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Node Clone
since ‎03-24-2021

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  • 12 Posts
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  • 7 Kudos given
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Hi everyone, I'm trying to get the result of the following query : match (n:Student)-[r:WORKS_WITH]->(m:Tutor) with collect( as studs,m return studs, collect( as tutors I have some students who works with some tutors. 1 or more student...
Hi ! I'm trying to combine the use of 2 apoc functions and I'm stuck with the use of simple/double quotes. Here is my query : CALL apoc.periodic.iterate('UNWIND $parameters as row WITH row WHERE row.RAF_ID =~ "[0-9]+" RETURN row', 'CALL apoc...
Hi ! I would like to use the apoc.periodic.iterate like this : CALL apoc.periodic.iterate('UNWIND $parameters as row WITH row WHERE row.RAF_ID =~ "[0-9]+" RETURN row', 'MERGE (c:Customer {raf_id: row.RAF_ID}) ON CREATE SET = trim(ro...
Hi everyone, I'm facing difficulties with the cardinality as I try to improve my skills using Neo4j with more complex queries. Of course I already read this topic but I still don't realy understand how I can get what I want. MATCH (n:AP), (m:Custome...