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Beta Opportunity for Neo4j Workspace

Introducing Neo4j Workspace We’re inviting you to check out Neo4j Workspace. Workspace combines our most powerful graph tools (Data Importer, Bloom, and Browser) all in one place to help you get up and running with graph databases faster. For experie...

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TrevorS by Community Team
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About the Neo4j Graph Platform Category

The Neo4j Graph Platform includes the core database and all the technologies surrounding the database, making it useful and accessible for a lot of different users. When asking a question, please select a descriptive label that best matches your quer...

yolande by Community Team
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Problem with mutation in neo4j-graphql

I'm having a problem doing the createMovies mutation in the graphql playground, i've followed the previous steps in this setup guide ( but get the following error:   "Neo4jError: Express...

Loading gzipped csv file from URL in Neo4j 5

Hi all, I'm trying to load a gzipped csv file with the following cypher command::auto LOAD CSV FROM "/my/local/url/my_file.csv.gz" CALL { ... } IN TRANSACTIONS OF 1000 ROWSI can load csv file with that command, but it fails loading a gzipped one. Neo...

Get all paths between two nodes via specific node

We have a Neo4J database that tracks company Supply for companies. The general structure is  ````````(Company)-[:Supply_For]->(Company)` A company can have multiple rels at the same time and each company can have multiple company supply rels. my ques...

Reid by Node
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Resolved! Why parallel:true can't be used in apoc.load.csv?

CALL apoc.periodic.iterate("CALL apoc.load.csv('/Users/martin/test/test.csv', {nullValues:['','na','NAN',false], sep:' ' }) yield map as row", "MERGE (mGenerics {nid: row.nid})ON CREATE SET m += row ON MATCH SET m += row RETURN count(m) as mcount", {...

lingvisa by Graph Fellow
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Delete some nodes in the path

I want to use neo4j to handle such a scenario: for example, I have a set of interrelated nodes,These nodes form a tree structure. These nodes have two types of labels A and B. How can I achieve that A labeled nodes can only appear at the end of the p...

Unable to connect to remote neo4j with neo4j desktop

Hello, I'm unable to connect to my remote neo4j (hosted in EC2) with neo4j desktop. Remote neo4j is in version 3.4.9 and used to accept remote connections (but I haven't logged in for more than a year). Tried two different desktop versions and both d...

tomer by Node
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SocketTimeoutException Error

we are work on getting data from api using  'call apoc.load.jsonParams()' but suddenly I start receiving  this error :  Failed to invoke procedure `apoc.load.jsonParams`: Caused by: Read timed out ...

Resolved! Slow merge and match when I use unwind

Hello, when I run this code  call apoc.load.jsonParams(uri, options,null) YIELD value AS listing MERGE (l:Listing{cid:listing.results[0].listing_id}) it takes 24s to done although I created indexes on that . when I run MERGE (l:Listing{cid:}) as no...

Best practices for social network modeling

Hi,   Wer'e beeing trying to get our heads around what is the best way to model a social network over TIME in neo4j. The issue is ofcourse having many nodes which interacts with one another on a daily basis.   Creating a new edge for every day of int...

hcohen by Node
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Resolved! Relating nodes in csv with column names in Neo4J

I have a csv file in below format, There are n location columns of various locations.There's Token column at the end where each location row is associated with a different token. TASK Associate each token to each location column such that the relat...

Resolved! Build a graph from a csv

Hi all, this is my sample data Name,L1,L2,L3A,x,,B,,x,C,,x,D,,,xE,,,xF,,x,   The graph should look like: A->B, A->C, A->F C->D, C->E i tried to load the data with: LOAD CSV WITH HEADERS FROM 'file:///x.csv' AS rowwith row where row.`L1` <> ''merge (m...

Andreas1 by Node Link
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Resolved! Payload does not seem to be valid (JSON) data

Hello, I tried to use the below command and have been getting the Payload doesn't seem to be valid (JSON) data error message. But when used just the match statement, I could fetch the data. Could someone help me on this please? Thanks, Jashwanth   ...

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jk05802 by Node Link
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