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Beta Opportunity for Neo4j Workspace

Introducing Neo4j Workspace We’re inviting you to check out Neo4j Workspace. Workspace combines our most powerful graph tools (Data Importer, Bloom, and Browser) all in one place to help you get up and running with graph databases faster. For experie...

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TrevorS by Community Team
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About the Neo4j Graph Platform Category

The Neo4j Graph Platform includes the core database and all the technologies surrounding the database, making it useful and accessible for a lot of different users. When asking a question, please select a descriptive label that best matches your quer...

yolande by Community Team
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Index on DATE DESC or property DESC

Hi, I want the latest records from neo4j DB. But during a load test, I find as records increasing the performance of getting the latest records from DB decrease. Is there any way to index on DATE DESC or property DESC like Informix or Oracle. As per ...

saurabh by Node
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Error - Unhandled promise rejection while using Neovis.js

Hi, Is there any way to hit a Neovis twice or more than once in a program. Because i use Neovis.js code in two of my angular functions - EwayBill() and Collection(). Both have Neovis.js code but different cypher queries. On page load , i want both th...

sucheta by Graph Buddy
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Query running for forever

Hi Everyone, I am running below query with is dealing with large volume of data and it enters in a forever loop. match (t1)-[:IN|OUT]-(a1:add) where a1.add= 'abc' return collect(DISTINCT t1) AS tx is there any way to make this working ?? I am having...

12kunal34 by Graph Fellow
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Resolved! Creating a Graph DB

Hi, I'm learning everything related to Neo4j and I still don't fully understand when you create a DB, do I require to have the data that it's related to the nodes/labels/properties? Can I do the DB without data? My mindset for many years have been RD...

Install Neo4J in RHEL 7

Env : RHEL 7 hosted in AWS EC2 JDK : OpenJDK 11 Neo Version : 4.0.4 (community) Issue : bolt.listen_address= http.listen_address= With these above mentioned configuration and bypassing proxy, I can login using neo4j/neo4j , ho...

Operating in batches on a massive list

We have imported the bitcoin blockchain into neo4j. I am trying to find the balance of every single bitcoin address on the network, however there are around 470 million addresses. A transaction sends bitcoin to addresses, which may then send that bit...

simon by Node Link
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Resolved! Procedure not found

I have installed latest version of APOC procedures which is - I am not able to find many of the procedures available here -

Multiple relationships match in circular path

Hi, i need to find circular paths. I've started with this query thats gives me the 1st circular path and is working ok. MATCH (g1:Perception_Group)-[s1:SEQUENCE]-(g2:Perception_Group)-[s2:SEQUENCE]-(g3:Perception_Group)-[s3:SEQUENCE]-(g4:Perception_G...

a10554 by Graph Buddy
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Solution for hosting multiple DB

I have a project that I am working on that I am trying to go from using a local instance of Neo4j to being hosted on our intranet, but I am having some trouble coming up with the best solution. The tool is pretty simple, it creates a relationship gra...

me1 by Node
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Count nodes with a relationship and specific proerties

match (n:Product)-[r:instanceOf]-(m:Category) where exists(n.ID`) and exists(m.ID) return distinct count(n) This returns the number of relationships in which n and m occurs. What I want is to find the unique number of n or m where n is instanceOf ...

lingvisa by Graph Fellow
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