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Beta Opportunity for Neo4j Workspace

Introducing Neo4j Workspace We’re inviting you to check out Neo4j Workspace. Workspace combines our most powerful graph tools (Data Importer, Bloom, and Browser) all in one place to help you get up and running with graph databases faster. For experie...

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TrevorS by Community Team
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About the Neo4j Graph Platform Category

The Neo4j Graph Platform includes the core database and all the technologies surrounding the database, making it useful and accessible for a lot of different users. When asking a question, please select a descriptive label that best matches your quer...

yolande by Community Team
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Scrapy Pipeline to Neo4j Bulk Store Very Slow

I need help speeding up the process for inputting items from a Scrapy pipeline into Neo4j. I am currently working on a project where I am scraping the data for about a million patents and storing their information and connections with Neo4j. Each pat...

Struggling with csv parent child relationship

Greetings. I'm new to neo4j, cypher and databases, so thanks in advance for considering my remedial question. I have a csv data set, with headers, that reflect a list of parts, part names and parent of each part. Each part has a relationship to ...

glenn by Node
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Create remote Graph

Hello, Probably a dumb question: I have a Debian server on which I have Neo4J installed. I would like to create a remote graph. On my laptop, in Neo4J Desktop, I can only (a) Create a local graph, or (b) Connect to a remote graph. So, how can I creat...

flpgrz by Node Link
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Graph Data Model for Gene dataset

MODULE_1 CD55 FILIP1L WFS1 SYNE1 CNN3 MODULE_2 CNN3 IGHM TNFAIP3 CFD RGS2 MYL9 GPC3 PLSCR1 I have above data set where in each row first column is Geneset Name (MODULE_1 and MODULE_2) and all the rest column contains genes for that geneset. i.e ("MOD...

Modeling a sewer network

I have modeled our City's sewer network in Neo4j. Below describes the model, and after that describes my question. I do not include specific code here because I am fine talking in pseudo-code or generalizations. I have represented manholes and sewe...

rwdunn by Node
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How do i visualize imported graph in Kibana

Hello, i am new to neo4j and have managed to load a json file in to neo4j. I would like to have the visualization showing the imported graph displayed in to Kibana. Any idea how do i do that? The imported graph that i want to display is "The followin...

Load aws s3 data to neo4j fabric graph DB

Hi All, I have 100GB data in AWS S3 bucket in CSV format. I wanted to load those S3 data into Neo4j fabric (Horizontal scalable) database. Can someone please suggest some tool through which I can import the bulk S3 data into Neo4j fabric. I have depl...

Counting similar paths

Given a series of unique sequential nodes of certain types: LogIn->UpdateProfile , LogIn->AddToCart->CheckOut cypher example: CREATE (e1:Event {type: 'LogIn', uuid: '...'}), (e2:Event {type: 'UpdateProfile', uuid: '...'}), (e3:Event {type: 'LogIn',...

alexs by Node
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