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Beta Opportunity for Neo4j Workspace

Introducing Neo4j Workspace We’re inviting you to check out Neo4j Workspace. Workspace combines our most powerful graph tools (Data Importer, Bloom, and Browser) all in one place to help you get up and running with graph databases faster. For experie...

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TrevorS by Community Team
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About the Neo4j Graph Platform Category

The Neo4j Graph Platform includes the core database and all the technologies surrounding the database, making it useful and accessible for a lot of different users. When asking a question, please select a descriptive label that best matches your quer...

yolande by Community Team
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Set thickness of relationship line

Hello everybody, I'm new here and try my hand at chess moves. My first draft looks pretty good. But now I would like to set the thickness of the relationship with the variable "count". I already looked for something similar in the forum and found neo...

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Fl0x by Node
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Modeling posts and users and how they're connected

I have Posts and Users in what I'm thinking is so far a social network graph. Users can author Posts. Users can follow other users. Assuming a user follows another user who just made a post, do you create that relationship? Like do you say, for all f...

Building a graph with unknown relationships and 'things'

I'm trying to figure out how to build a graph of things, imagine the Graph Movie Database but where Movie was a variable (could be anything). So of course if you use movies as the example, then you could have: Tom Hanks ACTED_IN Forrest Gump but that...

Legacy neo4j (2.1.4) migrate to Oracle

Customer would like to migrate legacy neo4j database/app (2.1.4) with over 1 M+ nodes and 3 M+ relationships to Oracle. Attempting to determine reasonable feasibility given lack of neo4j/Cypher expertise. Customer would like to harvest this data and ...

Which neo4j to use for hosting a small web app

Hi, I need to make a small web app(just a user node and an arraylist of IDs associated with each user) for an internship challenge and host it in heroku/netlify. Which neo4j should i use. I dont want to pay. I cant use the local neo4j db. How do I ac...

Architecting an MDM solution

Has anyone tried to model an MDM solution with Neo4j as the final data sink? If so any references or guidelines will be much appreciated. Thanks in advance.

Splitting a value into two different values

Hi, I'm writing a LOAD CSV clause to import a data set from a csv file. There is a column (called ORIGINAL) including some values within this column are like: J'irai où tu iras (I'll Go Where You Go) I want to split the string into two or more values...

BDD and Node discovery

I was wondering if anyone had used BDD for building knowledge graphs & Node discovery? I'm just beginning in Neo4j and am having some difficulties isolating my Node vs. Labels. Seems that Gherkin (the BDD language of Cucumber) might be useful. ...

mp_chean by Node Link
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Matching nodes in a nested FOREACH

Sorry about double post! Tried looking for solutions but did not find any and I am not sure how to approach this. I have a nested FOREACH loop that needs to match a tag to multiple labels. OPTIONAL MATCH (a: Article {URL: event.URL}) FOREACH(ignorem...

Query for the co authors problem in CY neo4j

Hi everyone ! I have to write a query about collaboration between authors for my homework. My nodes are "authors" and "articles". I have connected articles and authors as ( ()-[:composedby]->()) and authors between them the same way. I want to write ...

Importing data from RDBMS

Hello: I believe that importing data from RDBMS or Parquet files is the real challenging work and more than that, the complex task is to create nodes automatically based on the rows as mentioned below. A row is a node A table name is a label name A j...