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Graph Buddy
since ‎04-28-2020

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  • 66 Posts
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  • 24 Kudos given
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Hello I have the following request in GraphQL query NewDefaultResults { ARTICLE (first: 5000){ id silhouette_score cluster { cluster_id node_id percent_articles_gt_ts } title sentence date_published { ...
Is there a solution to have multiple projects or multiple databases in one Aura instance ? If there is not, is there an alternative in Aura ? For example, if I have two projects : NBA and Football How can I have in one instance all the data of these ...
Hello, I have a Neo4j VM Enterprise in Azure. I would to analyze the query.log file. So I tried to copy it with scp PS C:\Users\> scp -vvv azureuser@ip_vm:/var/log/neo4j/query.log C:\\Downloads Executing: program ssh.exe host...
Hello all, I have a question about GRANDstack: I have a type in my GraphQL schema like this: type SAVEDNODE { id: ID! date: LocalDateTime } I would like to add a property to a node that will be created in Neo4j thanks to a mutation with Grap...
0 I would like to connect Neo4j to PowerBI. So I did the following steps following this link Release Version 1.0.0 · cskardon/Neo4jDataConnectorForPowerBi · GitHub Copy to your /Documents/Power BI Desktop/Custom Connectors folder (if you don't have t...