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Beta Opportunity for Neo4j Workspace

Introducing Neo4j Workspace We’re inviting you to check out Neo4j Workspace. Workspace combines our most powerful graph tools (Data Importer, Bloom, and Browser) all in one place to help you get up and running with graph databases faster. For experie...

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TrevorS by Community Team
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About the Neo4j Graph Platform Category

The Neo4j Graph Platform includes the core database and all the technologies surrounding the database, making it useful and accessible for a lot of different users. When asking a question, please select a descriptive label that best matches your quer...

yolande by Community Team
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Resolved! Creating a network of user journeys

Hi, I'm looking for advice on how to model journeys of users on a website like amazon. There are thousands of product pages a user can visit and a user can have many sessions, where each session could be consisting of clicks and visits to many produc...

ananthbv by Node Link
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GDS graph catalog function to get all loaded node Ids

Hi, I'm trying to iterate over all nodes in a named virtual graph (created by gds.graph.create), and I can't seem to find a function that streams/returns all nodeIds back without doing any additional computation. For example: CALL

naveh by Node
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Resolved! NEuler UI difference

Hi @mark.needham, I'm having problems getting NEuler to work. I noticed the UI of NEuler I am using is different with the one in the sample video of Graph Academy (Louvain in NEuler - YouTube). Mine Sample I have updated everything I can on Neo4j B...

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jin_what by Node Link
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Resolved! Browser - node's color

About Neo4J Browser If I execute "match(n) return n" i see my graph but can not set node's color Can you tell me how to set different color for different kind of node ?

ilko_k_v by Node Clone
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Creating queries

I just spent some time debugging queries. There has to be a better ORM type driver than all this gibberish line noise? I haven't even got my query complete yet. I tried using py2neo but it seems really lacking in features, for example how do I do an...

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D_C by Node Clone
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Resolved! Database design advice: How to avoid deep query?

I am working on a game with a following graph: (User)-[:CITIZEN_OF]->(Country)<-[:STATE_OF]-(State)<-[:REGISTERED_IN]-(Business)<-[:OWNED_BY]-(Investment)<-[:REPORT_OF]-(Report) User is given access to each resource if they are CITIZEN_OF the countr...

deepak by Node Clone
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Resolved! Cypher's filter is not supported

I have e problem with 'filter'. It is no supported . Query is a part from "GraphGist - Information Flow Through a Network" Query 4 // Find all unique, simple paths from one city to another MATCH p=(:City { name: "Tokyo" })-[:BACKBONE_TO*]-(:City { ...

ilko_k_v by Node Clone
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Resolved! Skipping lines when load CSV

I have a simple LOAD CSV with a single MERGE statement. My question is: How can I skip to load an entire row depending on the value of a single field? somethink like SKIP if = 1 Thank you

How to connect to remote Graph?

Hi, i try to connect in remote to my colleague graph, but i don't know how to do it. When i insert the credential comes this error: Unable to establish remote connection: Database is unreachable with specified configuration. I want to know if is poss...

Separating Returned Nodes

Hi, The result from a simple query shows three groups of green nodes. Group A is only connected to left blue node, Group B is only connected to the right blue node, and Group C is connected to both. MATCH p=(c:cpc)-[:Classified_as]-(a:patent{num:969...


Resolved! Multiple if/else using

Hi ! I'm trying to combine the use of 2 apoc functions and I'm stuck with the use of simple/double quotes. Here is my query : CALL apoc.periodic.iterate('UNWIND $parameters as row WITH row WHERE row.RAF_ID =~ "[0-9]+" RETURN row', 'CALL apoc...

How to get edge properties in query result?

How do I get properties of edges and not just nodes from a query to the python driver? I have a query to try and find variable length paths between two nodes, like match path = (n1:page{name:'start-page'})-[*..2]->(n2:page) return path limit 5 In the...

D_C by Node Clone
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