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Beta Opportunity for Neo4j Workspace

Introducing Neo4j Workspace We’re inviting you to check out Neo4j Workspace. Workspace combines our most powerful graph tools (Data Importer, Bloom, and Browser) all in one place to help you get up and running with graph databases faster. For experie...

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TrevorS by Community Team
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About the Neo4j Graph Platform Category

The Neo4j Graph Platform includes the core database and all the technologies surrounding the database, making it useful and accessible for a lot of different users. When asking a question, please select a descriptive label that best matches your quer...

yolande by Community Team
  • 1 replies
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How to insert ObjectId's from MongoDB with apoc?

I'm trying to seed a neo4j with data from a mongodb using apoc. The idea is to first create a kindof 1-1 mirror of the mongo db and then replace the key-based mapping with relations. I'm having troubles with ObjectId's which are extensively used as t...

hedefalk by Node Link
  • 8 replies
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Data modelling in Neo4j

Hi all, I started with Neo4j by creating some sample graphs on my own and trying out the various cypher statements to understand Neo4j better. I used Neo4j ETL tool to import data from other databases to Neo4j,but i wanted to know if the data modelli...

Resolved! Neo4j-admin import relations from the same .csv file

Hello! I use Neo 4.0.4 on CentOS 7. I have a greate amount of data in .csv files(so LOAD CSV is not suitable), the structure of data like CDR - Call data records (Person1 called to Person2 in date/time, or Person2 called by Person 3 and so on ) I ne...

djenia88 by Node Clone
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Resolved! Counting two node types in one query

I'm doing a count of two node types, and unless I use distinct on each I seem to get some type of product of the two. could someone please explain how the count works? MATCH (n:post), (t:topic) RETURN count(distinct n) as c, count(distinct t) as c...

DC1 by Node Link
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Expected time to complete mapping

Hi all, I'm using the ETL tool to map my organization's relational database. Their database has decades of data across roughly 7000 tables. I am currently doing the mapping step (not the importing) and it has been running for 6 hours. I'm totally fin...

Desktop fails to start

I am using MacOS Mojave 10.14.6 I downloaded Neo4j Desktop 1.3.11 installer for Mojave I have the neo4j server installed (neo4j-community-4.0.10). I can start the server and use the web browser to open the client interface at port 7474 I started the ...

Associations in Neo4j

I have a question rather scientific in type. It is written in all sources that Neo4j is not an associative database. Is it possible to have associations instead of relationships when using Neo4j ? I saw certain materials about Neo4j.rb but I do not k...

Resolved! Query Results

Hello: I am doing self learning from Neo4j Graph Academy and I am seeing that examples and exercises output results are more in Table form rather than Graph. My questions is, why all results are not done in graph rather than table. If I want my outpu...

Help Please

Hi all. I'm trying to decide if Neo4J is the best tool for the information I'm collating. I'm trying to form a PESTLE analysis of the UK Car industry and then using Neo4J to display the way these PESTLE factors relate to each other. The difficulty I'...

AMI for aws ec2 A1 family (arm)

Hi all, We are a bootstrap startup company, just ramping up on the Neo4j and in the process of bringing up our AWS infrastructure. As there's no 'Aura' for AWS, for step #1, running just a single instance rather that a more robust cluster is more tha...

vladimir by Node Link
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Resolved! What's the password in cypher-shell

PS F:\Test\cypher-shell> .\cypher-shell username: neo4j password: ***** The client is unauthorized due to authentication failure. I dont know the what's the password . The database password? tried, but it's wrong. It's "neo4j " ? tried, but wrong. ...