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Beta Opportunity for Neo4j Workspace

Introducing Neo4j Workspace We’re inviting you to check out Neo4j Workspace. Workspace combines our most powerful graph tools (Data Importer, Bloom, and Browser) all in one place to help you get up and running with graph databases faster. For experie...

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TrevorS by Community Team
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About the Neo4j Graph Platform Category

The Neo4j Graph Platform includes the core database and all the technologies surrounding the database, making it useful and accessible for a lot of different users. When asking a question, please select a descriptive label that best matches your quer...

yolande by Community Team
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Resolved! LOAD CSV taking time

Hi Everyone, I am loading a csv file to create nodes in neo4j, when I tried with a csv of around 1,000 rows it took 1 second for the nodes to be created, when I increased my dataset to 3,000 rows it is taking 15 seconds. Can someone please suggest, h...

Subgraph query in graphDB

Hi all, My problem is this: The big graph has almost 2000-5000 nodes and 2000-15000 relationships with only 4 different labels A, B, C, D and their own properties. Now, i have lots of subgraph structure, i need to search subgraph and find all the pos...

Please help me tune my query

Hi everyone please help me tune this cypher query below. MATCH (s:Survey { is_active: true }) with s SKIP 0 LIMIT 25 MATCH (s)<-[:HAS_CLIENT]-(client:Client) MATCH (s)-[:SAMPLE_TYPE]->(st:ProjectSettingEle...

I do not understand why I have this result

Hi everyone, I'm trying to get the result of the following query : match (n:Student)-[r:WORKS_WITH]->(m:Tutor) with collect( as studs,m return studs, collect( as tutors I have some students who works with some tutors. 1 or more student...


Testing helper functions

I am developing a neo4j plugin. So currently I am writing a neo4j procedure which calls a helper function ( present in a helper class ). A simplified snippet of the helper function is given below: public Result runQuery(String query, Transaction tx)...

y-pankaj by Node Link
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Get excited - GDS 1.7 is now GA!

Our 1.7 release of GDS is now GA, and available on the download center, github, and desktop The most exciting features in this release include: Introduced Link Prediction Pipelines to make it easier to define and calculate features, split your graph...

Get Leaf Nodes for all Nodes in directed graph

Hi Team, I have a simple graph that has Nodes which represent duplicate record id in the below form Duplicate Id, Original Id A,B B,C C,D X,Y Y,Z The directed graph looks like A -> B ->C ->D and I want CSV result that looks like below that will repre...

Multi label nodes

Hi! I am interested in best practices for multi label nodes. In my case I have biologist node with name, surname, age, university where he/she works and so on. So what I want to know is how many labels I can give to this biologist node, are there any...

Neo4j DB Stops unknowingly

I have installed neo4j 4.3.3 in 4GB RAM server. I had given memory allocations as suggested by neo4j-admin memrec .My DB Size nearly 1 GB .There are some miniservices are running in the server I had given 1900m for heap and 512m for page cache as s...

shan1 by Node
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Missing properties bar in Neo4j Browser

I have a presentation about Neo4j and I want to keep status bar showing nodes and relationships properties like this in fullscreen: But when the command is more than 1 line as below, the status bar is missing in fullscreen mode. So can I make this ...

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Resolved! Double splitting strings?

I'm trying an experiment that consists of ingesting a text file that has numbered questions and answers in the following format: 1.) Question : Answer 2.) Question : Answer ... I'm able to read the TXT file using the LOAD CSV function just fine. I c...

mbandor by Graph Voyager
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Resolved! Want to define a hyper-edge

A hyper-edge is a graph construct that is a relationship with 3 or more endpoints. Neo4j does not have these, but I would like to fake one in Neo4j. The idea would follow this example of modeling a contract: Create a node label called "ContractHyper...

neo4joe by Node Clone
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