I have issue when I apply this code
CALL algo.closeness.stream('User', 'FOLLOWS')
YIELD nodeId, centrality
RETURN algo.asNode(nodeId).id AS User, centrality
ORDER BY centrality DESC
by saying There is no procedure with the name algo.closene...
CALL algo.closeness.stream("User", "FOLLOWS")
YIELD nodeId, centrality
RETURN algo.getNodeById(nodeId).id, centrality
ORDER BY centrality DESC
There is no procedure with the name algo.closeness.stream registered for this database instance. Please ens...
CALL algo.closeness.stream("User", "FOLLOWS")
YIELD nodeId, centrality
RETURN algo.getNodeById(nodeId).id, centrality
ORDER BY centrality DESC
There is no procedure with the name algo.closeness.stream registered for this database instance. Please ens...