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Beta Opportunity for Neo4j Workspace

Introducing Neo4j Workspace We’re inviting you to check out Neo4j Workspace. Workspace combines our most powerful graph tools (Data Importer, Bloom, and Browser) all in one place to help you get up and running with graph databases faster. For experie...

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TrevorS by Community Team
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About the Neo4j Graph Platform Category

The Neo4j Graph Platform includes the core database and all the technologies surrounding the database, making it useful and accessible for a lot of different users. When asking a question, please select a descriptive label that best matches your quer...

yolande by Community Team
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How to Integrate nodes by name, in neo4j?

Hi, these days i'm going to make a app which integrate NLP and recommendation enable with neo4j. For example, If there is a information about 'sushi' and the user say about sushi, the 'sushi node' must be one (not two of node). I'll show you below ...

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How to remove a parameter

According to training doc - If you want to remove an existing parameter from your session, you do so by using the JSON-style syntax and excluding the parameter for your session. But if there are many parameters set in the session and I just want to r...

Install cypher-shell on Azure CLI

Hi, I have installed Neo4j on Azure Kubernetes. In the final step, below commands are run to create user and password. export NEO4J_PASSWORD=$(kubectl get secrets graph-neo4j-secrets -o yaml | grep password | sed 's/.*: //' | base64 -D) cypher-shell ...

Resolved! How to return two nodes in a where AND clause

MATCH (n:Brand) WHERE exists (n.ID) and (n)-[]->(p:Product) RETURN n, p Find brands which have an ID property and has a relationship with Product node. It shows the error: undefined 'p'. If I remove p and it works. How to return both n and p in this...

lingvisa by Graph Fellow
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Count relationships

Hi Guys, i have this query that outputs what is in the attached picture. I will connect the two "Generalization" nodes (green ones) but i want to add a "strenght" property to the new relationship with the number of connections between the "Perception...

a10554 by Graph Buddy
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The shortest path

Query the shortest path of a node and a group of nodes, and display the shortest path and the corresponding node。 for example,Node A and a group of nodes (1, 2, 3) calculate the shortest path between A and node 1,A and node 2, A and node 3. If the sh...

How to think about a Tree + Friend Problem

Hi, I am a newbie and still learning the ropes and focusing here on what types of problems can best be solved by thinking in graphs. I am looking for some guidance on how to think about this problem in terms of overall algorithm flow and strategy. N...

Parameters in apoc.periodic.commit

Some nodes are divided into different communities according to a certain attribute value. Now we need to merge according to the number of overlapping nodes (> 2) of the initial community, and re-divide the community. My code is as follows: CALL apoc....

Will apoc UUID's throw a constraint error?

This is more of a theoretical question, but because of the way I'm doing things I think it may be relevant. Right now I've added a constraint on User.uuid, and when a user creates their account I'm adding a uuid property manually with apoc.create.uui...

How to use neo4j-admin in Community AMI EC2

Hi, there, I'm trying to use neo4j-admin to load some very large CSV files into the default neo4j database, but somehow I did not remove the existing DB clearly, so when I import the CSV file, it keeps telling me that the neo4j DB is offline. Appreci...