId: 'database-d064c9aa-d463-447c-aa15-eb47812e31ee',
id: 'apoc',
version: '' } },
[2019-04-14 22:38:05:0687] [info] Action[DISTRIBUTIONS_LOAD_ALL] { distributions:
[ { edition: 'enterprise', version: '3.3.1' },
{ edition: 'enterprise', version: '3.3.2' },
{ edition: 'enterprise', version: '3.5.2' } ],
[2019-04-14 22:38:05:0706] [info] Action[APPLICATION_SETTINGS_LOADED] { settings:
{ allowSendReports: true,
allowSendStats: true,
allowStoreCredentials: true,
alternativeNeo4JStarter: false,
defaultProtocol: true,
defaultProtocolRemember: true,
enableOfflineMode: false,
proxyHost: '',
proxyPacFileUrl: '',
proxyPort: 0,
proxyRemotePacFileUrl: '',
proxyType: 'NO_PROXY',
proxyUsername: '',
warnBeforeQuitting: true },
[2019-04-14 22:38:05:0727] [info] Action[LICENSES_LOAD_ALL] { licenses:
{ 'bf0655f3-8de7-4ede-94b6-4b4ef182488d': { license: '' } },
[2019-04-14 22:38:05:0739] [info] Function
[2019-04-14 22:38:05:0753] [info] Action[KARHU_ENTRY_GRAPH_LOAD] { payload: {}, type: 'KARHU_ENTRY_GRAPH_LOAD' }
[2019-04-14 22:38:05:0754] [info] Action[APPLICATION_INIT_STEP_UPDATE] { payload: { name: 'Checking databases status' },
[2019-04-14 22:38:05:0770] [info] Retrieving status for database[database-254ad8f0-b04c-410b-8a86-22fd5a409d3b]
[2019-04-14 22:38:05:0779] [info] Retrieving status for database[database-7f323e80-8245-4450-882c-11e7b89ab73d]
[2019-04-14 22:38:05:0788] [info] Retrieving status for database[database-d064c9aa-d463-447c-aa15-eb47812e31ee]
[2019-04-14 22:38:05:0809] [info] Action[DATABASES_UPDATE_STATUSES] { statuses:
{ 'database-254ad8f0-b04c-410b-8a86-22fd5a409d3b': false,
'database-7f323e80-8245-4450-882c-11e7b89ab73d': false,
'database-d064c9aa-d463-447c-aa15-eb47812e31ee': false },
[2019-04-14 22:38:06:0161] [info] Action[APPLICATION_SET_VERSION] { type: 'APPLICATION_SET_VERSION', version: '1.1.20' }
[2019-04-14 22:38:06:0170] [info] Action[APPLICATION_INIT_STEP_UPDATE] { payload: { name: 'Application prepared' },
[2019-04-14 22:38:06:0171] [info] Action[APPLICATION_INIT_STEP_COMPLETE] { step: 'APPLICATION_PREPARE',
[2019-04-14 22:38:06:0171] [info] Action[APPLICATION_INIT_STEP_START] { step: 'GRAPH_APPS_PREPARE',
[2019-04-14 22:38:06:0183] [info] Action[APPLICATION_INIT_STEP_COMPLETE] { step: 'GRAPH_APPS_PREPARE',
[2019-04-14 22:38:06:0184] [info] Action[APPLICATION_INIT_SUCCESS] { type: 'APPLICATION_INIT_SUCCESS' }
[2019-04-14 22:38:06:0195] [warn] Failed to parse manifest file for Graph-App[neo4j-bloom]. Error: Graph-App[neo4j-bloom] does not contain manifest.json
at t.getManifest (C:\Program Files\Neo4j Desktop\resources\app.asar\dist\

[2019-04-14 22:38:06:0210] [info] Graph Apps: Removing installed but not configured
[2019-04-14 22:38:06:0222] [warn] Failed to parse manifest file for Graph-App[neo4j-bloom]. Error: Graph-App[neo4j-bloom] does not contain manifest.json
at t.getManifest (C:\Program Files\Neo4j Desktop\resources\app.asar\dist\

[2019-04-14 22:38:06:0250] [info] Action[GRAPH_APPS_PREPARED] { graphApps:
[ { apiVersion: '^1.2.0',
appId: 'neo4j-browser',
appName: 'Neo4j Browser',
'Neo4j Browser is the general purpose user interface for working with Neo4j. Query, visualize, administrate and monitor the database.',
graphAppType: 'LOCAL',
graphAppUrl: '',
icons: [Array],
id: 'neo4j-browser-id',
licenseConfiguration: [Object],
links: [Object],
localConfiguration: [Object],
permissions: [Object] },
{ apiVersion: '^1.2.0',
appId: 'neo4j-bloom',
appName: 'Neo4j Bloom',
'Neo4j Bloom is a business productivity application for interactive exploration of graph data.',
graphAppType: 'LOCAL',
graphAppUrl: '',
icons: [Array],
id: 'neo4j-bloom-id',
licenseConfiguration: [Object],
links: [Object],
localConfiguration: [Object],
permissions: [Object] } ],
[2019-04-14 22:38:06:0277] [info] Action[GRAPH_APP_PERMISSIONS_UPDATED] { id: 'neo4j-browser-id',
{ allowExecuteJava: true,
allowExecuteNode: true,
declaredPermissions: ,
graphAccess: 'ALL' },
[2019-04-14 22:38:06:0296] [info] Action[GRAPH_APP_PERMISSIONS_UPDATED] { id: 'neo4j-bloom-id',
{ allowExecuteJava: true,
allowExecuteNode: true,
declaredPermissions: ,
graphAccess: 'ALL' },
[2019-04-14 22:38:06:0349] [info] Function
[2019-04-14 22:38:06:0698] [info] Function
[2019-04-14 22:38:06:0699] [info] Action[NEO4J_VERSIONS_LOADED] { type: 'NEO4J_VERSIONS_LOADED',
[ { releaseNotes: '', version: '3.5.4' },
{ releaseNotes: '', version: '3.5.3' },
{ releaseNotes: '', version: '3.5.2' },
{ releaseNotes: '', version: '3.5.1' },
{ releaseNotes: '', version: '3.5.0' },
{ releaseNotes: '', version: '3.5.0-rc01' },
{ releaseNotes: '', version: '3.5.0-beta03' },
{ releaseNotes: '', version: '3.5.0-beta02' },
{ releaseNotes: '', version: '3.5.0-beta01' },
{ releaseNotes: '', version: '3.5.0-alpha09' },
{ releaseNotes: '', version: '3.5.0-alpha08' },
{ releaseNotes: '', version: '3.5.0-alpha07' },
{ releaseNotes: '', version: '3.5.0-alpha06' },
{ releaseNotes: '', version: '3.5.0-alpha05' },
{ releaseNotes: '', version: '3.5.0-alpha04' },
{ releaseNotes: '', version: '3.5.0-alpha02' },
{ releaseNotes: '', version: '3.5.0-alpha01' },
{ releaseNotes: '', version: '3.4.12' },
{ releaseNotes: '', version: '3.4.11' },
{ releaseNotes: '', version: '3.4.10' },
{ releaseNotes: '', version: '3.4.9' },
{ releaseNotes: '', version: '3.4.8' },
{ releaseNotes: '', version: '3.4.7' },
{ releaseNotes: '', version: '3.4.6' },
{ releaseNotes: '', version: '3.4.5' },
{ releaseNotes: '', version: '3.4.4' },
{ releaseNotes: '', version: '3.4.1' },
{ releaseNotes: '', version: '3.4.0' },
{ releaseNotes: '', version: '3.4.0-rc02' },
{ releaseNotes: '', version: '3.4.0-rc01' },
{ releaseNotes: '', version: '3.4.0-beta02' },
{ releaseNotes: '', version: '3.4.0-beta01' },
{ releaseNotes: '', version: '3.4.0-alpha10' },
{ releaseNotes: '', version: '3.4.0-alpha09' },
{ releaseNotes: '', version: '3.4.0-alpha08' },
{ releaseNotes: '', version: '3.4.0-alpha07' },
{ releaseNotes: '', version: '3.4.0-alpha06' },
{ releaseNotes: '', version: '3.4.0-alpha05' },
{ releaseNotes: '', version: '3.4.0-alpha04' },
{ releaseNotes: '', version: '3.4.0-alpha03' },
{ releaseNotes: '', version: '3.4.0-alpha02' },
{ releaseNotes: '', version: '3.4.0-alpha01' },
{ releaseNotes: '', version: '3.3.9' },
{ releaseNotes: '', version: '3.3.7' },
{ releaseNotes: '', version: '3.3.6' },
{ releaseNotes: '', version: '3.3.5' },
{ releaseNotes: '', version: '3.3.4' },
{ releaseNotes: '', version: '3.3.3' },
{ releaseNotes: '', version: '3.3.2' },
{ releaseNotes: '', version: '3.3.1' },
{ releaseNotes: '', version: '3.3.0' },
{ releaseNotes: '', version: '3.3.0-rc1' },
{ releaseNotes: '', version: '3.3.0-beta02' },
{ releaseNotes: '', version: '3.3.0-beta01' },
{ releaseNotes: '', version: '3.3.0-alpha07' },
{ releaseNotes: '', version: '3.3.0-alpha06' },
{ releaseNotes: '', version: '3.3.0-alpha05' },
{ releaseNotes: '', version: '3.3.0-alpha04' },
{ releaseNotes: '', version: '3.3.0-alpha03' },
{ releaseNotes: '', version: '3.3.0-alpha02' },
{ releaseNotes: '', version: '3.3.0-alpha01' },
{ releaseNotes: '', version: '3.2.14' },
{ releaseNotes: '', version: '3.2.13' },
{ releaseNotes: '', version: '3.2.12' },
{ releaseNotes: '', version: '3.2.11' },
{ releaseNotes: '', version: '3.2.10' },
{ releaseNotes: '', version: '3.2.9' },
{ releaseNotes: '', version: '3.2.8' },
{ releaseNotes: '', version: '3.2.7' },
{ releaseNotes: '', version: '3.2.6' },
{ releaseNotes: '', version: '3.2.5' },
{ releaseNotes: '', version: '3.2.3' },
{ releaseNotes: '', version: '3.2.2' },
{ releaseNotes: '', version: '3.2.1' },
{ releaseNotes: '', version: '3.2.0' },
{ releaseNotes: '', version: '3.2.0-rc3' },
{ releaseNotes: '', version: '3.2.0-rc2' },
{ releaseNotes: '', version: '3.2.0-rc1' },
{ releaseNotes: '', version: '3.2.0-alpha08' },
{ releaseNotes: '', version: '3.2.0-alpha07' },
{ releaseNotes: '', version: '3.2.0-alpha06' },
{ releaseNotes: '', version: '3.2.0-alpha05' },
{ releaseNotes: '', version: '3.2.0-alpha04' },
{ releaseNotes: '', version: '3.2.0-alpha03' },
{ releaseNotes: '', version: '3.2.0-alpha02' },
{ releaseNotes: '', version: '3.2.0-alpha01' },
{ releaseNotes: '', version: '3.1.9' },
{ releaseNotes: '', version: '3.1.8' },
{ releaseNotes: '', version: '3.1.7' },
{ releaseNotes: '', version: '3.1.6' },
{ releaseNotes: '', version: '3.1.5' },
{ releaseNotes: '', version: '3.1.4' },
{ releaseNotes: '', version: '3.1.3' },
{ releaseNotes: '', version: '3.1.2' },
{ releaseNotes: '', version: '3.1.1' },
{ releaseNotes: '', version: '3.1.0' },
{ releaseNotes: '', version: '3.1.0-RC1' },
{ releaseNotes: '', version: '3.1.0-M13-beta3' },
{ releaseNotes: '', version: '3.1.0-M12-beta2' } ] }
[2019-04-14 22:38:14:0746] [info] Action[NEO4J_RELEASE_NOTES_LOADED]
[2019-04-14 22:38:16:0432] [error] Error: Max tries exceeded
at run (C:\Program Files\Neo4j Desktop\resources\app.asar\dist\
at run (C:\Program Files\Neo4j Desktop\resources\app.asar\dist\
at process._tickCallback (internal/process/next_tick.js:68:7)

[2019-04-14 22:38:18:0319] [error] Error: Max tries exceeded
at run (C:\Program Files\Neo4j Desktop\resources\app.asar\dist\
at run (C:\Program Files\Neo4j Desktop\resources\app.asar\dist\
at process._tickCallback (internal/process/next_tick.js:68:7)

[2019-04-14 22:38:18:0328] [info] Online status: Application is offline

I finally made my neo4j desktop version works with internet connection after uninstall 1.1.20 version and install 1.1.15 version. I also tried 1.1.17 but didnt work.

I'm using macOS Mojave Version 10.14.3

Hi! I encounter nearly the same problem with Neo4J Desktop 1.1.18 on Windows 7. I am behind a corporate proxy but have configured the proxy settings. It seems that this has no effect. I get the same error message at the start as mentioned in the previous postings.

We tracked the network traffic from my computer and Neo4J Desktop does not try to connect to our proxy, but directly tries to communicate with the web. This external request gets blocked by our corporate firewall as only connections via proxy are allowed. As already mentioned, the proxy settings were provided (via HTTP URL and via PAC file).

Any ideas how I can get this working?

Thanks, Stefan

Node Clone

None of the latest Neo4j Desktop versions after 1.1.15 is working properly.
I have tried 1.1.17, 1.1.18, 1.1.20 and 1.1.21 on Windows 7 and Windows 8.1 both.
Facing one or another issues with each of these.

  • Opens a blank screen.
  • No Internet connection (Hence no plugins).
  • No Option to download graph applications.

Hope Neo4j Team fix this soon.

I have reverted back to version 1.1.15 It's working as expected.
Those who are facing the same issue can download 1.1.15 here.

Yup. 1.1.15 working. Thank you for the solution

1.1.15 does not work for me... same problem like before: it seems that the proxy configuration is ignored.

I didn't tried this with proxy.

Network Peristent State file in v1.1.15 and v1.1.21 is different.If you visit,the website will return "{"message":"Forbidden"}".But return normal. I don't know if this is the reason why desktop only works offline.



Hi. I have same problem with latest version 1.1.22 !

It's quite disturbing as I am trying to convince my company here to get neo4j implemented and silly problems like these continue to pop up.

Here is my log.log file:

[2019-05-10 12:37:01:0709] [info] Starting Neo4j Desktop 1.1.22 @ Windows_NT 10.0.17134
[2019-05-10 12:37:02:0086] [info] GraphQL server is running @ localhost:4000
[2019-05-10 12:37:02:0087] [info] Initializing persistence
[2019-05-10 12:37:02:0196] [info] Configuring crash reporting
[2019-05-10 12:37:02:0198] [info] Reading settings
[2019-05-10 12:37:02:0199] [info] PowerShell compatibility check
[2019-05-10 12:37:03:0295] [info] PowerShell version: 1. Required version: 5.
[2019-05-10 12:37:03:0295] [info] PowerShell is incompatible. Enabling alternative Neo4j starter.
[2019-05-10 12:37:03:0296] [info] Reading bundled resources C:\Users\afarooqui\AppData\Local\Programs\neo4j-desktop\resources
[2019-05-10 12:37:03:0307] [info] Configuring proxy: NO_PROXY
[2019-05-10 12:37:21:0854] [error] Error: Max tries exceeded
at run (C:\Users\afarooqui\AppData\Local\Programs\neo4j-desktop\resources\app.asar\dist\
at run (C:\Users\afarooqui\AppData\Local\Programs\neo4j-desktop\resources\app.asar\dist\

[2019-05-10 12:37:21:0858] [info] Stopping any running databases
[2019-05-10 12:37:21:0916] [info] Checking store_lock file for database-02173a62-d88b-4076-af9f-75e64af7261d
[2019-05-10 12:37:21:0916] [info] Checking store_lock file for database-05511c0a-0240-4465-8694-cba05159fee0
[2019-05-10 12:37:21:0917] [info] Checking store_lock file for database-1ae88642-6eb1-414c-9d92-8fddde37143f
[2019-05-10 12:37:21:0917] [info] Checking store_lock file for database-24b47fd0-15ca-48fb-b9e5-ebbfb74b164a
[2019-05-10 12:37:21:0918] [info] Checking store_lock file for database-5702bcb3-ecd0-4186-a80c-9938ecd2c9ac
[2019-05-10 12:37:21:0918] [info] Checking store_lock file for database-8c21e6ba-c4ea-4208-802e-0735ba1f4326
[2019-05-10 12:37:21:0918] [info] Checking store_lock file for database-9a937b81-d3e7-4f16-aae9-213d2f25f40d
[2019-05-10 12:37:21:0919] [info] Checking store_lock file for database-b24a9faf-b101-41f2-a9e4-e3e51da6fd92
[2019-05-10 12:37:21:0919] [info] Checking store_lock file for database-cd3de03a-fd7e-4b28-9fdb-211485f4ccaa
[2019-05-10 12:37:21:0919] [info] Registering listener for protocolManager/arguments/changed
[2019-05-10 12:37:21:0936] [info] Opening main window
[2019-05-10 12:37:22:0064] [info] Registering IPC listeners
[2019-05-10 12:37:23:0217] [info] Action[@@router/LOCATION_CHANGE] { payload:
{ action: 'PUSH',
isFirstRendering: false,
{ hash: '',
pathname: '/project/project-51b90484-d53e-46ba-ac7f-27c87cca2938',
search: '' } },
type: '@@router/LOCATION_CHANGE' }
[2019-05-10 12:37:23:0306] [info] Function
[2019-05-10 12:37:23:0306] [info] Function
[2019-05-10 12:37:23:0329] [info] Action[UPDATE_NOT_AVAILABLE] { type: 'UPDATE_NOT_AVAILABLE' }
[2019-05-10 12:37:23:0380] [info] Migrations passed: 0
[2019-05-10 12:37:23:0394] [info] Action[APPLICATION_SHOULD_ACCEPT_AGREEMENT] { shouldAccept: false,
[2019-05-10 12:37:23:0402] [info] Function
[2019-05-10 12:37:23:0417] [info] Function
[2019-05-10 12:37:23:0464] [info] Action[UPDATE_RESTRICTION] { restrictionReason: 'No powershell available or is incompatible',
restrictionStatus: true,
[2019-05-10 12:37:23:0476] [info] Action[SHOW_DATA_PATH_CONTAINER] { dataPathError: '',
isVisibleDataPathContainer: false,
[2019-05-10 12:37:23:0609] [info] Action[APPLICATION_SHOULD_PROVIDE_LICENSE] { shouldProvideLicense: false,
[2019-05-10 12:37:23:0618] [info] Action[SHOW_LICENSE_CONTAINER] { isVisibleLicenseContainer: false,
[2019-05-10 12:37:23:0627] [info] Function
[2019-05-10 12:37:23:0627] [info] Action[APPLICATION_INIT_START] { type: 'APPLICATION_INIT_START' }
[2019-05-10 12:37:23:0636] [info] Action[APPLICATION_INIT_STEP_START] { step: 'SYSTEM_REQUIREMENTS',
[2019-05-10 12:37:23:0827] [info] Action[SYSTEM_INFO] { systemInfo:
{ errorMessages: {},
requirementsFulfilled: true,
system: { OS: [Object] } },
type: 'SYSTEM_INFO' }
[2019-05-10 12:37:23:0837] [info] Action[APPLICATION_INIT_STEP_COMPLETE] { step: 'SYSTEM_REQUIREMENTS',
[2019-05-10 12:37:23:0847] [info] Action[APPLICATION_INIT_STEP_START] { step: 'NETWORK_PREPARE', type: 'APPLICATION_INIT_STEP_START' }
[2019-05-10 12:37:23:0865] [info] Action[APPLICATION_INIT_STEP_COMPLETE] { step: 'NETWORK_PREPARE',
[2019-05-10 12:37:23:0874] [info] Java download check
[2019-05-10 12:37:23:0884] [info] Check if java is extracted
[2019-05-10 12:37:23:0885] [info] Action[APPLICATION_INIT_STEP_UPDATE] { payload: { name: 'Java 8 found' },
[2019-05-10 12:37:23:0902] [info] Action[APPLICATION_INIT_STEP_COMPLETE] { step: 'JAVA_PREPARE', type: 'APPLICATION_INIT_STEP_COMPLETE' }
[2019-05-10 12:37:23:0912] [info] Action[APPLICATION_INIT_STEP_START] { step: 'NEO4J_PREPARE', type: 'APPLICATION_INIT_STEP_START' }
[2019-05-10 12:37:23:0921] [info] Function
[2019-05-10 12:37:23:0921] [info] Action[NEO4J_VERSIONS_LOADED] { type: 'NEO4J_VERSIONS_LOADED',
[ { releaseNotes: '', version: '3.5.5' },
{ releaseNotes: '', version: '3.4.13' },
{ releaseNotes: '', version: '3.3.9' } ] }
[2019-05-10 12:37:23:0948] [info] Action[NEO4J_VERSIONS_LOADED] { type: 'NEO4J_VERSIONS_LOADED',
versions: [ { version: '3.5.2' } ] }
[2019-05-10 12:37:23:0959] [info] Action[APPLICATION_INIT_STEP_UPDATE] { payload: { name: 'Neo4j 3.5.2 found' },
step: 'NEO4J_PREPARE',
[2019-05-10 12:37:23:0978] [info] Action[APPLICATION_INIT_STEP_COMPLETE] { step: 'NEO4J_PREPARE',
[2019-05-10 12:37:23:0987] [info] Action[APPLICATION_INIT_STEP_START] { step: 'APPLICATION_PREPARE',
[2019-05-10 12:37:23:0995] [info] Action[APPLICATION_INIT_STEP_UPDATE] { payload: { name: 'Restoring application state' },
[2019-05-10 12:37:24:0007] [info] Action[APPLICATION_FOLLOWING_RUN] { type: 'APPLICATION_FOLLOWING_RUN' }
[2019-05-10 12:37:24:0039] [info] Action[PROJECTS_LOAD_ALL] { projects:
{ 'project-51b90484-d53e-46ba-ac7f-27c87cca2938':
{ createdAt: '2019-03-08T07:35:42.759Z',
id: 'project-51b90484-d53e-46ba-ac7f-27c87cca2938',
name: 'My Project' } },
[2019-05-10 12:37:24:0174] [info] Action[DATABASES_LOAD_ALL] { databases:
[ { doc: [Object],
id: 'database-b24a9faf-b101-41f2-a9e4-e3e51da6fd92' },
{ doc: [Object],
id: 'database-9a937b81-d3e7-4f16-aae9-213d2f25f40d' },
{ doc: [Object],
id: 'database-cd3de03a-fd7e-4b28-9fdb-211485f4ccaa' },
{ doc: [Object],
id: 'database-1ae88642-6eb1-414c-9d92-8fddde37143f' },
{ doc: [Object],
id: 'database-8c21e6ba-c4ea-4208-802e-0735ba1f4326' },
{ doc: [Object],
id: 'database-02173a62-d88b-4076-af9f-75e64af7261d' },
{ doc: [Object],
id: 'database-24b47fd0-15ca-48fb-b9e5-ebbfb74b164a' },
{ doc: [Object],
id: 'database-5702bcb3-ecd0-4186-a80c-9938ecd2c9ac' },
{ doc: [Object],
id: 'database-05511c0a-0240-4465-8694-cba05159fee0' } ],
[2019-05-10 12:37:24:0201] [info] Action[PLUGINS_LOAD_ALL] { plugins:
{ 'database-02173a62-d88b-4076-af9f-75e64af7261d/apoc':
{ databaseId: 'database-02173a62-d88b-4076-af9f-75e64af7261d',
id: 'apoc',
version: '' },
{ databaseId: 'database-1ae88642-6eb1-414c-9d92-8fddde37143f',
id: 'apoc',
version: '' },
{ databaseId: 'database-24b47fd0-15ca-48fb-b9e5-ebbfb74b164a',
id: 'apoc',
version: '' },
{ databaseId: 'database-5702bcb3-ecd0-4186-a80c-9938ecd2c9ac',
id: 'apoc',
version: '' },
{ databaseId: 'database-8c21e6ba-c4ea-4208-802e-0735ba1f4326',
id: 'apoc',
version: '' },
{ databaseId: 'database-9a937b81-d3e7-4f16-aae9-213d2f25f40d',
id: 'apoc',
version: '' },
{ databaseId: 'database-b24a9faf-b101-41f2-a9e4-e3e51da6fd92',
id: 'apoc',
version: '' },
{ databaseId: 'database-cd3de03a-fd7e-4b28-9fdb-211485f4ccaa',
id: 'apoc',
version: '' } },
[2019-05-10 12:37:24:0239] [info] Action[DISTRIBUTIONS_LOAD_ALL] { distributions: [ { edition: 'enterprise', version: '3.5.2' } ],
[2019-05-10 12:37:24:0261] [info] Action[APPLICATION_SETTINGS_LOADED] { settings:
{ allowSendReports: true,
allowSendStats: true,
allowStoreCredentials: true,
alternativeNeo4JStarter: true,
defaultProtocol: true,
defaultProtocolRemember: false,
enableOfflineMode: false,
proxyHost: '',
proxyPacFileUrl: '',
proxyPort: 0,
proxyRemotePacFileUrl: '',
proxyType: 'NO_PROXY',
proxyUsername: '',
warnBeforeQuitting: true },
[2019-05-10 12:37:24:0292] [info] Action[LICENSES_LOAD_ALL] { licenses:
{ '2ff566af-e70f-4f8c-8b6a-9eb1a20dddc5': { license: '' },
'a7442efc-98b6-4b11-b002-97ae7e3bcf09': { license: '' } },
[2019-05-10 12:37:24:0319] [info] Function
[2019-05-10 12:37:24:0337] [info] Action[KARHU_ENTRY_GRAPH_LOAD] { payload: { next: { l: [Object] } },
[2019-05-10 12:37:24:0346] [info] Action[APPLICATION_INIT_STEP_UPDATE] { payload: { name: 'Checking databases status' },
[2019-05-10 12:37:24:0363] [info] Retrieving status for database[database-b24a9faf-b101-41f2-a9e4-e3e51da6fd92]
[2019-05-10 12:37:24:0372] [info] Retrieving status for database[database-9a937b81-d3e7-4f16-aae9-213d2f25f40d]
[2019-05-10 12:37:24:0379] [info] Retrieving status for database[database-cd3de03a-fd7e-4b28-9fdb-211485f4ccaa]
[2019-05-10 12:37:24:0380] [info] Retrieving status for database[database-1ae88642-6eb1-414c-9d92-8fddde37143f]
[2019-05-10 12:37:24:0386] [info] Retrieving status for database[database-8c21e6ba-c4ea-4208-802e-0735ba1f4326]
[2019-05-10 12:37:24:0387] [info] Retrieving status for database[database-02173a62-d88b-4076-af9f-75e64af7261d]
[2019-05-10 12:37:24:0394] [info] Retrieving status for database[database-24b47fd0-15ca-48fb-b9e5-ebbfb74b164a]
[2019-05-10 12:37:24:0395] [info] Retrieving status for database[database-5702bcb3-ecd0-4186-a80c-9938ecd2c9ac]
[2019-05-10 12:37:24:0401] [info] Retrieving status for database[database-05511c0a-0240-4465-8694-cba05159fee0]
[2019-05-10 12:37:24:0421] [info] Action[DATABASES_UPDATE_STATUSES] { statuses:
{ 'database-02173a62-d88b-4076-af9f-75e64af7261d': false,
'database-05511c0a-0240-4465-8694-cba05159fee0': false,
'database-1ae88642-6eb1-414c-9d92-8fddde37143f': false,
'database-24b47fd0-15ca-48fb-b9e5-ebbfb74b164a': false,
'database-5702bcb3-ecd0-4186-a80c-9938ecd2c9ac': false,
'database-8c21e6ba-c4ea-4208-802e-0735ba1f4326': false,
'database-9a937b81-d3e7-4f16-aae9-213d2f25f40d': false,
'database-b24a9faf-b101-41f2-a9e4-e3e51da6fd92': false,
'database-cd3de03a-fd7e-4b28-9fdb-211485f4ccaa': false },
[2019-05-10 12:37:24:0907] [info] Action[APPLICATION_SET_VERSION] { type: 'APPLICATION_SET_VERSION', version: '1.1.22' }
[2019-05-10 12:37:24:0909] [info] Action[APPLICATION_INIT_STEP_UPDATE] { payload: { name: 'Application prepared' },
[2019-05-10 12:37:24:0918] [info] Action[APPLICATION_INIT_STEP_COMPLETE] { step: 'APPLICATION_PREPARE',
[2019-05-10 12:37:24:0933] [info] Action[APPLICATION_INIT_STEP_START] { step: 'GRAPH_APPS_PREPARE',
[2019-05-10 12:37:24:0951] [info] Action[APPLICATION_INIT_STEP_COMPLETE] { step: 'GRAPH_APPS_PREPARE',
[2019-05-10 12:37:24:0962] [info] Action[APPLICATION_INIT_SUCCESS] { type: 'APPLICATION_INIT_SUCCESS' }
[2019-05-10 12:37:24:0963] [warn] Failed to parse manifest file for Graph-App[neo4j-bloom]. Error: Graph-App[neo4j-bloom] does not contain manifest.json
at t.getManifest (C:\Users\afarooqui\AppData\Local\Programs\neo4j-desktop\resources\app.asar\dist\

[2019-05-10 12:37:24:0985] [info] Graph Apps: Removing installed but not configured
[2019-05-10 12:37:25:0007] [warn] Failed to parse manifest file for Graph-App[neo4j-bloom]. Error: Graph-App[neo4j-bloom] does not contain manifest.json
at t.getManifest (C:\Users\afarooqui\AppData\Local\Programs\neo4j-desktop\resources\app.asar\dist\

[2019-05-10 12:37:25:0026] [info] Action[GRAPH_APPS_PREPARED] { graphApps:
[ { apiVersion: '^1.2.0',
appId: 'neo4j-browser',
appName: 'Neo4j Browser',
'Neo4j Browser is the general purpose user interface for working with Neo4j. Query, visualize, administrate and monitor the database.',
graphAppType: 'LOCAL',
graphAppUrl: '',
icons: [Array],
id: 'neo4j-browser-id',
licenseConfiguration: [Object],
links: [Object],
localConfiguration: [Object],
permissions: [Object] },
{ apiVersion: '^1.2.0',
appId: 'neo4j-bloom',
appName: 'Neo4j Bloom',
'Neo4j Bloom is a business productivity application for interactive exploration of graph data.',
graphAppType: 'LOCAL',
graphAppUrl: '',
icons: [Array],
id: 'neo4j-bloom-id',
licenseConfiguration: [Object],
links: [Object],
localConfiguration: [Object],
permissions: [Object] } ],
[2019-05-10 12:37:25:0058] [info] Action[GRAPH_APP_PERMISSIONS_UPDATED] { id: 'neo4j-browser-id',
{ allowExecuteJava: true,
allowExecuteNode: true,
declaredPermissions: ,
graphAccess: 'ALL' },
[2019-05-10 12:37:25:0077] [info] Action[GRAPH_APP_PERMISSIONS_UPDATED] { id: 'neo4j-bloom-id',
{ allowExecuteJava: true,
allowExecuteNode: true,
declaredPermissions: ,
graphAccess: 'ALL' },
[2019-05-10 12:37:25:0151] [info] Function
[2019-05-10 12:37:26:0398] [info] Function
[2019-05-10 12:37:26:0400] [info] Action[NEO4J_VERSIONS_LOADED] { type: 'NEO4J_VERSIONS_LOADED',
[ { releaseNotes: '', version: '3.5.5' },
{ releaseNotes: '', version: '3.5.4' },
{ releaseNotes: '', version: '3.5.3' },
{ releaseNotes: '', version: '3.5.2' },
{ releaseNotes: '', version: '3.5.1' },
{ releaseNotes: '', version: '3.5.0' },
{ releaseNotes: '', version: '3.5.0-rc01' },
{ releaseNotes: '', version: '3.5.0-beta03' },
{ releaseNotes: '', version: '3.5.0-beta02' },
{ releaseNotes: '', version: '3.5.0-beta01' },
{ releaseNotes: '', version: '3.5.0-alpha09' },
{ releaseNotes: '', version: '3.5.0-alpha08' },
{ releaseNotes: '', version: '3.5.0-alpha07' },
{ releaseNotes: '', version: '3.5.0-alpha06' },
{ releaseNotes: '', version: '3.5.0-alpha05' },
{ releaseNotes: '', version: '3.5.0-alpha04' },
{ releaseNotes: '', version: '3.5.0-alpha02' },
{ releaseNotes: '', version: '3.5.0-alpha01' },
{ releaseNotes: '', version: '3.4.13' },
{ releaseNotes: '', version: '3.4.12' },
{ releaseNotes: '', version: '3.4.11' },
{ releaseNotes: '', version: '3.4.10' },
{ releaseNotes: '', version: '3.4.9' },
{ releaseNotes: '', version: '3.4.8' },
{ releaseNotes: '', version: '3.4.7' },
{ releaseNotes: '', version: '3.4.6' },
{ releaseNotes: '', version: '3.4.5' },
{ releaseNotes: '', version: '3.4.4' },
{ releaseNotes: '', version: '3.4.1' },
{ releaseNotes: '', version: '3.4.0' },
{ releaseNotes: '', version: '3.4.0-rc02' },
{ releaseNotes: '', version: '3.4.0-rc01' },
{ releaseNotes: '', version: '3.4.0-beta02' },
{ releaseNotes: '', version: '3.4.0-beta01' },
{ releaseNotes: '', version: '3.4.0-alpha10' },
{ releaseNotes: '', version: '3.4.0-alpha09' },
{ releaseNotes: '', version: '3.4.0-alpha08' },
{ releaseNotes: '', version: '3.4.0-alpha07' },
{ releaseNotes: '', version: '3.4.0-alpha06' },
{ releaseNotes: '', version: '3.4.0-alpha05' },
{ releaseNotes: '', version: '3.4.0-alpha04' },
{ releaseNotes: '', version: '3.4.0-alpha03' },
{ releaseNotes: '', version: '3.4.0-alpha02' },
{ releaseNotes: '', version: '3.4.0-alpha01' },
{ releaseNotes: '', version: '3.3.9' },
{ releaseNotes: '', version: '3.3.7' },
{ releaseNotes: '', version: '3.3.6' },
{ releaseNotes: '', version: '3.3.5' },
{ releaseNotes: '', version: '3.3.4' },
{ releaseNotes: '', version: '3.3.3' },
{ releaseNotes: '', version: '3.3.2' },
{ releaseNotes: '', version: '3.3.1' },
{ releaseNotes: '', version: '3.3.0' },
{ releaseNotes: '', version: '3.3.0-rc1' },
{ releaseNotes: '', version: '3.3.0-beta02' },
{ releaseNotes: '', version: '3.3.0-beta01' },
{ releaseNotes: '', version: '3.3.0-alpha07' },
{ releaseNotes: '', version: '3.3.0-alpha06' },
{ releaseNotes: '', version: '3.3.0-alpha05' },
{ releaseNotes: '', version: '3.3.0-alpha04' },
{ releaseNotes: '', version: '3.3.0-alpha03' },
{ releaseNotes: '', version: '3.3.0-alpha02' },
{ releaseNotes: '', version: '3.3.0-alpha01' },
{ releaseNotes: '', version: '3.2.14' },
{ releaseNotes: '', version: '3.2.13' },
{ releaseNotes: '', version: '3.2.12' },
{ releaseNotes: '', version: '3.2.11' },
{ releaseNotes: '', version: '3.2.10' },
{ releaseNotes: '', version: '3.2.9' },
{ releaseNotes: '', version: '3.2.8' },
{ releaseNotes: '', version: '3.2.7' },
{ releaseNotes: '', version: '3.2.6' },
{ releaseNotes: '', version: '3.2.5' },
{ releaseNotes: '', version: '3.2.3' },
{ releaseNotes: '', version: '3.2.2' },
{ releaseNotes: '', version: '3.2.1' },
{ releaseNotes: '', version: '3.2.0' },
{ releaseNotes: '', version: '3.2.0-rc3' },
{ releaseNotes: '', version: '3.2.0-rc2' },
{ releaseNotes: '', version: '3.2.0-rc1' },
{ releaseNotes: '', version: '3.2.0-alpha08' },
{ releaseNotes: '', version: '3.2.0-alpha07' },
{ releaseNotes: '', version: '3.2.0-alpha06' },
{ releaseNotes: '', version: '3.2.0-alpha05' },
{ releaseNotes: '', version: '3.2.0-alpha04' },
{ releaseNotes: '', version: '3.2.0-alpha03' },
{ releaseNotes: '', version: '3.2.0-alpha02' },
{ releaseNotes: '', version: '3.2.0-alpha01' },
{ releaseNotes: '', version: '3.1.9' },
{ releaseNotes: '', version: '3.1.8' },
{ releaseNotes: '', version: '3.1.7' },
{ releaseNotes: '', version: '3.1.6' },
{ releaseNotes: '', version: '3.1.5' },
{ releaseNotes: '', version: '3.1.4' },
{ releaseNotes: '', version: '3.1.3' },
{ releaseNotes: '', version: '3.1.2' },
{ releaseNotes: '', version: '3.1.1' },
{ releaseNotes: '', version: '3.1.0' },
{ releaseNotes: '', version: '3.1.0-RC1' } ] }
[2019-05-10 12:37:40:0634] [error] Error: Max tries exceeded
at run (C:\Users\afarooqui\AppData\Local\Programs\neo4j-desktop\resources\app.asar\dist\
at run (C:\Users\afarooqui\AppData\Local\Programs\neo4j-desktop\resources\app.asar\dist\

[2019-05-10 12:37:41:0239] [info] Action[NEO4J_RELEASE_NOTES_LOADED]
[2019-05-10 12:38:00:0575] [error] Error: Max tries exceeded
at run (C:\Users\afarooqui\AppData\Local\Programs\neo4j-desktop\resources\app.asar\dist\
at run (C:\Users\afarooqui\AppData\Local\Programs\neo4j-desktop\resources\app.asar\dist\

[2019-05-10 12:38:20:0575] [error] Error: Max tries exceeded
at run (C:\Users\afarooqui\AppData\Local\Programs\neo4j-desktop\resources\app.asar\dist\
at run (C:\Users\afarooqui\AppData\Local\Programs\neo4j-desktop\resources\app.asar\dist\

[2019-05-10 12:38:40:0301] [error] Error: Max tries exceeded
at run (C:\Users\afarooqui\AppData\Local\Programs\neo4j-desktop\resources\app.asar\dist\
at run (C:\Users\afarooqui\AppData\Local\Programs\neo4j-desktop\resources\app.asar\dist\
at process._tickCallback (internal/process/next_tick.js:68:7)

[2019-05-10 12:38:56:0451] [info] Checking online status...
[2019-05-10 12:39:00:0529] [error] Error: Max tries exceeded
at run (C:\Users\afarooqui\AppData\Local\Programs\neo4j-desktop\resources\app.asar\dist\
at run (C:\Users\afarooqui\AppData\Local\Programs\neo4j-desktop\resources\app.asar\dist\

I have the same problem.

Neo4J is trying to access and this service is down.

What's the solution to this issue? I just started with latest download 1.1.22 and am facing this problem. Already disappointed.

Hi Neo4j Team,
I have installed today Neo4j Desktop, Once I have Installed, I am also facing this issue. Could you please help me out to resolve this issue, I am using 1.1.22 version and also attached necessary details.

On Open developer tools it says
Desktop.a353c9ece9483d7f1566.bundle.js:141 [10:44:31:0025] Error: Max tries exceeded
at run (C:\Program Files\Neo4j Desktop\resources\app.asar\dist\
at run (C:\Program Files\Neo4j Desktop\resources\app.asar\dist\
at process._tickCallback (internal/process/next_tick.js:68:7)

Same problem with 1.1.20. Tried with 1.1.15 but same problem.

I also encountered the same problem today, 1.1.15 no longer works.

Node Clone

This is a serious issue with Neo4j Desktop.
Almost everyone is facing this issue for the newer versions.
Neo4j team should provide a link to the last working stable version.

CC: @michael.hunger

Hi Raj,

  1. Check for update in Notification Center in offline mode.

  2. Update Neo4j Desktop to 1.2.0 version.

I hope it will resolve the issue.


Thanks @pdb.periscope version 1.2.0 resolved the issue.

The last mails on this issue seem to be from June. Is this problem solved in the meantime?

I am still experiencing the same issue, and tried with Neo4j Desktop 1.1.5, 1.1.13, and latest 1.2.1, cleaning up and deinstalling everything upfront. My system uses an internet proxy configured via windows environment variables, but also entering the proper proxy or pac settings does not solve the issue.

Only very early version 1.0.17 works out of the box, with online access, so it is certainly not my system that is originating the problem.

Please could somebody give hints how to solve this issue?

Many thanks

Julian can you create an issue with the repository describing your setup and issues in details and sharing the logs of the desktop app?

Thank you

I have also encountered this issue after installing desktop version 1.2.3. Here is the associated output in the log.log...

     [2019-12-02 15:24:42:0323] [info] [1] Online check request:
     [2019-12-02 15:24:48:0330] [info] [2] Online check request:
     [2019-12-02 15:24:55:0335] [info] [3] Online check request:
     [2019-12-02 15:25:00:0337] [error] TimeoutError: [3] Promise timed out after 5000 milliseconds
         at Timeout.setTimeout [as _onTimeout] (C:\Users\user_name\AppData\Local\Programs\Neo4j Desktop\resources\app.asar\node_modules\p-timeout\index.js:27:54)
         at ontimeout (timers.js:425:11)
         at tryOnTimeout (timers.js:289:5)
         at listOnTimeout (timers.js:252:5)
         at Timer.processTimers (timers.js:212:10)

When I paste the 'online check' URL into Chrome it successfully downloads latest.yml. Here are the contents of that file...

     version: 1.2.3
       - url: Neo4j Desktop Setup 1.2.3.exe
         sha512: jZlFE3HIRw9dljt0j1LzRyZbFGzJUeRrRgjt+BLnGuKcJyxPTlKOdLjA3Mg5yVup4x+Ibafg97rQxRdJkfEN6g==
         size: 91117432
         isAdminRightsRequired: true
     path: Neo4j Desktop Setup 1.2.3.exe
     sha512: jZlFE3HIRw9dljt0j1LzRyZbFGzJUeRrRgjt+BLnGuKcJyxPTlKOdLjA3Mg5yVup4x+Ibafg97rQxRdJkfEN6g==
     releaseNotes: |
       **Latest improvements:**
       -   Accept either `neo4j` and `bolt+routing` as equivalent schemes in connection strings
       -   Fixes to relate API used for IPC
     releaseDate: '2019-11-08T14:45:31.622Z'

Thanks in advance for your help!


Hi...were you able to resolve this issue? I am facing the same with the version 1.2.3

Hi, same issue with 1.2.2.

Any guidance would be much appreciated..

Hi, I had exactly the same issue and it appears that Neo4J/or my system cannot handle "" or "localhost" as valid proxy host settings. The error seemed to duplicate the string twice!

I had to create a new fake /etc/host entry like this: jagga

In my companies particular case I also had to add hard-coded sites as well...

The following is the logs of it working...
[2020-01-23 15:11:22:0379] [info] Using proxy for online check - jagga : 8079

For completeness (and for the Neo4J Devs) I've pasted the original error logs below...

[2020-01-23 15:09:46:0929] [error] [3] Online check error: RequestError: tunneling socket could not be established, cause=getaddrinfo ENOTFOUND

Graph Buddy

Hi, same issue with 1.2.4,
any help ?

Yes, facing same problem with 1.24. This is frustrating.

Ok, it seems setting it to "No Proxy" worked. Earlier I was setting an empty proxy, but could not make out that it was not accepting my input.

The answer is simple. I solved mine by Running Neo4j desktop as Administrator. It gives it access to bypass whatever firewall was preventing it from connecting.

i got this message when i open the neo4j desktop. the version is 1.2.5

An error occurred while processing Graph Application Download from Cannot resolve graph app type. Please check your internet connection or Graph App link.


Only the installation of Graphlytic Desktop gave me this error message.

Couldn't load the external resource at: file:/C:/Users/nmals/.Neo4jDesktop/neo4jDatabases/database-499dcf45-48c7-476c-acb3-a8e81b8491a2/installation-4.0.3/import/Users/nmals/Downloads/Walmart.csv

I got this problem when i try to load the data from files SCV

Graph Voyager

I've noticed our VPN (PulseSecure) also interferes with the connectivity. If I have it on, I get the connectivity error. If it is off/suspended, I don't get the error.

I am trying to install APOC plugin, but running version 1.4.9 of the desktop, I get the following error on startup:

"An error occurred while processing Graph Application Download from Cannot resolve graph app type. Please check your internet connection or Graph App link."

Also, the bottom left icon in the menu is yellow and says "No internet connection"

The desktop log says:

[2021-12-15 10:30:12.373] [info] Online check request:
[2021-12-15 10:30:15.782] [error] Online check error: {
name: 'RequestError',
message: 'read ECONNRESET',
stack: 'RequestError: read ECONNRESET\n'

Downloading the latest.yml file from browser works just fine.
We are not using any proxies.

Can anyone help ?