I was wondering if anyone had used BDD for building knowledge graphs & Node discovery? I'm just beginning in Neo4j and am having some difficulties isolating my Node vs. Labels. Seems that Gherkin (the BDD language of Cucumber) might be useful. ...
I'm a developer who is currently unemployed due to Covid. I'm currently increasing my skill range, and Graph Databases have always been on my radar as I've worked with SQL and some NoSQL in the past. Looks like a lot of fun!
DGraph is claiming all kinds of performance capabilities here: Neo4j vs Dgraph - The numbers speak for themselves - Dgraph Blog but the implementation does look far more basic than Neo4j.
This is a great reply with lots of information to think about. It would be interesting to mock this data and try what was suggested above. Tangentially, I wonder if other products like DGraph and TigerGraph might be faster, and whether the language...
I am a rank beginner - but was wondering how long the query takes without the aggregate command? Also is there some way to get a table output - and pull the distinct values from there and use that in a subsequent query?